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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 86
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he Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 86- Answers. Part 1 Aurora POV “Once upon a time” Dimitry begins, an evil smirk on his face. | am seriously panting heavily right now; my leg is throbbing, and I continue to feel a steady warm stream of blood cascading down my leg and a nice pool of red paint on the floor. It runs a small river to the metal grate on the floor and disappears. There is a strong coppery smell that hits my nose. | scrunch my face in pain and disgust.

Dimitry gets up from his seat and walks behind me, slowly like every step is calculated. | hear sclinking on a metal table before he returns with a lighter and a clear container full of black sand. The bastard lifts the lid near my face, and | get a strong whiff... gunpowder! Oh for fucks sake! Dimitry sits down casually on his stool, paying attention to the floor, being careful not to step in the growing puddle of blood near his feet.

“Where was I? Oh right, Once Upon a Time, there were two families. Neighbors, friends, colleagues. The men grew up together, never wavering in their friendship. Their names were Ivan and Henry. Scalled them brothers. They cfrom two different foreign families. One from Russia, and one from Ireland. But that didn’t matter to them. They didn’t see countries. They saw the person. They did everything together. School, sports, even girls. They were inseparable. Until a wee little vixen cinto play named Sophia. He spat Sophia's nwith such ferocity, that | thought his teeth would fly across the room.

| hadn't noticed how he had sprinkled the gunpowder onto my stab wound, being engrossed in his tale until he stopped and holy guacamole did that burning sensation makewant to scream bloody murder. 1 grit my teeth tightly and tried to muffle my sound. | did not want to give this ass that satisfaction. He took a moment to smirk before he lifted the lighter in front of me. Click! And a flappeared.

The seemingly innocent amber flicker of heat was now my greatest fear. My heart instantly picked up pace at an alarming rate. He then quickly brought the flto the gushing wound.

Pain. Searing, ripping pain. | watched as my leg sparked like a firework and heat spread across my thigh like | was placed in the deepest inferno of hell.

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“Ahhhhhhh!” | scream so loudly that if there were windows, they may have shattered at the high decibel frequency belting from my mouth. | can’t help but struggle in my restraints trying to get away from the burning flesh. My burning flesh. If | was panting hard from the stab wound, | was practically hyperventilating now.

Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Fuck that hurts. Inhale, exhale.

Seemingly unperturbed, Dimitry continues: “Henry and Sophia becclose. They started dating and soon Henry 1/3 11:43 Tue, 20 Feb t 85 - Answers. Part 1 started to distance himself from Ivan. You get the picture,” he stated.

497341 When | didn’t respond, he grabbed my chin with so much force between his thumb and fingers, that | was afraid he’d crack my jaw. “I expect your full attention Aurora! It’s bad enough you tried to run away from me!” He spat.

I nodded my head vigorously, not trusting my voice. He let my chin go. That's definitely going to bruise later.

“Anyway,” he continues in a huff, it turns out that Sophia’s grandfather was a weapons smuggler. A powerful one at that and looking to expand his dealings. He was claiming the city they lived in. Henry was soon recruited and given a rank position because of his relationship with Sophia. Sophia wasn’t as innocent as everyone believed.

Ivan soon learned the hard way coming hlate one night from the store. He had to pick up medicine for his dear sweet mother, who was very sick at home. As he rounded the corner to his street, he could smell burning wood. A soft orange glow was down the street, close to where his hwas. He quickened his pace. But what he saw was disturbing.” Dimitry took a breath. He twirled the scalpel in his hand between his fingers.

“Do you know what he found?” Don’t do it Aurora, my inner conscience warned me. But do | listen, nope! “Hmm.. a leprechaun riding a unicorn on the end of a fucking rainbow?” | spit out sarcastically.

a Dimitry glares at me, clearly seething in anger. He licks his upper teeth before biting his lower lip, exhaling a huff through his nose like a bull.

A moment passes while | watch him twirl the scalpel in his hand again. | blinked and then BAM! Fucksideways and calla box of skittles, that hurt! | scrunch my whole face in agony. | open my eyes slightly to find the silver metal sticking out of my right arm..

“No!” Dimitry says through his teeth. “He finds his house completely engulfed in flames. His whole family was inside that house... Sophia, Henry, and a few other men are leaning against the fence across the street, watching. He puts his hand around the scalpel and then pulls it out.

Bitch that hurts! | keep my mouth shut by biting my tongue and tasting the copper trickle down my throat.

“Henry supposedly looked remorseful. But Ivan was in his grief consumed with rage. He had no idea why he was targeted. But at that moment, he wanted blood. He went across the street and went to strike Sophia, only for the men around the couple to stop him and give him a beating within an inch of his life. His once so-called brother didn’t do anything to stop it. Just stared at him.

Well, lvan was a smart man. Young. Resourceful. Over the next several weeks as he healed, he spent all his tlearning more about Sophia’s family and their illegal activities. The police turned their backs, refusing to help Ivan with the legal way to seek justice, being bought by his enemies to do so. So Ivan sought the illegal way.” His story was interrupted by my blood-curdling scream as he once again placed gunpowder on my open wound and then lit it on fire, cauterizing the gaping hole in my flesh, and searing it like a steak without the garlic butter sauce Not even flinching, he continués but puts his knife down at the table behindand instead begins a slow pace around. me, like a shark stalking his prey. “So what did Ivan do? Ivan found the biggest competitor to Sophia Legatos family 23 86 Answers. Part 1 The Romanovs.

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He joined their ranks and within two years, was their fiercest, bravest member. He killed without mercy. He beca strategist of epic proportions. He got himself noticed. The boss called him one day to promote this young soldier and reward him for his loyalty only to find out when he finally reached the boss's office, it was his mother’s uncle! Naturally, the boss immediately took Ivan under his wing, and they devised a devious plan while Ivan was trained in the art of criminal war.

The next several years were fueled by hate and anger. The two rivals battled in the city, the state, the country, and then the world. Both families rose to unspeakable power, Henry eventually married Sophia while Ivan married a sweet girl, Sasha, from Russia. They went on to have families and both men were groomed to take over the respective businesses.

One night, the Legatos clan, now under Henry MacCartney went too far. Sof the original family members were mad that Henry was given the keys to the kingdom and attacked the Romanov family during Ivan’s only son’s baptism. It was a low blow. Children were off limits. Sadly the little boy died, along with many of the family members.” Dimitry stood in front ofnow with a cat of nine tails in his hand. But this wasn’t like the sensual leather whip used in Jason's red room. No, this whip was courser and had sharp metal shards at the ends.

Fuck, this is going to hurt. And sure enough, a whizzing sound is heard before a sharp SMACK is heard echoing off the concrete chamber and a hot burning sensation is radiating across my skin. | feel the sting across my chest and near my neck. | look down to see my thin shirt torn in lines, red stains are forming around the fringe.

ow,” | “Ow,” | muster softly. | feel myself slipping into darkness and my energy is fully spent. The pain is like a bad sunburn. | can feel the heat of it coming out of my skin. | try to hold back my tears but they silently start falling.

“We (WHAP) are (WHAP) not (WHAP) finished!” WHAP. WHAP. WHAP. WHAP. WHAP. He continues to lash my right side, and left side. The leather straps catch my chest, my neck, my arms, my legs. The last whack hits the side of my face.

My whole body is oozing thin lines of blood, red welts are forming. | feel like my skin is swelling, especially on my face. After the third whip, | can no longer form any energy to scream.

| hear buzzing in my ears, my eyes becblurry and eventually darkness takes over.