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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 80
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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize 80 - Click Aurora POV “Father?” | was stunned. A million questions continued going through my head like a cheetah trying to catch its prey in a thunderstorm.

What? How? Why? When? My Father. He was dead. | mourned him. The men in black cto the house and told my Aunt. | watched her collapse on the ground in sorrow; | heard her screams of pain.

She huggedon the floor for hours until | fell asleep in her arms. | remembered the numbness. And yet here he was, in the flesh, holding onto my arms, a smirk on his face that highlighted that woman-swooning dimple he always liked to show off.

No. This man was not my father. If my father was alive, he would have cfor me. Right? He should have cforwhen Aunt Maggie died. | shouldn't have had to go to that terrible home. No, this man was not my father, he died 18 years ago shortly after my mom. | had no family left. | had made peace with that.

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| snap out of my inner turmoil when | hear the tap of expensive shoes on the marble. “Stephen! We need to get the shipments...” | turned to face the man of my nightmares, still in the clutches of the man who was supposedly responsible for 50% of my DNA, and he stopped right in his tracks, his face frozen in shock, phone in his hand.

A moment passes before he smiles wickedly, and | see a dangerous glint in his eyes, and begins to step closer to me. “What are you doing out of your room, princess?” Maybe now is not the right tto be a brat but it's just too good an opportunity. “I'm just going for a walk.

Figured since the leash was off your dogs, I'd chase them in the garden and frolic in the flowers.” Dimitry, my devilishly handsnightmare also known as the bastard extraordinaire exhaled a breath with a bored look on his face before he pinched the bridge of his nose with his hand. “Go back to your room Aurora. | will be up later. | have enough problems today.” Yeah, no thanks asshole! | gave my best flashy smile before adding “Yeah, fuck you!” And | quickly and tically pulled my arms from my father, | mean Stephen’s grasp before | sidestep him and try to rush out the door. Keyword: try. Because just as quickly as | tried to get out the door, a firm grip was in my hair and a burning fire coursed through my scalp as | was yanked back with tremendous force, and | was instantly wrapped in a strong death grip embrace.

My body flushed with the sculpted stone chest of the walking embodiment of that decently-looking Satan. I'd call him sexy, but one I've seen a lot better, four to be exact and two, his handslooks were only a facade to mask his pure black soul. | yelped in pain and his grip on my head tightened even more and he forcedto look up to his face.

His eyes were almost black, and the anger on his face was as clear as a sunny day. If | could look into his soul at this moment, | think it would promisea world of pain and terror.

1/3 Die in babe. Pull the charmed con be vopred voting na dacht 11:42 Tue, 20 Feb ti 80- Click Realization hitlike a bulldozer. | could have punched myself. | can’t believe it wasn’t loaded. That was the first lesson | ever got from Kai. | should have known it was empty. It didn’t feel as weighted. Rookie mistake.

Dimitry’s smirk turned to stone as he grabbed the gun while grabbing my wrist in a death grip.

“Oh sweetheart,” he cooed, stepping so close his hot breath hit my face, | could smell a hint of cigars and mint.

“You had your fun, now | will get mine!” He growled.

He took my wrist and so swiftly twisted it and turned my arm, so it was behind my back. An unpleasant shooting pain blinded my mind. | tried to struggle out of his hold, but Stephen was there and cagedin by holding a firm grip on my shoulders. A look of pain and sorrow on his face.

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| continued to struggle against my captors, begging them to letgo. | unsuccessfully tried to kick, punch, and slap anything | could, only to have a tighter grip on my extremities that madescream in pain.

When Dmitry leaned down to whisper in my ear, | took a chance and slammed my head against his. Fuck that hurt! His grip loosened but not by much and it was only a second before he tightened the grip. | swear my bones were cracking. Was this man made of stone? ite sat s Dmitry spat sblood from his mouth straight on his tile floor without concern. Good! My victory was short- lived though.

My other hand was brought swiftly behind my back and I felt him pull my wrists together and a little clanking of metal. | struggled against the tight chain, and | could feel vibrations from Dimitry’s chest on my back. He was laughing at my futile attempts.

With a huff, | let my defiance deflate slightly once | was tightly bound. Hot tears cascaded down my cheeks, staining them once again.

Dimitry gaveanother kiss on my forehead before giving a new order to Stephen. He said “Take her to the black room. | will punish her after we take care of the shipments. He released his hold onand walked out the door, putting his Bluetooth device in his ear. Stephen’s hot hands quickly grabbed my arms and proceeded to dragthrough the house, kicking and screaming, to a new set of stairs leading down.

Well, this is going to be fun.

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