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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 8: Catching the thief with a Beauty
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Chapter 8: Catching the thief with a Beauty

It was late afternoon.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants on the long street. The golden tiles on the Zhu wall are more magnificent, but the wooden leaves in the humble room looks bleak. The two are far from each other. They seem very close, but also seem to be separated by the gap between heaven and earth.

However, Ruan Rong, carrying a rattan basket, walked step by step to the first luxurious house in the East. Facing the vermilion lacquer gate studded with copper nails, she felt a little flustered for no reason.

Subconsciously, she looked back and saw Sun Shaozong shrinking behind the courtyard wall on the left. His eyes were full of encouragement and inquiry. It seemed that as long as she retreated, he would resolutely cancel the plan.

Ruan Rong finally summoned up her courage and knocked on the gate a few seconds after looking at him.

"Yes, coming!"

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After a while, someone inside answered. Then the door opened a gap slightly. A man in a green coat and a small hat put his head out. But when he saw Ruan Rong's pretty face, his eyes immediately straightened.


At this moment, Ruan Rong raised her eyebrows and flung the rattan basket to the ground. With one hand on her hips, she pointed to the gatekeeper and scolded, "Do you think you are the best by just being rich. Why do you throw garbage in front of my house?!"

It happens that the original rattan basket was full of peels and core seeds.

The gatekeeper was full of admiration. However, he was stunned for a long time when she bluntly scolded him before he responded. He frowned and said, "What are you talking about? Our family hasn't eaten lychees recently! How can it be..."

"Oh, I must have found the wrong person!"

Before the gatekeeper finished speaking, Ruan Rong hurriedly picked up the rattan basket and ran away.

The gatekeeper was so dumbfounded and watched Ruan Rong disappear into the street. He then closed the door angrily.

A moment later, Ruan Rong returned with the basket of garbage.

Sun Shaozong had been waiting for her for a long time. He greeted her and spoke highly of her, "Miss Rong, you’re amazing. The gatekeeper may have never dreamed that you were acting in front of him."

"Of course!"

Ruan Rong cocked her nose and said proudly, "My father is often cheated by me, not to mention a small gatekeeper?"

Then she said excitedly, "Let's go to the next one!"

Naturally, Sun Shaozong would not object. He hurriedly led his brothers to the door of the second mansion to ambush. This time, Ruan Rong already had an experience; thus she was much more comfortable than before. She came forward and knocked on the gate.

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The gatekeeper who came out this time was a thin middle-aged man.

Seeing that he put his head out and looked around. Ruan Rong immediately followed the script, and threw the rattan basket to the ground, and shouted, "Do you think you are the best by just being rich. Why do you throw garbage in front of my house?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, but then he blurted out a retort, "It's impossible! I've thrown them into the yard. How could it be in front of your house?!”

This is it!

"This is the house!"

Sun Shaozong shouted in his heart, but Ruan Rong shouted out excitedly. She looked back and shouted excitedly, "Brother Sun, the assassin must be inside!"

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong knew it was bad!

The gatekeeper just said that he threw the peel and core seed into the yard.