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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 87: Jia Baoyu Give his Aspiration in the Boudior and Sun Shaozong Encounter with Headless Corpse
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Chapter 87: Jia Baoyu Give his Aspiration in the Boudior and Sun Shaozong Encounter with Headless Corpse

At the beginning of July in the 10th year of Guangde, it rained continuously for several days, but it also relieved the summer heat and made the people in the Capital happy.

Only the hundreds of craftsmen in the yard of visiting parents in the Rongguo Mansion were constantly complaining. They were soaking in the mud all day and had to do elaborate work. After three or five days, more than a dozen people fell ill, and the rest were complaining constantly.

Seeing that the construction period would be delayed in this way, Jia Zhen and Wang Xifeng hurriedly gave a wave of rewards to the craftsmen. Only then did the craftsmen calm down.

However, in this way, the cost of building the yard has more than doubled the budget. Even Wang Xifeng, who was used to such extravagance, often looks at the astronomical figures in the accounts and is shocked.