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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 56
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56 - Daddy Just Y Tove it when you by Ka | mean Daddy, growls again and this the moves the thin fabric with his fingers and Shunty as my te hlips. Hmmm soop wet for Daddy! He purrs as his fingers continue to spread my as and my flow. His nudd finger finds my clit and starts circling it quickly while his lips have attached om my nipple that be freed from the lause. The sensations are sendingover the edge, | can feel the pressure Buliding miside the The postes two Ingers moide the suddenly, and | gasp at the intrusion, opening my mouth wider for his tongue to push dinuigh and continue so paint my tongue with this.

“You are so tigir baby he whispers when he pulls away and shoves his fingers deeper insideand begins a Sosuring motion His foretread is resting on mine and our breaths are short and heavy Tima sig suddenly say, embarassed. My cheeks feel hot, and 1 feel a little panic in my chest.

“Samm it's okay taby Daddy says softly, noticing my rising anxiety. He kisses my flushed cheeks sweetly, never stopping his pumping Angers, I don’t know what comes overin that instant, but | feel the need to touch him. | trace my hand down to his pants and fee for hand bulbs spainst the Sabric Before | chicken out and place my hand under the waistband and latch my hand around fic member be instantly grow and he pushes his fingers even harder inside me. He begins a come- filter motion got on my spot and | start seeing stars. | somehow manage to pull his member out of his pants and contmur do stroke fim up and down. | have never done this before, but | follow my instincts. He is panting more pinot my skin, so | ass| am doing something right. | feel wetness at his tip, and | circle my thumb around, spreading the wastes une tis suh tight mushroom top before returning down his length.

the its so long, and | can feel the ribbed veins popping out creating an incredible texture against my hand. He speeds up the fnges insideand | am so tigin inside | feel like I am going to pee.

Stupired to peer | all but steam, but he doesn’t stop! To my low to say darkly inossing his pace which makeswant to match his pace on his own member “You are door to cum. Let it go. Peter and let it go sweetbean. CUM NOW!” be commands, and | explode shouting “DADDY!” thy insides feel like a freeos and my muscles inside pulse like heartbeat. | literally feel like | am peeing and can’t stop it. Kadr’s fingers showed down while | was pulsing and shortly after 1 heard a grunt and then hot sticky wetness all over my hand and wrist. He is stating on top of me.

Recurves this Augers and squeal at the loss of contact. He Kisses my forehead sweetly before he moves next tothe bed to off or treats continue to be heavy. Oh my god, my first orgasm and | fucking peed on a fucking Gresk mi i cover my far with my hands to shand | hear a dark chuckle and the bed shaking next to me.

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| am so sorry | start mailing and feed tears in any eyes as Kai removes my hands from my tomato face.

1/3 56-Daddy “Why sweetie?” Kai asks with an amused smile on his face. His head is propped up on his right hand and he is holding my hands together near my chest.

“I peed on you! | don’t know w-what happened!” | began to cry. Since when the fuck did | becso emotional! “Shhhh it's okay baby.” he sweetly says, stroking my cheek and wiped a tear away. “You didn’t pee. You squirted.

And it was fucking hot!” he says, a lustful sparkle gleamed his eyes which made mine widen and my cheeks flush even more. “So fucking perfect!” He groans and once again kisses my forehead before he gets up out of bed and heads into the bathroom. A few moments later | hear water running and he comes over to my side of the bed, liftsup bridal style and takesinto the bathroom. He satdown on the closed toilet seat. | see the extra-large bathtub being filled and the room smells of vanilla, my favorite! Kai removes my clothes, and | am too tired to fight him. He then removes his and picksup and takes us both into the bath. He sits behindand letssnuggle into his chest. | feel so drained, | just want to close my eyes and | do. | drift in and out of consciousness. | briefly wake to feel someone dryingoff and then | feel like | am being placed on a cloud and warm strong hangs circle me, creating the best blanket.

Before | completely succumb to the darkness, | feel lightheaded and then suddenly jolt awake! | am sweating and my body feels warm. | am alone in my bed; the nightlight is shining brightly in my room. | am panting and my core feels ho But what is most surprising is the wet puddle around my shorts and on my sheets. | was sitting in a puddle of liquid. It wasn’t real. Not again! What are these men doing to me? Damn ovaries! Kai POV It's been a several hours since our date. | had to review the training schedule for my Omega team and then | was going to head to the warehouse. Ben has new weapons we need to test out this week.

| decided to go check on Aurora before heading to my room. | opened the door and saw Aurora sleeping on the edge of the bed. I noticed a pile of sheets rolled up and placed near the side of the bed when | sit near her and am curious what happened.

| caress her cheek softly and then I sigh. | could stay with her all day. | moved a stray hair behind her ear that had fallen in front of her face. | kiss her cheek lightly and make sure she is still comfortable before | extract myself from the side of the bed.

| whisper in her ear “I am so proud of you my angel” as | watch her succumb further to her dreams. She is so perfect! | pull the silk covers over her bare shoulders. Her soft cheeks are flush and bright red, her luscious mouth slightly open, ber breath is light. She looks so beautiful.

| quickly left the room feeling my pants begin to tighten, tiptoeing and closing the door quietly,and gave orders to the guards to make sure she stays in her room. | went two doors down and entered my room. | don’t have any family photos or any special mementos. It’s plain. Dark furniture, a king-size bed with blood red sheets, dresser, a desk in the comer. A large TV mounted on the wall.

A few books are on my desk. | don’t spend there and that’s okay.

2/3 56-Daddy | go into my closet and change into black work pants, my lucky black belt, Prada dress shoes, a black Armani button down shirt. | leave the top two buttons open. | brush through my hair a few times. Grab my pocketknife and tuck my gun in my waistband.

| leave my room and head to Jason’s main office. Jason is probably still in there working away on the latest shipments. | know we still have a mole problem, and | am going to go to the warehouse and meet up with Ben. | can’t wait to get my hands dirty. Our men better have found something by now. We thought we found our main problem with Thomas, but those little cockroaches keep popping up. Everyone and their mother want a piece of our empire, it’s just the nof the game.

| entered the office to see Jason on the phone, he is livid. When he is mad, he paces and his face looks like is going to kill. I love that face. It means | get to have fun in the dungeons.

“Get those mother fuckers and their families. | want them in the dungeons YESTERDAY!” he seethes as he hangs up the phone. Yes! | internally do a happy dance. | can’t help but let a big smile adorn my face.

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“Did we get one of the problems?” | ask calmly, sitting down in one of the golden chairs in front of Jason's large mahogany desk, playing with the knife between my fingers | took out from my pocket.

“Harold and a few of our newer recruits decided to work with that scumbag Renaldo and his little band of misfits.

They tried to skim ten mill from the top.” Jason says exhaustingly and plops in his chair.

“Ben and | can handle him. Ill call Carson on my way to fillin.” | say matter-of-factly with a shrug. This is my thing.

“How’s Aurora?” Jason asked with a smirk on his face. By the look he was givingand the twinkle in his eye, he must have checked in on the security cameras we had hidden in the room.

“She’s asleep, but you know that already!” | say returning the smirk.

“Hmmm was the response | got and a bob of his head in agreement.

We both sat in comfortable silence for a minute before he started to sort through his papers on the desk and | stood up and headed to the door.

“Kai!” Jason shouted as | turned the doorknob, and | turned around to look at my brother in arms. “No mercy.” He ordered, his aura shifted sinisterly, and his eyes darkened at the command. | nodded my head slightly and left for the garage, grabbing the keys to the cherry red Lamborghini and made my way to the warehouse. | begin plotting all the ways | am going to spill blood tonight as | sped through the dark abyss of the surrounding forest as | headed to the playground, leaving my angel safely behind in our compound.

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