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The Established Siblings of the Pack

Chapter 503
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Chapter 503 Unexpected Accident

One of them appeared to be around his thirties and was about five feet seven, with a rotund belly, dark

skin, and a pair of unfocused eyes. The other was around the same age, but he seemed younger, and

he was more muscular as well.

Kingsley thought to himself, These two must be the other two members of Earthworm!

Just then, his phone buzzed. When he turned it on, he saw that he had received a message from Mr.


'Hello, Mr. Nicholson, I'm sitting right next to you now. It's too noisy here, so we can proceed with our

talk through text.'

Kingsley couldn't help but lift a corner of his lips in a smile. As expected, they were afraid of falling into

the Qustian army's trap, so they did not dare to reveal their identities as foreigners. He lifted his eyes to

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look at the man with the large belly, who sent him a perfunctory nod.

Kingsley replied through text, 'Mr. Field? The amount of explosives I'm planning to purchase is nearly

enough to clear all of your stock. Aren't you being too insincere by choosing a place like this to meet?'

The man smiled slightly. 'Mr. Nicholson, people in our line of work have to be cautious. If negotiations

go well tonight, I'll find a quiet place to go through the fine print with you.'

Before waiting for Kingsley's reply, he sent him another text. 'This question might be out of the rules,

but our identities are quite special, so I want to ask if you can tell us who you are and what you're

working as, Mr. Nicholson.'

Kingsley jolted before immediately replying, 'I dabble in the underworld; I'm buying explosives to take

over the other groups' territories.'

After he read Kingsley's message, a look of elation appeared on Mr. Field's face. He knew that in

Qustia, the army and the underworld were two sides that never got along with the other. If Kingsley

really was part of the underworld, he was definitely not sent by the army to capture them.

However, he did not drop his guard and continued asking, 'Mr. Nicholson, please don't blame me for

being too talkative, but there's something else I want to ask you. How can you prove that you're from

the underworld?'

Just as this message reached Kingsley's phone, a loud thud sounded as a luxuriously dressed young

man kicked a chair over, sweeping all of the wine bottles on the glass table to the ground.


As the sound of glass breaking sounded, the entire place erupted into chaos.

The crowd instantly dodged aside with bouts of screams, looking at the drunk man who was going on a

rampage with fear in their eyes. At the same time, the two Sweoyans exchanged a glance before their

hands immediately shifted to the back of their waists. Their expressions were taut with anxiety, clearly

suspecting that this was a move pulled by the army targeted toward them.

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Only Kingsley understood that the scene playing before him was a complete accident, but this minor

accident caused the two spies, who had practically let their guard down entirely, to become cautious


With a slight frown, he looked at the drunk young man, feeling a trace of fury boiling in him. As the

saying went, a small leak could sink a big ship. During an undercover mission, every mistake that

appeared in each step could possibly affect the big picture.

If the two spies had their suspicions raised because of this and went into hiding again, it would delay

Stork's capture, and without capturing Stork, it would be impossible to find out why these spies were

hiding in Qustia. In the end, it could very possibly cause this undercover mission to fail.

Kingsley stared at the young man who was still smashing bottles in a craze, his murderous intent

practically brimming from his eyes. Meanwhile, the surrounding crowd stood far away, afraid to provoke

this crazed drunk.

Due to the commotion, the music in the bar stopped, and it seemed that some of the staff were already

calling the people in charge of the bar.