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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 99: It’s Captivating Soul to Kill Ones Son and Ones Grandchildren, Autumn Sleeps Late in the West Wing
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Chapter 99: It’s Captivating Soul to Kill One's Son and One's Grandchildren, Autumn Sleeps Late in the West Wing

On the night of July 19, the barrier lake in the upper stream collapsed twice, and huge waves fell down the river.

On the evening of July 20, the flood peak reached the boundary of the Capital.

At 07:30 p.m., the Lugou bridge was cut off by the flood, and only six of the eleven arches were still intact.

At around 9 o'clock on July 21, the South Embankment had broken in eight places, officially declaring the loss of the whole line.

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The sun was blazing in the afternoon.

"Zhao Yuankun, the second son of Zhao Rongheng, has been identified!"


"Dad! I don't want to die, I don't want to..."

The executioner raised and lowered his knife, and his shrill cry suddenly stopped.

Shen Lian raised his foot and stepped on the tumbling head. A military man immediately picked it up and threw it into the torrent not far away.

Then someone came forward and dragged the headless body down.

Shen Lian scratched Zhao Yuankun's name with a vermilion red pen and then said, "Next!"

This time, it was a quiet young man of eighteen or nineteen years old who was brought up.

Jin Yichuan stepped forward and looked at the young man a few times. He then sang his name in cadence, "Zhao Shoulian, the eldest grandson of Zhao Rongheng, has verified his identity!"

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"Woo, woo!"

As soon as his identity was verified, he heard a whine from behind. Looking back, Jin Yichuan saw that Zhao Rongheng, who was tied to a wooden stake, was struggling violently as never before.

Obviously, the position of the eldest grandson in his heart was far higher than the two sons who were killed before.

If they had known that this day would come, why would they dare do such actions?

Jin Yichuan sniffed and sneered. Just as he was about to make a few sarcastic remarks about Zhao Rongheng, he heard Sun Shaozong say in a soft voice, "Draw closer and let him look carefully."

This was a hundred times more exciting than any sarcasm!

Seeing his grandson being pressed down at his feet, Zhao Rongheng seemed to be in a dream. Zhao Rongheng struggled crazily, and the wood pile that was deeply wedged into the river embankment was also swayed by him!


However, Sun Shaozong only used one cold word to crush all his struggles!