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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 112: The Second Victim
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Chapter 112: The Second Victim

August 16, 2010 in Guangde.

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A sudden heavy rain in the second half of the night completely extinguished the grievances of the officers for several days. Those who had complained about *"The Master moved his mouth and the subordinates broke their legs by running errands" *before, all changed their words and praised Sun Shaozong now, saying that he has forethought and foreseen everything with divine accuracy.

If Sun Shaozong had not applied to start the construction ahead of time, even if it was raining, the attendants would not be able to rush to repair.

In contrast, if he can't enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival safely and stably, it's not a big deal.

However, Sun Shaozong was also lucky. He only saw that the Imperial Court was too dilapidated to be renovated, so he made the decision to start the construction ahead of time. However, he never thought it would be right, and that he could avoid the heavy rain.

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The attendants were relieved, but he and Jia Yucun could not rest. They arrived at the Imperial Court early morning in the rain and led the people to carefully check the situation in the examination room to avoid any further trouble when the Ministry of Rites sent people to check tomorrow.

Fortunately, the situation at the site was fairly good. Although there were room leaks, they were basically attached to the wall seams, which would not affect normal use. After all, they were all made of thin boards, and the requirements could not be too high.

After the inspection, Sun Shaozong was discussing the order of day and night duty with Jia Yucun in the temporary thatched hut when he saw several Yamen runners coming hurriedly.

"Reporting to the Prefectural Magistrate and the Assistant Prefectural Magistrate that the floating bridge has been built in Hebei. The victims of the disaster started to cross the river this morning. The Governor asked the two Masters to return to the government to discuss matters quickly!"