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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 36: The Reception Banquet
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Chapter 36: The Reception Banquet

At night, Ding Xiang Restaurant.

In the spacious setup hall, there were about ten tables, but only a few assistants directly under the General Judge of Criminals and the constables under Zhao Wuwei occupied four tables in the corner.

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At the round table, Sun Shaozong was the only one sitting alone at the seat of the host. His majestic figure swayed in the candlelight and it gave a sense of rustle in the air when looked at.

It would be weird if the atmosphere of the banquet could get fun and noisy!


A short and strong constable put his head over to Zhao Wuwei's ear and said nervously, "Look at this scene today, Sun Shaozong may not be able to establish himself in the Yamen, we..."

"What kind of nonsense is this, shut your mouth!"

Zhao Wuwei gave a sharp reprimand, but his heart was actually clanged like fifteen buckets in a single well. He thought that the worst thing was that the high-ranking officials won’t give him face. Unexpectedly, even the petty official in each division and department had disappeared too.

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Even if the former Prefectural Judge and the Minister of the Department Liu were “incompatible like fire and water” from the beginning, he didn't see the following officials siding a party and forming an alliance.

Maybe… Did he really stand on the wrong side?!

Zhao Wuwei has some regrets, but he recalls Sun Shaozong's words during the day, how dare he be half-hearted?

Besides, he's already here. Wouldn't leaving halfway make him be on bad terms on both sides?

The rest of them also think so.

One by one, they looked at the platter in front of them hungrily, but they just wanted to swallow a few kilograms of regret pills.

At this moment, a young servant hurried to the main table, leaned himself forward to Sun Shaozong's ear, and whispered a few words. Sun Shaozong immediately stood up and said with a smile, "Ladies and Gentlemen, a distinguished guest came uninvited, and how about going out with me to meet him?"