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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 330: The Final Verdict
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“Bring the plaintiff and defendant to the court.”

With the sound of neat tapping from both sides, Yamen Zhang, who was responsible for guarding Cobbler Wang, led him and Li to the hall.

After the two of these men and women knelt in court, Sun Shaozong patted the wood on the table and said solemnly, "Li, you just asked the government servant to report another situation. Now that I have been asked to the court for questioning, hurry and tell the situation altogether.”


Although Li had already made a wise decision at Cobbler Wang's house before, she felt a bit uneasy again when the wind blew along the way, always feeling that this matter was not so down-to-earth.

Upon seeing this, Sun Shaozong immediately hit the wood again and scolded, "Since you applied for an early trial, why are you hesitating now?”

Next to him, Yamen Zhang hurriedly urged, "The Master asked you; hurry up and reply.”

This statement was clearly for the sake of Li, but in fact, he was afraid that Li would reveal the truth.

However, Li had long heard that Lord Sun had descended from the stars and reincarnated as Justice Bao. He was most adept at avoiding all evil spirits and retreating from the gods. Now, with the reminder from Yamen Zhang, she was awestruck and forgot about her anxiety just now.

So she kept busy and said, "Reply to Your Excellency, I had harbored resentment before, so I spoke nonsense without hesitation. That day when Cobbler Wang honestly went to my house, it was not skind of affair, but to discuss marriage with me.”

Upon hearing this, Sun Shaozong breathed a sigh in his heart but pretended to be skeptical and said, "Discussing marriage? Do you have any evidence of this?”

“Yes, I do!”

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“At the end of February, I once entrusted a matchmaker to cand ask for a marriage. The neighbors all know about this, and you only need to send someone to ask.”

“Li and I have already fallen in love, but due to her son's opposition, we have never made up our minds. That night, I went to find her, urging her to marryas soon as possible.”

“Unexpectedly, her son suddenly returned and sawin the room, so he couldn't help but pounce and fight.”

“Due to my affection for Li, I didn’t fight back. I only wanted to escape home. I didn’t think that he would fall dead accidentally when chasing after me.”

After finishing speaking, Cobbler Wang knocked his head onto the ground again, tears streaming down his face, and said, "The words spoken byare true; please be clear and decisive.”

The proficiency of this line was really poor, but fortunately, the crying behind it was sincere and barely managed to salvage spoints.

Sun Shaozong was commenting with his heart down, and his body leaned forward slightly. He then asked in a deep voice, "Li, is there anything untrue about what Wang honestly said just now?”


Li looked at Wang Chengcheng hesitantly, but finally nodded and said, "There is nothing untrue. He did go to consult withthat day to discuss the marriage.”

If it were an affair, the actions of Li's son would naturally belong to the act of catching adultery. But if it were to propose marriage, Li's son's pursuit of Cobbler Wang would lose its legitimacy, and there might even be suspicion of violating filial piety.

“That's it.”

Sun Shaozong said expressionlessly, "Private Advisor Sun, let the two of them sign their statement in court.”

At the position of the jury next to him, Sun Chengye immediately flashed out and presented the document that had just been recorded to the two of them. Then... The three of them stared at each other.

Finally, Sun Shaozong couldn't bear to look at it, so he reluctantly reminded him, "Cinnabar…”

Sun Chengye suddenly realized what he had forgotten and went back to the table to pick up the cinnabar, which allowed Li and Wang to press their fingerprints on the confession paper.

When the confession was presented to Sun Shaozong, his face was as red as if coated with vermilion.

This kid really couldn’t adapt to the big scene!

Sun Shaozong was speechless in his heart, but it was difficult to share anything with him at this moment. He waved his hand to signal him to return to the jury seat and then picked up the wood and threw it heavily onto the table.

“What a mischievous woman.”

They then listened to him sneering and said, "To vent one's personal anger, you dare to speak recklessly in front ofin the hall before. It's really despicable.”

“This kind of behavior should have been heavily punished, but I remember that you are also a bereaved child, and I will only beat you twenty times on the board as an example.”

“Cobbler Wang.”

“Yes, Lord.”

“Although you didn’t take the initiative to cause the death of the son of Li, you are one of the main inducements. I will punish you for his grand burial and receive a forty-board punishment. Can you accept the punishment?”

“Yes, I’m convinced.”

Originally, the lightest exile was two thousand miles away, but now all he needed to do was suffer forty blows and mourn for Li's son. How would Cobbler Wang disagree?

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Seeing that Li was also silent and had no intention of defending herself, Sun Shaozong once again sounded stunned and shouted, "Lieutenant Zhao, stay here to supervise the execution. That’s all for today.”

When Sun Shaozong led Sun Chengye back to the back hall, he saw that a thin layer of sweat had already seeped from his nephew's forehead. He didn't look like a jury, but rather like he had been interrogated.

Without realizing it, he chuckled and said, "I just asked you to take notes in the trial, and you don't need to exert any strength. Why are you so nervous?”

Sun Chengye reluctantly smiled and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his handkerchief. He forced a smile. "I don't know why this is happening. Although I was nervous when I was in Jinling, I didn't act like this.”

Unexpectedly, this kind of effect still existed when one wasn’t accustomed to the local environment.

Seeing his appearance, Sun Shaozong couldn't blhim. So the conversation changed, and he said, "Do you know the most crucial reason why this case can be turned into a minor one today?”

This question was easy for Sun Chengye; after all, he has been responsible for overseeing this case since he took office three days ago, and the details inside have long been clear to him.

Unexpectedly, Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "Think carefully again.”

“That isn’t right?”

Sun Chengye was stunned for a moment, and then he tentatively asked, "Isn’t it because of Corspe Examiner Xu's technique to change the shape of Cobbler Wang’s son? If it weren't for his skillful hands, it would have been difficult for him to dress up that child like the son of Li.”

Sun Shaozong interjected, "What I'm asking is the key to making this case smaller, not the methods we use.”

The key?

What was the key?

Sun Chengye was completely bewildered and couldn't figure out what this meant for quite a while.

Sun Shaozong sighed and finally explained the answer, "The key to making this case a big deal small is that Li's husband was originally from outside and had no clan relatives in the capital. Otherwise, if another bitter lord cout to complain, wouldn't our play have been ruined?”

After saying that, seeing Sun Chengye suddenly feeling a bit confused again, he explained, "I just wanted you to know that when you act as an official, you must adapt to local conditions. If you mistakenly get the wrong person, the so-called clever plan will beca self-inflicted insult.”

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