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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 92
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 92 - A Night to Remember, Part II Aurora The guards at the dining room door looked atand raised their eyebrows, one looked away quickly and I am fairly sure | saw him adjust his pants. That made my cheeks burn a bit.

They opened the door, and | stepped inside. Jason was the first to look up and | am almost positive that if his eyes were not attached to his skull, they would have fallen out with how big they got. He even visibly opened his mouth like a gaping fish.

Charlie, who was talking to Ben, noticed Jason and quickly followed his gaze and practically did the sthing.

Ben was next and then Kai turned in his chair since his back was toand visibly gawked as well.

| decided to move and made my way to my chair. Jason got a grip on his composure, quickly clearing his throat and standing up to helpwith my chair.

| thanked him quietly when | sat down and noticed an exceptionally large bulge in his pants. | couldn't help but smirk. He adjusted himself before sitting back down.

| took a quick look at the others and noticed they were still gawking. | bit my lower lip in nervousness, and | heard Kai growl.

Realizing what | did, | quickly released my lip and kept looking at my hands in my lap before | asked no one in particular “Is it too much?” | looked up and made eye contact with each of them.

Charlie is the one who finally answers after what feels like an infinity of silence: “Not at all dear. You are...

breathtaking.” | felt my cheeks heat again and a smile crept on my face. | thanked him and tried to hide my cheeks in my hands.

Luckily, the food cjust in tbefore more awkward silence could take place. The food was delicious as always. | kept to myself most of the dinner, not quite paying attention to their usual business chatter. They made small chitchat here and there and it was pleasant as always.

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Once dessert was served, the servants cleared out of the hall, and it was just the five of us. Now or never Aurora.

“Master,” | began softly. | looked directly at Jason. My heart was hammering in my chest like a thousand butterflies.

“Yes, dear?” Jason asked smugly.

| decided to go big or go home. | got up from my seat and went to him. | boldly kneeled slowly at his feet and placed myself in the submissive pose.

“I'm ready Master,” | said softly.

“Ready for what slave? Be specific!” He ordered. You could tell he was smirking. He was enjoying this little game.

| took a deep breath. “I am ready to give myself fully to you all,” I said still looking at my upward-facing hands.

1/4 92-A Night to Remember, Part II | heard a sharp intake of breath and maybe a growl.

Jason’s hand cswiftly under my chin and raised my face to look at him. | stared at his beautiful eyes for a few moments, and he stared back, searching for an answer he had yet to ask.

Are you positive you want to take the next step? There is no going back,” he said gently.

‘Yes, Master,” | said. | was surprised | didn’t stutter. | was firm despite my insides doing acrobatic flips.

Since this is your first time, we can go slow. Pick one of us and we will take care of you.” He said matter-of-factly.

No, Master. | want all of you.” | said with a smile on my face. | knew the rational side of my brain was screaming YOU IDIOT! But | didn’t care. My body was on fire, and | wanted this. | wanted them. | needed this. | needed them, all of them. | know | would regret it in the morning. | have heard stories and done plenty of research, so it’s go big or go home. Since | am already home, might as well go big! And | know they are big. Like exceptionally above-average big. Very well endowed.

Go to the Master Playroom.” was all Jason said and turned his head to finish his dessert. Well, hopefully, his first desert...

I quickly and quietly stood up, kept my head down and practically ran out the doors. The guards followed close behind, but they seemed to relax a bit when | headed to the elevator instead of to the door. | rode the quick ride in silence and then rushed into the familiar space, stripped my dress off and decided to be bratty by leaving on the very skimpy lace panties. | took my position on my pillow, my naked back facing the door, kneeling in the single pool of light.

My knees were starting to ache when | heard the door open. | heard several footsteps and a loud gasp. Bingo! They saw my little present. | couldn’t help but smirk. | heard a little more movement, presuming that they were discarding their clothes like they always do. Jason in particular loves to be barefoot while wearing his dress pants but leaves his beautiful, sculpted chest bare and exposed. It's every woman's secret wet dream ctrue.

Jason cin front of me. “You are a very naughty slave tonight. He didn’t question, he told me. “Yes, Master,” | replied, a smile on my lips. “Tsk Tsk. You know the rules, yet you broke them. He again said matter-of-factly.

“Yes, Master. | again replied. | heard a few small chuckles.

“Very well. He said while he started petting my head. “Over to the bench. Now,” He ordered. Not going to lie, his deep bravado made my insides clinch. | slowly stood up, taking a moment to catch my balance since | had been kneeling for so long.

| walked cautiously over to the spanking bench and stood at the edge. Ben cover and placed a black silk blindfold over my eyes. He quickly kissed my neck before | felt someone guiding my legs into the restraints. My wrists were grabbed gently but firmly, and my body was guided across the bench, so my front was flush with the leather, my limbs were stretched, and my ass was up in the air. The cold fabric brushed harshly against my nipples and they perked up.

What's your safe word?” | was asked. “Lavender, Master,” | responded. “Good girl.” | then felt a light feather touch across my bare back, sending shivers down my spine. My whole body was feeling warm and tingly. Those shands rested gently on my hips, and I could feel a familiar and dominating presence close to my backside.

2/4 11:45 Tue, 20 Feb 92- A Night to Remember, Part II BK 7350 This process was repeated a few times. Strong hands caressed my skin. | started to give in to the sensation.

Then something cold and sharp graced my skin. It wasn’t painful but it woke my senses up. The point was small.

And then another sharper point graced my skin. And then another. | felt all four dominant men surrounding me, | was strapped down where | couldn't resist even if | wanted to.

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These sharper points continued to dance across my bare skin, like a paintbrush on canvas. Then the sharp points got a little stronger. A stinging sensation guidedacross my skin. It wasn’t painful. However, it was making my insides beclike mush.

Then suddenly, RIP! My new panties were disposed of. “Hey! | liked those.” | pouted. SMACK! Right on the ass.

“Well, then you shouldn't have worn them!” Kai teased back. | couldn't help but grumble in defeat which earnedanother open palm smack on my bare flesh.

| felt a strong hand once again caress my back, over my ass and then two fingers touch my most sensitive folds.

| jumped slightly at the surprise touch.

“We haven't even started yet, and you are already so wet for us, isn’t that right my little slut?” Jason teased.

| nodded because he was continuing to tease my entrance and | was feeling like | was on cloud nine. If | wasn’t tied down, | would be pushing into his fingers. SMACK! “Words, Aurora!” He ordered.

“Y-yes Ma-Master,” | breathed out. “I-I-1 am your dirty little slut!” I hear him hum in satisfaction before his fingers leaveand | whimper.

SMACK! “Patience love!” That was from Charlie. | exhaled deeply. | hate being patient. They know this! Once again, the feather-light touching resumes on my back, my arms, my bare ass, and my legs. Never where | wanted them the most, but they teased close to my sacred princess parts. It's so soothing and yet so fucking frustrating.

Then SMACK! A slap on the ass. More touching and they whisper sweet nothings, telling| am a good girl for taking it.

SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! But this twith a cat-of-nine-tails whip on my ass and thighs. Light enough force so it brings just enough sting to makejumpy. And then more sensual caressing.

SMACK! And | let out a moan because this smack was a paddle but on my sensitive wet folds. More caressing.

They praisefor doing so well. My body shutters and my heart swells. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! A riding crop | think on my exposed thighs. That little extra bite of sting makesgroan out in pleasure and pain. My breath is becoming more labored as my insides continue to drown in want and need.

They repeated this process repeatedly. My body is shaking with the sensations. Each tthey whip my body, they increase their force. It’s becoming more painful. My body is feeling sore, and each sting is sharper and more sensitive to the touch. Now the light caresses are even stimulating a brutal response.