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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2116
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At that moment, Phoebe desperately wanted to ask him why he cared about such things, but she feared the

answer might be one she didn’t want to hear.

She clung to her fantasies, scared to shatter them.

She had been rather dismissive of Angie's suggestion earlier, but now it hit her that maybe there was struth

to it.

Maybe she should try dating, get to know what it feels like. Maybe what she felt for Azriel wasn't really love.

With a deep breath, she stacked their plates together. “Of course, I'm choosy. Otherwise, | wouldn't still be

single,” she said, picking up the dishes and heading toward the kitchen, chopsticks in hand. But her answer

didn’t reassure Azriel.

He followed her into the kitchen and saw her turn on the tap, ready to wash up. He frowned, took her by the

hand, and pulled her away from the sink.d2

“What are you doing?”

“I didn’t hire a maid to be just for show.”

Without further discussion, he led her away from the kitchen. Clutching her delicate wrist in his hand, he

remembered the sensation of having her close during the party. She was slight, her waist so slender. She had

looked stunning at the business dinner, his own creation.

Now out of her fancy clothes and makeup, she was simple and pure—a side of herself he was sure she hadn't

shown to other men. And yet, now she was contemplating love, even marriage.

He couldn’t explain the tightness in his chest, but he couldn't deny she wasn’t wrong either. He let go of her

wrist and stared at her clean, innocent face for a few seconds before letting out a deep sigh and patting her

head gently. “A girl needs to take care of herself. If you do find a boyfriend, be sure to bring him by for my

approval. Not just any guy is worthy of being your boyfriend.”

A knife seemed to twist in Phoebe’s heart. She had been avoiding this very question all night, not wanting to

face it, and here he was, giving her the answer in another form. Thankfully, she hadn't impulsively confessed to

him, or she would surely be another Alivia.

To him, she was the grand-daughter of his mentor, perhaps a cherished younger sister, but not the object of the

affection she wished for. She could have figured it out herself eventually and let go, but he chose tonight to give

her such a brutal answer.

Suppressing the sourness rising within her, she adjusted her composure and, with a forced smile, looked up at

him. “Sure, | know... Definitely!”

Her smile was too bright, as if she harbored a strong yearning for a romance yet to begin.

Azriel looked down at her smiling face, his hand still resting on her head, his eyes deep and dark. “Why are you


Phoebe paused, “I'm not crying.”

She knew whether she had cried? After all, what she had mastered over the years was how to hold back her


“It's getting late; I'm going up to rest. You should sleep soon too.”

Phoebe bent her knees slightly, dodging Azriel’s hand, and dashed up the stairs with agile movements.


Azriel, in the end, arranged a driver for Phoebe to ferry her to and from school. Phoebe didn’t protest; after all,

she couldn’t expect Angie to go out of her way to pick her up every day.

The Alonso family’s affairs seemed to have settled for now, and Phoebe racked her brain but couldn’t imagine

how Wendy could stir up more trouble.

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The news was still hot online and in business circles the next day. Even at school, many classmates were

discussing it. After all, many students aspired to join the Alonso family’s empire.

Now with the Alonso family changing hands and Chloe taking the helm, speculation about the company’s future

was rife. While Chloe’s competence was evident, corporate transitions and reforms inevitably lead to upheaval

and potential problems.

Phoebe had always kept a low profile at school, and few knew she was the Alonso Corporation's second

daughter. Aside from a few wealthy peers, she didn’t mingle much.

However, Alyna’s scene at the school gates had exposed her identity somewhat. As she entered the campus, she

drew a lot of curious and sympathetic glances. Phoebe was prepared for this and chose to ignore the attention.

Just as she walked into the science building, Angie bounded over and threw her arms around her.

“Hey, there’s a mixer tonight. They've been so persistent in inviting us; let's just say yes this time.”

Phoebe steadied herself from the impact and was a bit surprised. “Isn't that a bit too fast? Just last night you

started thinking about it, and today you're already diving in?”

“If we don’t hurry, all the good catches will be taken. Let's just check it out, think of it as fun. No one’s forcing

you to date anyone. | want to go, but I'm scared, so you have to cwith me.”

Angie added a whine to her plea, leaving Phoebe with little choice. She couldn't just let her go alone. What if

someone took an interest in her and she got into trouble?

“We're just going for fun. Try not to drink, or at least keep it to a minimum. Don’t let your guard down when

you're chatting, got it?”

“Yeah, | got it,” Angie nodded vigorously. “Still, I hope to find someone | click with. | want to bring him to the

class rep’s wedding to make a statement.”

Phoebe gave her a look. “Don’t do anything foolish.”

“I won't, | won't.”

“Where is it?”

“Hehe,” Angie chuckled, instantly putting Phoebe on high alert.


“It’s nothing serious. The club is owned by the Ziems family. It's safe.”


Today was video conference day at Obsidian. Damon and Seth were already in the conference room.

Azriel looked worse for wear, his fatigue plainly etched between his brows and a shadow casting over his eyes,

his usually calm and indifferent face now tinged with defeat.

The two typically aloof men gave him an extra glance that day. The man who always appeared full of vitality at

work, as if it was his lifeblood, was showing a different side.

Azriel leaned back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose, clearly bothered by their piercing looks. “If you

have something to say, just say it!”

Damon, sitting at the head of the table, scrolled through the news on his phone. When he cacross a picture

of Chloe, he casually saved it. Glancing up, | couldn't help but throw another look his way. “It’s not every day |

see you like this, so tell me, have you been indulging a bit too much, or are you left unsatisfied?”

Azriel’s hand froze mid-air, shocked as he turned to face the man at the head of the table, but within moments,

his expression returned to normal. Damon's hidden attributes, slowly being unraveled by a woman, were indeed

a marvel.

“On what basis do you ask?” he inquired.

The question was met with a cold, scornful look from Damon, but Azriel couldn't help but sense a hint of


His brow furrowed, and his demeanor grew serious. “What now?”

Damon shifted his gaze away, coolly remarking, “Looks like someone’s not quite satisfied.”

Azriel rolled his eyes. “Since when do you care so much?”

“It’s certainly not you I'm concerned about.” Damon's eyes didn’t leave the photo of Chloe on his phone as he

spoke, “It’s just a shto waste all that effort Chloe put in for you.”

Azriel was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Damon frowned slightly, looking up with undisguised disdain. “How have I never noticed you had so many

questions before?” His expression, paired with those words, was akin to saying, “How can you be so dense?”

To think that Azriel, the acting CEO of Obsidian Corp, was being treated as “dense” was nothing short of


Seth chuckled lightly, “Unfulfilled desires really aren't a good look.”

Azriel turned to see the striking man, clad in an expensive, creaseless charcoal suit, even while seated. His

defined fingers toyed with a pen, weaving it through with an air of boredom, his smile cool and detached. “If you

really need to, just letknow, and I'll make the arrangements.”

Azriel looked away, replying flatly, “No need.”

Despite their seamless collaboration, Azriel felt uneasy around Seth. The man was a prodigy, having famously

pulled several companies from the brink single-handedly, and his rapid success was astonishing. Azriel couldn't

believe Seth had cso far without sexceptional tactics, .

Damon might be unorthodox, but he was decisive and open in his actions, unlike Seth, who was cunning and

ruthless—a wolf in sheep's clothing. A slight misstep, and you could be left with nothing.

While there was no open conflict between them, instinctive caution prevented Azriel from letting his guard down.

“Don’t be shy,” Seth said with an undetectable smile, as if oblivious to the guard Azriel put up. “We must

celebrate the flawless resolution of the Alonso family issue. I'll handle tonight's party.”

Damon piped up, “I'm a family man now, so make sure it’s all above board.” With the boss joining in, Azriel

couldn't refuse without causing offense.

Seth nodded, a smile still lingering. “Of course. But let's skip the milk.”

Damon simply replied, “Keep it on hand.”

Seth laughed softly, but the conversation ended there.

Azriel took a deep breath, massaging his temples as the faces began popping up on the conference room’s LCD


Colorado appeared, water dripping from his hair, “The post-shower Adonis has arrived. Let's give him a warm


Everyone else sighed.

Colorado brushed back his hair, peering into the camera.

“Damon, are you mooning over your lady again?”

“Seth, picked out your next unlucky victim?”

“And Azriel, what's with you? Just back in the country and you look like this? Not taking well to the local scene, or

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“Seth, don’t spend all your tscheming against those poor saps. Think about all those sweethearts in your

circle waiting for someone to swoop in.”

Seth’s face maintained its easy smile. “I'll take care of it tonight.”

Colorado exploded, “So I'm going to miss out?”

After much tization, he finally resigned, “Fine, I'll sit this one out. But take care of Azriel. The whole

company’s counting on his tireless efforts! His well-being means a lot to us!”

Even though they were accustomed to Colorado’s antics, his knack for catching them off guard never failed to

leave them at a loss.

Azriel tolerated Colorado's occasional clowning, which was neither discouraged nor encouraged. Lightening the

mood wasn’t a bad thing, but today, he found himself too easily irritable.

“Alright, let's get this meeting started!”


When Kane heard that Seth had arranged the celebration at one of his venues, he couldn't hide his excitement.

Always one for a good party, he even set up special entertainment.

The party was in the second-floor VIP room, with panoramic windows offering a clear view of the first-floor


Kane had organized scompanionship for the evening. The women, likely instructed beforehand, occasionally

cby to offer refreshments, refill drinks, and did nothing more.

Kane kept a watchful eye on Damon’s mood, anxious not to offend. When one of the women cto pour a

drink, he quickly took the bottle to serve Damon himself.

Damon gave him a fleeting glance, and Kane chuckled nervously, “Don’t worry, Damon, I'll guard your virtue for

your lady's sake.”

Without explicit instructions, no one in the room dared approach. The paid companions could only gaze from a

distance, feeling both regret and relief.


The first floor was thick with smoke, the air a mix of alcohol, perfume, and tobacco.

Phoebe walked in, instinctively frowning at the smell. Angie, who was actually quite timid, clung to Phoebe’s arm

from the moment they entered. Her lovely eyes were a mix of excitement and fear.

The first floor of the club was pulsing with anticipation, the DJ's beats and the ever-changing lights setting the

mood for the night.

Phoebe’s nerves were on edge as she noticed occasional glances from folks nestled in the booths, adding an

unnecessary layer of tension. “Why here, of all places?” she snapped, irritation lacing her tone as she turned to

the group of guys behind her.

“Thanks,” she muttered.

He nodded, “No problem.”

Once they were ushered to their booth, the server took their drink order as per the reservation.

Angie exhaled, “It’s so lively here...”

The server, sharp-eyed and quick to pick up on their newbie vibes, grinned and said, “You folks chose a great

night to come. The boss is hosting sVIPs tonight, so we've lined up sspecial entertainment...”

Angie blinked in surprise, “VIPs? Who could possibly be considered a VIP by Kane?”