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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

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Seth never explicitly agreed to be Cicely’s boyfriend, but he never stopped her from

flitting around him either, always present, making it impossible for him to find peace.

July 27th marked a monumental day in Cicely’s life—her coming-of-age celebration.

The Creighton family went all out for Cicely, sparing no expense.

Cicely’s Mansion—a gift three years in the making—was a magnificent castle complete

with fountains, gardens, a swimming pool, and a lavish lounge. Every detail, every

amenity, was meticulously planned and executed.

The grand opening of Cicely’s Mansion coincided with her celebration, drawing P City’s

elite, the offspring of the wealthy and powerful, and even a smattering of celebrities to its


The opulent villa, alight with glittering chandeliers, left guests in awe.d2

“True to the rumors, P City’s princess really does have it all,” they whispered among


“The Ellis family spoils her rotten, with no end in sight.”

“Creighton adored his wife. It’s no wonder he dotes on her legacy, their daughter. His love

for her is deep in his bones.”

“Some say she is all beauty and no brains. Can she really handle the Ellis empire?”

“They never expected her to. Haven’t they already found a successor?”

“To have a man like Seth—tall, handsome, charming, and capable—she’s living the


Envious glances followed Seth as he made his entrance. Dressed in a designer suit, his

long, straight legs moved with a steady, rhythmic grace. His handsome features were

composed, unaffected by the bustling crowd or their admiring stares. An air of cool

detachment surrounded him, his aloofness well-known.

Only the young heiress Cicely could approach him so freely. Any other woman knew better

than to compete with Cicely’s youthful beauty, her natural poise, and her brash,

unapologetic demeanor. The battle was lost before it had even begun.

However, there were always those discontent with their lot, craving a challenge, always

looking for an angle. To them, Seth’s allure and Cicely’s intimidation were merely a matter

of weighing priorities.

Seth was essentially running Diaz International, and Creighton, to counter any doubts

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about Seth’s age and experience, stayed involved in important decisions. In truth, he was

more of a figurehead, as Seth was the one truly calling the shots.

The gradual acceptance of Seth as the future helmsman of Diaz International couldn’t

have happened without Creighton’s mentorship and support.

Seth was also deeply involved in Ellis family affairs, handling many matters Creighton

entrusted solely to him. Rumors of his influence were widespread.

Seth’s arrival stirred the crowd, prompting many to consider approaching him. He was

aware of the sideways gossip, but if it wasn’t true, he saw no need to explain—nor could

he, really.

A wave of admiration swept through the crowd as Cicely descended the grand staircase.

Her attire was always clean and sharp, never adorned with excessive decorations or

complicated designs. Her white fringed shoulder dress was simple yet unmistakably

luxurious, the hemline reaching her knees, revealing her elegantly curved legs under the

soft lighting.

Her hair, usually free-flowing, was styled to complement the dress—a low bun with a few

strands curled perfectly around her cheeks, adding a touch of sophistication. It was the

first time Seth had seen her so dressed up.

Her confidence was palpable, an almost defiant vibrancy that made her the envy of all.

Seth’s eyes narrowed imperceptibly, his gaze darkening as if thick with lust, making even

the act of looking around seem laborious.

Cicely was flanked by staircases, with Creighton and Erik descending behind her. Before

they could speak, Cicely rushed down the stairs toward Seth.

“Hey, Cicely.” Creighton tried to call after her, but his voice was lost as she made a beeline

for Seth.

Shaking his head with a resigned smile, he knew she hadn’t changed one bit over the

years. Erik frowned. “This is so inappropriate.”

Creighton shared the sentiment. “It’s what we’re used to.”

Erik watched as Cicely eagerly took Seth’s arm, her laughter bright, while Seth maintained

his usual stoic demeanor. With a disapproving hum, Erik scanned the grand hall and found

himself slightly furrowing his brow. “Where’s Danielle? Even if their relationship is strained,

she should at least show her face at an event like this. Is she trying to give people

something to gossip about?”

Creighton too searched the crowd, feeling a bit helpless. “She wouldn’t do that; she’s

probably just not ready yet.”

Erik’s expression soured. If not for witnessing Creighton’s kindness toward Danielle and

the absence of any negative talk about their dynamic, one could easily mistake Danielle’s

attitude as a result of Creighton’s mistreatment.

What kind of person was Danielle? She just never seemed to warm to anyone.

Cicely wasn’t short, but next to Seth, she seemed like a petite bird nestled against him.

“Have you eaten tonight?”

Seth’s gaze settled on her face as she looked up at him, a hint of makeup on her face that

couldn’t mar her flawless complexion even up close.

Her eyes were clear, as if they bore no pretense. Perhaps they never did.

When she faced him, the love she could hardly conceal seemed to have melded into her

being, becoming an inseparable part of her.

Seth’s lips parted slightly, a soft, deep voice slowly rising, “So, this big shindig and no food

in sight?”

“You planning on chowing down in front of this crowd?”

Seth didn’t respond. He wasn’t one for feasting under the watchful eyes of an audience.

“Why don’t we sneak off to the kitchen? I can have someone whip up your favorite.”

“You’re the belle of the ball tonight.”

“Not even. The man of the hour’s my dad.”

How many of them were here to genuinely celebrate her birthday? Weren’t they all just

angling for their own gains? Who didn’t know the score?

As Cicely spoke, she reached for Seth’s hand, intent on leading him away. But her

movement was countered by a gentle tug from Seth, pulling her back.

“Don’t be petulant. There are shareholders and partners here you need to meet.”

“Why should I care about them? You know them, and that’s enough.”

Seth’s brow furrowed slightly, his gaze on Cicely cooling. “Don’t think about leaning on

anyone. No one’s gonna be there for you forever.”

Cicely faced him squarely, staring for a moment before her eyebrows lifted in a playful

smile, “I’m not counting on anyone else. Just you.”

Seth’s fingers twitched subtly.

“Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”

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He remained still.

Cicely’s patience wore thin. Ever since he had made her a promise, he had never given

her a straight answer. She knew his nature; he wouldn’t openly acknowledge it, so she’d

taken it as a given. However, he seemed to never quite offer her a sense of security,

allowing her closeness, yet always somewhat aloof.

Taking a deep breath to quell the rising anger, she restrained her temper and looked at

him, “By the way, what did you get me for my coming-of-age gift?”

She swiftly changed the subject, and Seth paused momentarily, but before he could

speak, Cicely cut him off. “Forget it. I’m not in the best mood. On any other day, even a

piece of candy or a grain of rice from you would’ve made me happy. But now, unless it’s

the one thing I want, anything else you give me is worthless trash.”

The atmosphere, once cordial, had suddenly shifted. Cicely’s words spared no feelings.

Seth’s expression, however, remained impassive. “What do you want?”

Cicely’s lips curled slightly in defiance. “You’d give me anything I want, right?”

She didn’t let him answer, “Yes, that’s right. Today’s my coming-of-age, a once-in-a-

lifetime event. It’s significant. Even if it’s… you have to make me happy, right? I assume

you can’t give me a gift that might get thrown back in your face. If you don’t know what I

like now, then whatever I ask for, you’ll satisfy, right?”

With so many eyes on them, and Erik and Creighton watching from the nearby staircase,

Cicely was deliberately leaving Seth no room to back down.

“I’m asking you, what do you want?” Seth’s expression remained indifferent, devoid of any

fluctuation. Even when the statement was repeated a second time, there was no trace of


Cicely chuckled, stepping closer to Seth. They were inches apart.

She slowly raised her hand, caressing Seth’s collar. “Do you really not know what I want?”

Seth’s eyes lowered, his gaze lingering on her face as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Cicely smirked, tilting her head, the light accentuating a hint of allure at the corner of her

eyes. Her hand finally rested on his shoulder, and she rose slightly on her toes, leaning in

close. “Don’t even think about backing out now, Seth. You’re mine for life.”

As her words fell, she tightened her grip on his shoulder and boldly kissed Seth.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!