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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2041-2050
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Before he returned, Seth had found Cicely’s words in the car utterly baseless

and irrational.

What had he said to her? He told her not to be too greedy, and not to be so

fussy. He accused her of sentencing him to death without cause, of making a

fuss over nothing.

When she said she could forgive him even if he fooled her just once, he told her

she was living a lie, and it was meaningless.

What else did he say? He mentioned he needed to think about whether he really

liked Danielle and that maybe he could give it a shot with her.

Enter title…

The memory of Cicely standing at the car door with that panicked and helpless

look in her eyes resurfaced in his mind. A bitter taste suddenly rose in his throat,

and as Issac clasped his collar tightly, Seth’s hands clenched into whiteknuckled fists at

his sides.

She had given him so many chances, even waited for him to deceive her.d2

Seeing Seth’s stricken expression, Issac, regardless of his own raging anger,

realized he had to step out of their world. Issac let go, stepped back,

straightened his clothes, and left the bedroom.

The room fell silent.

Seth gazed at her for a long moment before slowly approaching her. “Why didn’t

you say anything?”

Cicely looked sideways at the slight gap left by the closet door not being

properly shut. “I guess I felt it would be too dramatic to say it out loud. Besides,

what’s done is done. Speaking about it won’t change anything. Why humiliate

myself further?” She threw his earlier words back at him.

“I’m sorry.”

A flicker passed through Cicely’s eyes as she slowly turned to meet his gaze.

“The last thing I wanted to hear was an apology because I really don’t want to

tell you it’s okay. It’s all so trivial, confirming indeed that you messed up, and it

doesn’t undo what’s happened.”

Seth watched her silently, as if waiting for her to vent all the pent-up resentment

in her heart.

Cicely took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again,

she looked at him with a faint laugh, “Am I being unreasonably stubborn again?

Are you always right, and everything I say is just adding to my mistakes?”

As she spoke, she glanced casually at the digital clock on the table, then

lowered her eyes, concealing the turmoil behind them, and spoke indifferently.

“I’m going downstairs to join Grandpa and Dad for New Year’s Eve.”

Seth stepped forward, “I’ll carry you down.”

Cicely turned her head away, her posture as she sat waiting for him to carry her

was notably stiff and unwelcoming.

Seth bent down, his long arm sweeping under the bend of her legs, his voice

low and dim as he spoke. “I didn’t go to the hospital.”

Cicely wrapped her arms around his neck to avoid falling. She didn’t respond.

Seth lifted her up and headed for the door, continuing, “Because I seriously

violated traffic laws.”

A sardonic smile played on Cicely’s lips. She had seen it all before.

“U-turning on the overpass, driving the wrong way, crossing the median. I got

detained, and had to pay a 200 dollar fine.”

Cicely’s brows twitched, and she looked up at him. “What are you trying to say?”

“Nothing much, just I deserved paying my fine for leaving you there.”

Cicely pulled a wry smile, “Don’t shift the blame to me. I’m not the one who

made you lose points or pay a fine.”

Seth cast a glance down at her, stopping by the stairwell wall to carefully set her


Cicely frowned, looking at him with her injured foot raised. “Do you think now

that Issac is gone, you’re the only option I have to get downstairs?”

Seth grasped her waist and leaned in close, his back slightly bending to meet

her forehead, his voice carrying a hint of hurt as he reiterated, “I didn’t go to the


Cicely’s eyelids flickered slightly. She was once again struck by how deviously

manipulative this man could be. He was actually playing the victim and acting

hurt, and she was amazed he had it in him.

“Not going to the hospital is a regret? I never stopped you from the beginning,

so there’s no need to feel hurt with me, and you won’t gain anything.”

Seth’s grip tightened slightly, his voice deep and husky, “Do you really have to

play dumb with me?”

Cicely’s frown deepened, “While wasting time with me here, aren’t you afraid

Danielle might actually drop dead in the hospital without seeing you?”

Anger began to cloud Seth’s eyes, his emotions turning murky. “You don’t have

to say such nasty things.” His breath lowered, “That was not very wise to make

you into someone you are not because of her.”

Cicely chuckled lightly, “Perhaps the truth is harsh. What’s the point of living a


Seth’s eyes darkened further, a flash of sharpness passing through, quickly

suppressed. “I shouldn’t have said those things in the car. I didn’t go to the

hospital, I never considered liking her, and I wasn’t really planning to try with

her. Stop using those words against me, okay? They were wrong. It’s my


His current attitude gave Cicely an illusion, that to continue arguing with him

seemed pointless. It made her feel even more like a petty, vindictive shrew.

But if he admitted he was wrong, did that mean the pain those words caused

could be completely erased?

She closed her eyes, pushing down the sadness in her heart.

Her slightly pursed lips were seized by his cool ones, gently probbing, “The

countdown is about to start. Even if you don’t forgive me, can we leave this

behind? Let’s welcome the new year together, okay?”

Leaving this in the past year and starting anew the next?

Cicely was carried downstairs by Seth, and both Erik and Creighton looked a bit

weary. It wasn’t common for people their age to stay up for New Year’s Eve, so it

must have been tough for them to hold out until now.

However, seeing Cicely seemed to invigorate them. “Let’s hurry, the countdown

is about to begin. Let’s go outside for the fireworks.”

The TV show was also gearing up for the New Year’s countdown.

Seth wrapped Cicely in a blanket and a warm down coat before carrying her


In the yard, Brody and a few men had already set up the fireworks, ready to be

ignited at the right moment.

The TV in the living room was turned up to the loudest volume, the thrilling voice

counting down second by second.

“Ten, nine, eight…”

“Five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year!”

The final second ticked by, and the fireworks in the backyard ignited, shooting

into the sky with a cacophony of whistles and pops. They exploded in a dazzling

array of colors, painting the night with their brilliance.

Amidst the festive clamor, Cicely thought she heard Seth’s voice near her ear.

She paused, turning to look at him with a puzzled expression, “What did you just


Seth looked down at her, his dark eyes reflecting the colorful lights from the

distant fireworks.

A faint smile played on his lips, and the icy look in his eyes seemed to melt

away as he gazed intensely at her, then leaned down to gently peck her lips.

“Happy New Year.”

Cicely’s eyes flickered with a hint of subtle disappointment, but it was fleeting.

She looked back up at the sky and replied softly—

“Happy New Year.”


Happy New Year.

There was the new year, but joy seemed absent.

Cicely’s winter break was marred by a foot injury that set her back over twenty


Even so, even after a spat they had on New Year’s Day, Seth, upon returning to

work from his holiday, still bombarded her with a flurry of company emails. He’s

determined as ever.

Bored at home, Cicely read a couple out of the ten emails and then spent her

time tucked in a corner of the living room, piecing together a castle from a set of

building blocks she’d bought.

Seth came home several times to check on her progress, and finding it wanting,

he went straight to Creighton with his complaints.

Creighton could hardly contain his bemusement as he pointed at her, and from

then on, he took it upon himself to supervise her. Even as she sat in the corner

building her castle, Creighton would drill her on the company’s history, the

famous projects they’d pushed forward, their progress, outcomes, and the

comprehensive reasons behind their inception.

Cicely’s head spun with the daily analysis. She chewed Seth out in her mind

while stacking blocks—a grown man, tattling, of all things.

Danielle’s condition was not dire. The checkup revealed minor issues but

nothing significantly worrisome, only a slight delay in her recovery.

Seth still visited her occasionally, accompanying her to the hospital when it was

time for her bandages to be changed. He even went so far as to bring in a

renowned rehabilitation specialist from abroad. The Ellis family also extended

their utmost support.

Whether Danielle was spurred by some unseen motivation, her cooperation with

the therapy was surprisingly zealous, and her recovery progressed remarkably.

After New Year’s Eve, Cicely stopped bringing up Danielle. It didn’t matter if

Seth visited the hospital, arranged for experts for Danielle, or ensured someone

was always there to watch over her. Sometimes, Seth wondered if he was

uncomfortable with a life too tranquil.

Cicely fought with him over Danielle, and he was dissatisfied. Now that she no

longer made a fuss, he was still displeased.

He felt Cicely did not really care about what he did. It’s like as long as he was

there in the end, she could tolerate anything he did. He did not like this feeling.

Once Cicely’s foot was nearly healed, Seth brought her back to his side. He

personally drove her to the office, ensuring she stayed within his sight, whether

she was playing or dozing off from boredom.

He had even set up a desk for her in his office at Diaz International, right next to

his own. Her desk was smaller, a bit shorter than his, and whenever he brought

her there, her petite figure seated beside him exuded an air of endearing

obedience that he found quite pleasing.

Aside from work, she took an interest in almost anything. Her desk soon

became cluttered with little trinkets, including some on his desk—everything she

deemed unsightly was replaced with items she favored. He let her be.

The progress on their wedding home was on track for completion in two months.

Wedding planners had begun to consult with Cicely on the details, and she

spent her days in front of the computer in discussion. Every now and then, she

sought Seth’s opinion, which he occasionally provided with superficial

consideration. Eventually, Cicely found his advice lacking and stopped asking.

The venue was set in P City’s largest church, a testament to the Ellis family’s

penchant for indulging their loved ones. The church was funded and built by the

Ellis family over a decade ago, as a gesture of goodwill and safety for their

daughter who had married abroad.

The hotel was the most luxurious one in P City.

Just the selection of these two sites had made Cicely’s wedding preparations

the talk of the town, with everyone eagerly anticipating the event.

Cicely had become quite the busy bee, taking on some of the Ellis Group’s less

crucial matters since Seth had oddly entrusted her with them.

Though reluctant, she had picked up a few things, and she was getting to know

the company’s leadership quite well.

But life in the Ellis Group always came with its share of troubles, so she

preferred spending her time at Diaz International. Lounging idly there was

easier, as there was no need for her to get involved in company affairs.

Seth never hid anything from her. So, when she overheard Seth mentioning a

software project that had been in preparation since last year, requiring a

substantial investment and loan arrangements with the bank, curiosity got the

better of her. “What kind of software development requires such a huge sum?

What field is it in, and are you confident about it?”

Seth replied coolly, “Sixty percent confident.”

Developing the software was one thing, and market adaptability was another. If

it couldn’t seamlessly integrate into the market, failure was the only path that

awaited him.

Cicely frowned, clearly puzzled. “The Ellis Group has been dragging on that

mechanical construction project until now, and you know my dad has been

holding onto it for you. You pass up a project that’s practically handing money to

you to chase a new development you’re not entirely sure of. Two years of

preparation, and you’re only sixty percent confident now.”

“You want to prove yourself, to claim your dignity, not to play second fiddle to the

Ellis family. C&P has already succeeded, and now you’re the one calling the

shots at the Ellis Group , with notable results. Now who would dare to speak ill

of you? People are falling over themselves to get in with the Ellis Group . So

why does it seem like you’re the only one running in the opposite direction?”

Seth’s face was stern, his voice low and serious, “I’m not avoiding the Ellis

family. This project was something I intended to pursue from the start,

regardless of whether the Ellis family extended an olive branch or not.”

Cicely took a deep breath, “But what if it fails? What will become of Diaz

International? Seth, why not let Diaz International take shelter under the Ellis

Group’s wing? They can invest in your development project.”

Seth pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly irritated by Cicely’s suggestion, “I

don’t need it. If I truly fail, then the Ellis Group can consider taking over Diaz

International without any resistance.” To acquire a shell of a company would be

a piece of cake, wouldn’t it?

“Even if the Ellis Group did take over Diaz International, it would be for the good

of Diaz International.”

Seth inhaled deeply, “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Aren’t you busy planning

a wedding? That should be more important to you right now.”Cicely watched as Diaz

International began to buzz with activity. The newly

established Engineering Department was already in full swing with a senior

engineer at the helm. It was apparent that Seth had been planning for this

moment for years, with a team ready to hit the ground running.

She knew that the best way she could support him was to stand back and let

him take the reins, even though she wished she could do more to help.

Opportunities for her to get involved were just scarce.

On a quiet afternoon, Cicely took a stroll through the Engineering Department,

where the team—dressed in their plaid shirts and casual blazers—worked

diligently. They were the epitome of understated brilliance, their fingers dancing

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Enter title…

across keyboards as screens filled with cryptic code that Cicely couldn’t begin to


Her impending marriage to the head honcho of Diaz International was no secret

in P City, so her presence in the department went largely unremarked. The

place was abuzz with rumors of her being a pampered lady, hardly a tech wiz,

making the complex code on screen all the more alien to her.

The department manager, Camden, a tall and lean man sporting a slick suit and

a confident air, made sure to greet her with a touch of charm. His humor and wit

were a breath of fresh air in the otherwise grave environment, making him the

darling of the coding engineers.

“Ms. Cicely, here for an inspection, are we?” Camden quipped with a grin, as

Cicely casually scanned the rows of computers, humming thoughtfully.d2

“Do you have any instructions for us, Ms. Cicely?” Camden asked, following her

gaze to the screens full of incomprehensible code.

Cicely glanced at him and then at a nearby workstation. “How are other people,

like me, supposed to make sense of all this code?” she inquired.

With a knowing smile, Camden nodded to the engineer at the desk, “Show our

future Mrs. Diaz what we can do.”

The engineer swiftly switched screens and within moments, following a flurry of

keystrokes and one final resounding press of the Enter key, a simple animation

graced the monitor. A white kitten, lollipop in paw, bounced across the screen

under the twinkling words “Wishing Mr. Diaz and Mrs. Diaz a lifetime of

happiness.” The animation was simple, but the speed with which it was created

impressed Cicely

“The code may be difficult to understand, but the result is clear enough,”

Camden remarked with a smile.

Cicely nodded, genuinely impressed. “You guys really are quite something.”

“Thank you for the compliment, ma’am.” Camden replied.

After Cicely left the department, she immediately started Googling introductory

courses in engineering.

Later, Seth returned from a meeting to find Cicely squinting at her computer

screen with such intensity, he teased, “Planning on going blind?”

Cicely shot him a sidelong glance and continued her focus on the screen.

“Meeting over, huh?” she replied nonchalantly, eliciting a frown from Seth who

took a glimpse at her screen and saw the C programming language. “Why are

you looking at this?” he asked, puzzled.

Cicely replied with newfound interest, “It’s fascinating. I visited the Engineering

Department today, and they whipped up an animation for me in minutes. It

seemed magical.”

Seth chuckled, “You won’t get it. You might as well give up.”

Cicely glared at him but didn’t persist, although she wasn’t ready to give up just

yet. A few days of learning and the ty could wear off, but she wasn’t about

to guarantee anything to Seth.

To Seth’s surprise, Cicely’s persistence outlasted his expectations. For a week

straight, she devoted herself to mastering C programming language, bringing

her books to the office and frequently visiting the Engineering Department. She

was scarcely seen except for lunch and at the end of the day.

Her casual approach to college, where she was known as the little princess of P

City, seemed to work in her favor as no one expected her to fail. The campus

had become more of a hobby, with occasional visits to maintain appearances.

During one of those visits, Joel struck up a conversation about coding, and

Cicely, now with a bit of coding knowledge and confidence, admitted she was

studying it too. Joel invited her to join a club at school run by a senior who was a

programming whiz.

[Does he have the patience for it?] she typed back to him, aware of the slight

irritation she had been causing at the Engineering Department.

[Of course, and you’ve got me, right?] Joel assured her.

[Fine, I’ll check it out tomorrow,] Cicely agreed with a sigh.

The next day, Camden and a few engineers couldn’t help but suppress their

excitement when they realized Cicely wasn’t accompanying Seth to work.

Camden cautiously asked Seth about her whereabouts.

“She’s at school,” Seth replied casually, and Camden’s mood lifted slightly.

Perhaps having Mrs. Diaz around wasn’t so bad after all—it meant no overtime

work for them.

Without hesitation, Cicely joined the club Joel had mentioned. It turned out Joel

had learned more than she had, and he patiently tutored her through the basics.

Before the after-school club wrapped up, Joel casually handed Cicely a USB

drive, given her noticeable dedication to studying these past few days, he

couldn’t resist asking:

“Why are you suddenly interested in coding?”

Cicely toyed with the drive in her hand, replying nonchalantly, “Just seems cool

and interesting. Seth’s working on a new project, and I figured I might be able to

help him out if I learn a bit.”

Joel’s eyes darkened slightly, then he let out a resigned sigh, “Since it’s software

development, it’s probably all advanced code. We’re talking a good three to five

years before we’re at that level.”

Cicely didn’t seem bothered, “Knowing a little is better than nothing. At least I’ll

understand what they’re talking about.”

After thinking for a moment, Joel nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, Cicely lifted the USB drive, “What’s this for?”

Joel then remembered, “Well, that’s got a program I developed with a friend.”

Cicely uttered an acknowledgement, about to plug the drive into a computer,

“Let’s see what it’s about.”

Joel quickly restrained her wrist, “Wait a second.”

“What’s up?”

Joel explained, “It’s a blank drive. The program code is embedded within. It’s a

virus. You can’t see it.”

Cicely’s mouth hung open in surprise, “A virus? So what happens when you

plug it into a computer? Does it just die?”

He nodded and then shook his head, “The drive has a huge capacity. Once you

plug it in, it’ll automatically back up all the stored files on the computer at

lightning speed. Once it’s done copying, the computer will crash.”

Cicely looked repulsed, “Then how do you use it? Even if you copy the files,

what will hold them for extraction?”

This seemed to be Joel’s pride and joy. The usually modest and polite boy now

displayed an unmistakable air of satisfaction. “The ‘virus’ will only spread to one

computer. On the second machine, it acts like a normal USB drive, but the files

are hidden and need to be cracked to show up.”

Cicely found this intriguing, “Is this to prevent corporate espionage?”

“That’s the idea if you have a specific target.”

Cicely shook her head, “Sounds complicated. Where’s the decryption code?”

Joel shook his head, “Still working on it. It needs time.”

“So why give it to me? It’s useless to me right now.”

“I wanted you to have a piece of my achievement, as a keepsake.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow and slipped the drive into her bag. “Make sure to send

me the cracked version when it’s ready.”

“Of course.”


Dusk had settled. The two chatted as they made their way toward the school

gates. “Did you arrange a ride? I can drive you home if not.”

“No, it’s fine. Seth said he’d pick me up.” Cicely hadn’t finished her sentence

when someone bumped into her shoulder, causing her bag to fall and her to

stagger, but Joel quickly steadied her.

“Sorry.” The person mumbled an apology. Cicely wasn’t one to hold a grudge,

but before she could regain her balance, Joel stepped in front of her,

protectively moving her behind him.

Cicely, puzzled, peeked around and saw Ray, whom she hadn’t seen in a while.

Ray seemed to recognize them too. His gaze lingered on Cicely before he let

out a sardonic laugh, “Ms. Cicely, aside from everything else,

there is something destined between us, right?”

Ray looked haggard, the once polished young guy now appeared disheveled.

His long hair was carelessly styled, and his chin sported a patch of stubble. His

clothes were wrinkled. It was clear he was trying to maintain his image, but the

effort only made his disarray more evident.

Although Cicely was almost raped by him, given the whole story and what lay

behind it, she actually felt Ray had been dealt a raw deal.

With his penis ruined and hiss family fortune lost, Ray’s current state evoked a

twinge of pity from Cicely.

“Mr. Ray, I assume there’s nothing else?” Joel interrupted, wary of Ray’s attempt

to converse with Cicely.

Ray’s laugh held a hint of scorn, “No. The Ellis family’s darling is loved by all, I

hear. You’re getting married in a month, I guess congratulations are in order.”

Without waiting for a response, he turned and walked towards the school


As they watched Ray disappear into the distance, Joel finally relaxed, turning to

Cicely. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. You had me covered.”

Joel bent down to pick up her bag, dusted it off, and handed it back to her. “Talk

about bad luck, I thought you wouldn’t see him at school. And yet, here we are,

running into him on the last day.”

Cicely took her bag, her voice tinged with confusion, “Last day?”

“Ray came to school today to drop out. With everything that happened at home,

and it’s probably best he leaves, given how he’d be treated here.”

Joel left the sentence hanging, but Cicely understood what he meant. “I see,”

she responded flatly, “I guess that makes sense.”

“Now his family is just him, and those who used to flock around are now

avoiding him. I heard he sold off his properties a few days ago, not sure what he

plans to do.”

Cicely paused, “Sold them?”

“Yeah.” Joel nodded, “There are plenty of rich kids around here; a few bought

from him. If he’s planning to use that money to make a comeback, that’s great.

But there’s the fear he might do something drastic. I heard he had a serious

clash with Seth not too long ago. You might want to warn him to be careful.”

Cicely’s expression grew somber.

At the school gate, a familiar luxury car with its hazard lights flashing was

waiting. The understated, yet imposing black sedan was boldly parked right at

the entrance. Clusters of students leaving the school cast curious glances its


Cicely recognized the car immediately. She stopped and turned to bid Joel

farewell. The silent vehicle suddenly sprang to life as Seth emerged, dressed

sharply in a suit, his demeanor austere, drawing murmurs from the onlookers.

Nobody could mistake him. In the hallowed halls of the prestigious academy, it

was rare to find a young prodigy who, even before donning their graduation cap,

had already carved out a substantial niche in the elite echelons of the business

world. He was a legend whispered about in the corridors and classrooms, his

name synonymous with success and mystery.

His visits to campus were infrequent, his presence more myth than man to most

of the students. Thus, when he did appear, it was as if a celebrity had walked

among them, causing a stir of excitement and awe.

Cicely was mid-farewell with Joel when a sudden chorus of animated whispers

erupted around her. A gaggle of girls huddled by the nearby school monument,

their excitement bubbling over as they bounced in place, their voices a mix of

disbelief and delight.

Was all this fanfare really necessary?

She turned slightly, casting her gaze back to Seth. Well, perhaps the fuss was


Just right now, his expression was less than pleasant. His brows were furrowed

in a frown, his stance aloof, as if the weight of his glare could be felt from a

distance, cold and as deep as an abyss.

Cicely belatedly pieced together the puzzle. Right, that man had a minor clash

with Joel before.

Joel had been kind enough to part with friendly advice, cautioning her to warn

Seth to beware of a certain Ray. Comparing their temperaments, Seth’s current

demeanor seemed rather off-putting.

“Alright, I should head back. Take care on your way,” Cicely said, choosing not

to provoke him further despite her lack of enthusiasm for his attitude.

Joel replied with a smile, nodding. “You too, and remember, if you run into any

trouble, just give me a shout. I’m here for you.”

“Will do.”

They exchanged smiles and waved goodbye, but Seth’s expression only soured


It wasn’t until Cicely approached him, seeing the stern cast of his face up close,

that she felt a mix of irritation and amusement bubble up. “Who got under your

skin?” she asked, a teasing lilt in her voice.Seth shot Cicely a frosty glance, “How come

you’re hanging out with him?”

Cicely replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world, “We’re in the same

class and part of the same club. Isn’t it pretty normal for us to hang out?”

Seth turned and opened the passenger door. As Cicely bent to get in, Seth

grabbed her arm. “What club are you talking about?”

“Uh, the coding and programming club.”

Seth narrowed his dark eyes, “Still can’t shake off this hobby, huh? It’s been

quite a while. How come the enthusiasm hasn’t faded?”

Enter title…

Cicely smiled, her eyes curving, “I’m surprised myself that I’ve stuck with it for so

long. Who knows? In a few years, you might be offering me a high salary to

work for you. Let go. You’re hurting me.”d2

Seth released her arm with a snort and a chuckle, “I bet you haven’t written that

many lines of code. If a corporate spy got their hands on you for a little

interrogation, I doubt it would take two minutes before you’d spill all my secrets.”

The smile vanished from Cicely’s eyes. Glaring at Seth, she retorted,

“Underestimate me? I could last five minutes, at least.”

“Heh,” he couldn’t help but laugh softly, his lips curling. “Get in the car.”

Cicely huffed and slid into the seat.

As soon as the car started, Cicely began to recount her recent run-in with Ray.

Seth hit the brakes, glanced at her, then eased off again.

“I’m fine. Joel was there too, didn’t even get a chance to exchange words with


Seth’s lips tightened slightly.

“Ray was at school today to drop out. I heard he’s sold off several of his

properties, too. Joel’s worried he might do something drastic again, especially

towards you…”

“Can’t you speak without bringing up Joel?” Seth’s voice was heavy with

displeasure, cutting her off mid-sentence.

Cicely paused, “Of course, that’s what I think too.”

The car sped up, taking Cicely straight to her apartment.


With just a month until the wedding, July was shaping up to be the happiest

month of Cicely’s life. Her birthday, her marriage anniversary, and her wedding

day were all coming up.

Her wedding dress had been custom-made by a designer Seth had flown in

from France a couple of months ago. It was due to arrive any day now. The

jewelry was specially ordered by Creighton from Belgium.

The wedding home was finished, decorated under Cicely’s meticulous

supervision, with every detail personally designed and arranged by her. After all,

it was where she and Seth would spend their lives together.

Some custom furniture was still due to arrive, but that too would be sorted out in

the next couple of days. Seth was so worried about her overdoing it, and he had

carried her back from the wedding house several times.

He had scolded her in various ways. She had pleaded for mercy, and Seth had

believed her, for a while. But she would dare to do it again next time.

The last time was just the day before when she received a call from the

renovation company saying that the custom furniture had arrived and needed

her direction for placement. She was about to leave when Seth pressed her to

the bed, leaving her weak and unable to get up until the next day.

After the Seth’s threats in bed, she was scared out of her wits, swearing she

wouldn’t dare again. Now, recalling their shameless romp, she didn’t even have

the courage to face people outside. Cicely chewed Seth out a countless number

of times alone in her room for being a brute.

Seth had Charlie take over the finishing touches on the renovation.

The third day before noon, Seth called Cicely to Diaz International.

Desperate to get out, Cicely got ready as quickly as she could, digging out

summer clothes that would cover her up as much as possible.

Black slim pants, and a white ruffled silk blouse – she was wrapped up tight.

Just stepping out of the car downstairs, Seth’s call came through. “Where are


“Downstairs at the company.”

“Wait there, I’ll come down and take you to lunch.”


Seth raised an eyebrow at Cicely’s outfit today. He’d never seen her dressed like

this before. She looked like a delicate girl who somehow managed to pull off the

look of a professional woman.

“Aren’t you hot?” he quipped, noting her long sleeves and pants, which seemed

out of place in the summer heat.

Cicely shot him a glance, “Whose fault is that?”

Seth caught on instantly and chuckled lowly, wrapping his arm around her waist

as they left the building.

The lunch venue showed he had put in some effort, and the food was decent.

“You didn’t call me out just because you found this nice restaurant, did you?”

“No. I’ve got a surprise for you this afternoon.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow, asking a somewhat silly question, “What kind of


Seth just looked at her, saying nothing.

Cicely didn’t press further. A surprise wouldn’t be a surprise if it was revealed

ahead of time.

After lunch, Cicely leisurely savored her cake, taking in the tastefully decorated

restaurant. She was quite pleased until she noticed Seth checking his watch for

the third time, deflating her mood. “Do you have urgent work?”

Looking up at her, Seth’s gaze was calm and serious, “She’s being discharged

from the hospital today.”

Cicely paused, remembering her father mentioning this the day before, which

she had forgotten.

Swallowing the last bite of cake, she casually remarked, “Well, let’s go then.”

Seth’s eyes followed her hand as it rested on the fork beside her, his

unfathomable dark eyes briefly betraying an indiscernible emotion. “Finished?”


Standing up, Seth said, “Then let’s go.”

Cicely took her time drinking some water, then slowly rose to her feet, flashing

Seth a smile as she approached him. He took her hand, and they left together.

“Did you finalize the script you’ve prepared for her?”

“Mhm.” Seth buckled her up with straightforward honesty, “It’s C&P’s big feature

this year.”

“But the script you picked for Emiliana wasn’t from C&P, and she even won an

award for that role. Big features aren’t exclusive to C&P, you know.”

Cicely turned to look at the man whose expression was a bit tense. Her smile

deepened, “Remember our deal, okay? Once she’s discharged, you promised

her a role in a show, and then you’re free of any entanglement.”


Cicely didn’t say much more. She had been holding back until now, just one step

away from the outcome.

At this point, there really wasn’t any need for words or actions. It should all go


Danielle got discharged, and started filming. Cicely would marry Seth, and they

would announce it to the world.

Everyone would be happy, square and fair.

At the hospital, everyone was there. Erik, Creighton, and Patty.

Everything was packed up. It seemed they were just waiting for them, or rather,

for Seth alone.

Danielle was dressed in a plain, ankle-length dress, revealing a stretch of her

slender, pale leg, moving as gracefully as before.

When Seth arrived, Patty finally breathed a sigh of relief. “Alright, let’s head

home. I can’t stand another second in this hospital.”

Cicely was holding a bouquet of flowers, but seeing Danielle, she didn’t seem

inclined to hand them over. Instead, she just raised an eyebrow and smiled

faintly, “Congratulations on your recovery.”

Seth stepped forward, handing over a folder to Danielle. “The promise I made to


Danielle took it, flipped through it, and found a script. Her grip tightened

suddenly, and looking up with a laugh, her eyes began to fill with tears. “Are you

that eager to be rid of me? I haven’t even left the hospital, and you’re already

looking to sever ties?”

Seth’s face was impassive, “A discharge gift.”

Danielle bit her lip hard.

Patty quickly came to soothe Danielle, glaring at Seth, “Couldn’t you have

picked a better time to give this to her?”

“Sooner or later it had to happen. She knows it well. Filming starts next month.

You’re the lead actress. Be prepared.”

Danielle’s tears fell in drops, infuriating Patty to the point of clenching her teeth,


Suddenly, Creighton spoke up with a stern voice, “Enough! If you want a role,

the Ellis family has plenty of resources to help you. We all knew what you were

thinking when you made that deal with Seth. Having agreed to it has already

granted you significant favor. Now that we’re simply fulfilling a promise, do you

still expect to choose a time that suits you?”

“And what time would that be, to your liking?”

Cicely was taken aback; her father seemed unusually firm today. Danielle had

not even left the hospital and was already feeling slighted by Seth, and now her

father had given her another blow.

Danielle’s face froze, apparently not expecting Creighton to speak those words.

Her tears, in Cicely’s eyes, were like a fountain, flowing on command, never

drying up.

“Creighton, what nonsense are you spouting at such a time?” Patty was getting

frantic, glaring at him.

“Nonsense? Cicely and Seth are about to get married. When does Danielle plan

to give up and leave them alone?”

“We came to pick her up from the hospital, and what then? She sat there

determined to wait for someone. If she doesn’t move, we all have to sit and wait

with her. No matter how spoiled Cicely might be, she’d never stoop to such low,

selfish, disrespectful behavior. For years, the Ellis family has offered her nothing

but genuine care, and what has it gotten in return?”

It turned out Danielle was really waiting for Seth. Cicely regarded Danielle with

eyes brimming with irony.

After Creighton finished his words, he pulled Erik up, who was sitting in a chair,

leaning on a cane, with a scowl that barely hid his exhaustion.

“If it were just me today, I could wait with you. Your grandfather, at his age,

came personally to take you home for lunch, and you have the nerve to sit here

waiting. You really are something.” Creighton took almost every ounce of temper

he’d ever had in his life out on Danielle. Danielle had quite the skill to drive such

a gentle and courteous man to this state.

Danielle’s eyes blinked, and she suddenly realized her fault, but she looked up

not at Creighton or the tired-looking Erik who was still hungry. Instead, her gaze

was fixed on Seth, who stood beside Cicely. Even in embarrassment, it seemed

she only cared about Seth’s opinion.

Cicely walked to the bedside and tossed the bouquet she had been cradling into

the trash bin. She approached Danielle, her smile chillingly cold.

“What are you going to do?” Patty said defensively, stepping forward to shield


Cicely’s lips twisted into a discernible curve, her clenched hand in her pocket

gradually relaxing. “Why so nervous? Do you also feel Danielle indeed deserves

a good scolding?”

“Danielle, as the Ellis family’s granddaughter, it’s okay for you to be proud and

arrogant. But you need to know your place. If someone’s trying to teach you

manners, you should be humble enough to learn, not keep thinking you’re above

everyone else.

“How long have you lived, and how long have grandfather and my father lived?

The Ellis Group has remained stable under their guidance and is now a worldrenowned

enterprise. How many people want to connect with them, or be

friends with them? Whether they succeed or fail, even a fool can see it clearly.

How come when it comes to you, even the most basic respect is lost?

“No wonder Seth doesn’t see anything in you, and to think otherwise would be

foolish. In fact, aside from Ray, no man would be so blind as to truly fancy you.

Unless, of course, your looks have some selling point.”

Danielle was so angry she shook all over, biting her lip until blood seeped out.

Cicely chuckled, “Since you have been discharged, what’s the point in lingering

with everyone here? Go home and prepare well for your role; after all, this script

wasn’t easy to come by.”

Patty held Danielle’s trembling arm tightly, “Let’s go, Danielle. Whatever it is, we

can talk after you’re discharged.”

They had to leave eventually.

Danielle glared at Cicely’s retreating figure, her eyes filled with undeniable

hatred. Patty squeezed Danielle’s arm and patted her back gently. The tension

in Danielle’s eyes blinked away, and her body slowly relaxed.

The group reached the hospital entrance, where three cars were parked,

arranging for everyone to get in.

Cicely now stood on the hospital steps, her arm linked with Seth’s, her gaze

faint and distant as she watched Patty and Danielle inseparable like shadows.

“Seth, tell me, do you think Danielle will really keep the promise she made to


Seth looked down at Cicely with a pensive frown. “Why do you ask this all of a


Cicely looked up at him, a wry and somewhat ironic smile playing around her

eyes. “I just suddenly felt that she’s not the type to keep her word. She’s too

competitive, especially against me. She won’t just give you up. You say you’ll

take care of her until she’s better, and you’ve promised her a role in a

screenplay. Do these things really mean more to her than her own life? Thinking

about it, this deal of yours doesn’t seem to favor her much, does it? Can she

really just let it go?”

Seth’s brow furrowed deeper. “I am married, Mrs. Diaz.”

Cicely chuckled softly. “But if I can’t manage to get along with my mother-in-law,

it speaks volumes, doesn’t it?”

She sighed then continued, “As long as your mom likes Danielle, she’s bound to

dislike me. That means I could be kicked to the curb at any moment.”

A deep, cobalt flame seemed to ignite in his eyes, his voice tight with tension.

“Stop that nonsense.”

Cicely sighed again, tiptoed, and rested her chin on the man’s shoulder.

“Danielle has your all-important mother to back her up. Look at me, what do I

have? Isn’t that pitiful? Won’t you consider handing over Diaz International to

me? At least then I’d have a fighting chance.”

Seth looked at her with a light gaze. “We’ve talked about this already.”

Cicely pouted in disappointment. As she turned her head, she suddenly caught

sight of a figure standing behind the hospital’s reinforced glass door, wearing a

black hat and a black mask, revealing only a pair of eyes that were coldly fixed

on her.mHer heart skipped a beat at the sight, her body staggering slightly.

When she looked again, the person seemed to smile at her, lifting a cellphone in

their hand, then turned and disappeared around the corner.

Seth steadied her promptly. “What’s wrong?”

Cicely pointed towards the door. “I thought I just saw someone I know.” She

could only say familiar, but with that disguise, she couldn’t make out who it was.

Seth looked back, but the crowd in the lobby was too thick to spot anyone

familiar to Cicely. “Who?”

Cicely furrowed her brow in thought, then finally shook her head. “I must have

been mistakenSeth whisked Cicely back to the company without a moment’s hesitation.

The whole ride there, her mind was a whirlwind of curiosity about who that

person could possibly be. She mentally flipped through every face she

remembered, but couldn’t match those eyes with any of them.

“What’s on your mind?” Seth glanced over at her several times during the drive,

each time finding her lost in thought.

She thought about it and couldn’t really think of who that person was, so she

could only shake her head, “Nothing.”

Taking a deep breath, she expelled the frustration from her system, her

eyebrows lifting playfully as she spoke, “So, any more surprises in store for me

Enter title…

today? Don’t tell me Danielle getting discharged is your big reveal.”

Seth’s lips curled slightly, “You didn’t know she was getting discharged


Cicely pursed her lips, “Dad called me last night.”

“You think her discharge counts as a surprise?”

Cicely rolled her eyes, “I’d rather she stayed there for the rest of her life if she

wasn’t wearing you out with every passing day she spent in the hospital.”

“Then it’s not that.”

Knowing she’d get nothing out of him, Cicely switched gears to another question

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

that had been nagging at her. “Actually, there’s a lunch at home because

Danielle is getting discharged. Why did you insist on us grabbing a bite before

heading over?”

“Weren’t you satisfied with today’s lunch?”

“It could’ve waited for another day.”

Their car slipped into the company’s underground parking lot, darkness

enveloping them, the sound of the tires rolling over speed bumps echoing


“I’d hate to spoil your appetite; keeping your stomach happy seemed like the top


Cicely paused, a smile she couldn’t suppress playing at her lips, “Since when

did you get so smooth?”

“Just stating the facts.”

They rode the elevator straight up to the top floor office.

As the door swung open, Cicely fixed her gaze on Seth, her eyes sparkling,

filled with anticipation for the surprise Seth had promised.

Seth, as cool as a cucumber, took his seat and began going through paperwork

as Charlie came in to report on the company’s project progress.

Seth browsed through the documents with a calm demeanor, signing off on

them after hearing Charlie’s update. Charlie handed over the signed documents,

and Cicely hurried over, her eagerness palpable.

Seth’s eyes hinted at amusement watching her. It had been a long time since

he’d seen her this lively and spontaneous in his presence. It was a rare sight

these days, but still deeply missed.

“Where’s my surprise?” Cicely pressed.

But no sooner had she asked than there was another knock on the door. Seth’s

eyebrow quirked up as he called for the person to enter.

Charlie walked in, only to be met with Cicely’s dark, stormy gaze. “Charlie, can’t

your updates wait to be reported all at once? Do you really have to come in and

out just to catch glimpses of Seth?”

Corner of Charlie’s mouth twitched, a bit caught off guard as he glanced toward

Seth, who was busy pretending to be fascinated by his pen. “Ma’am, this work

just came up unexpectedly, and I couldn’t delay.”

Cicely pursed her lips, leaned against Seth’s desk, arms crossed, and huffed to

show her displeasure.

Charlie cast a tentative look at Seth, feeling a tad nervous. Had he managed to

ruffle the lady of the house?

With a nod from Seth, Charlie placed the latest market research report on the

desk – a hot-off-the-press issue. Seth flipped it open and glanced through it.

Charlie continued, “Mr. Diaz, there’s already a software of similar nature making

rounds on the internet, boasting nearly three hundred thousand users. Our

development is in the final stages, and to prevent these competitors from getting

too savvy about our direction, I suggest we hold off on any further market

research to keep our information close to the chest.”

Seth, looking satisfied with the report, responded, “Do you really think that the

program I’ve spent a fortune and time to design could be so easily overtaken by

those shortcut-seekers and copycats? We’ve got the patents. Let them take a

shot at it. This research shows that our brand recognition and acceptance are

on the rise. Let them test the waters for us; it’s good publicity, after all.”

Charlie nodded in agreement.

The room fell into a brief silence, broken only by Cicely’s cool stare. “Charlie,

we’re not expecting any more last-minute documents in the next half-hour or so,


With an awkward chuckle and a couple of ‘no, no’s, Charlie beat a hasty retreat

from the office.

Cicely stood up, eyes narrowed, “You’re not tricking me into accompanying you

to pick up Danielle from the hospital, are you?”

“Tired?” Seth deflected, not directly answering her question.

Furious, Cicely retorted, “I’m going to sleep. Don’t bother waking me if my

‘surprises’ are not here!” With that, she stormed off to the office’s rest area, her

face a mask of indignation.

Ten seconds.

Fifteen seconds.

A thrilled shriek pierced the silence from the rest area, followed immediately by

the door swinging open as Cicely burst out.

Seth, lounging in his chair with a pleased expression, wasn’t surprised by her

reaction; it was as if he had expected it all along.

Cicely bounced up to him, pointing excitedly inside, “When did it get here?”

“About two hours ago,” Seth replied calmly, which meant it had arrived right

around the time she had reached the company’s lobby.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” She dashed back into the rest room, a

whirlwind of excitement, while Seth watched her, amused. Her curiosity was

clearly piqued by the contents inside. He pushed back from his desk and

followed her in.

In the center of the rest room stood a dazzling pure white wedding dress, its

surface almost entirely covered in delicate diamond sparkles. Despite the drawn

curtains, even the faintest light made the gown shimmer with a rainbow of


Not a detail was spared, even the gloves were adorned. The dress,

conservative in design with an off-the-shoulder cut and long lace sleeves,

exuded an air of top-tier elegance and charm. The train of the veil was so long it

hardly fit in the room, cascading down, wide enough to cover her shoulders


She suspected every detail of the dress bore Seth’s influence, designed with

conservatism in mind.

Still, it was utterly breathtaking.

She had visited countless bridal shops before, but never had she found a dress

that captivated her heart quite like this one.

Cicely twirled in front of the mirror, her hands caressing the delicate lace of the

wedding gown she couldn’t seem to part with. “Do you think I’ll be the most

beautiful bride in the world if I wear this?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with

excitement as she clung to the dress.

Seth watched her, an amused smile curling his lips. “That’s a question for the

Magic Mirror, love.”

Cicely’s brow furrowed in mock annoyance. “Oh, c’mon! Can’t you just say yes?”

Approaching her with a relaxed stride, Seth’s fingers grazed the edge of the veil.

“Sure, you’re the most beautiful to me, but I prefer it when everyone agrees

you’re the fairest of them all. A princess only gets one answer from the Magic


Well, the guy sure had a way with words.

Delighted, Cicely whipped out her phone and started snapping pictures of the

gown from every angle.

Seth stepped back, “Aren’t you going to try it on?”

“No way,” Cicely shook her head. “If I try it on in front of you now, you won’t get

the full effect on our wedding day.”

Her eyes danced with mirth as she looked at Seth. “Just you wait until the big

day to see the magic happen.”

Seth pressed his lips together, a sign that his patience was being tested.

“I’m gonna send these pics to Grandpa, Dad, and Issac.”

A shadow passed over Seth’s eyes, a hint of displeasure seeping through his

gaze. “Do you have to share everything with Issac?”

Cicely was busy typing out a message, replying without thinking, “Uh-huh.”

But then, sensing Seth’s mood, she looked up, her eyes still warm with smile.

“Issac has always been there for me since we were kids. I didn’t have many

friends, so naturally, he’s the one I talk to the most. He even bought sanitary

pads and underwear for me during my first period. And I remember once I

stained his shirt. I think he washed it himself.”

It seemed like a sudden recollection, and now, thinking back, she blushed a bit.

Back then, boys were so concerned with keeping their image, getting

embarrassed over the smallest things. They were especially offended by things

like girls getting their periods, and the boys often made fun of girls for such


But Issac never did.

The more she thought about it, the more she realized how good Issac had been

to her. He’s quietly standing by her side, always there when needed, without a

single complaint. Because of his silent presence, she took him for granted all

these years, treating him like part of the background. But, he was as essential to

her as her nose, her eyes, her limbs – any part of her body.

Taken for granted, yet indispensable.

Cicely’s expression grew more serene as she pondered what life without Issac

would be like. What kind of Cicely would she be now?

Her contemplation caused Seth’s face to darken further.

“Cicely, what are you thinking about?”

His voice was deep and brooding, snapping Cicely back to reality just as her

phone vibrated in her hand. She looked down to find a message from Issac.

[Beautiful. You’ll definitely be the world’s most beautiful bride.]

Cicely’s lips curved into a gentle smile. See? That was the kind of answer that

satisfied a girl.

Upon seeing her reaction, Seth strode over and snatched the phone from her


He glanced down at the message Issac had sent so promptly. “I didn’t realize he

had it in him to say such things. Does that please you?” His jealousy wasn’t

even trying to hide itself.

“What girl doesn’t like to be called beautiful? Someone’s a bit too obvious with

their jealousy, Mr. Diaz.”

“Jealous?” Seth scoffed, then he tossed the phone back to her. “Shouldn’t I be?”

Cicely caught the phone, finding it amusing to see such a display from him. “Of

course, you should. Anyway, I might be out this afternoon for a bit, so you hold

down the fort at the office, champ.”

She pecked him on the lips and turned to leave, only to be yanked back by her

arm. “You didn’t mention having plans this afternoon. Where are you going, and

what for?”

Cicely thought for a moment. “Shopping.”

Seth’s brow furrowed. “Tell me what you need, and I’ll have someone buy it.”

“No need. Shopping is more meaningful when done personally.”

“I’ll have Charlie follow you.”

“Why suddenly assign Charlie to tail me? I’ll have Issac.”

Seth’s expression became even more strained.

Cicely sighed, her fingers fiddling with the smooth fabric of Seth’s suit sleeve.

“Issac and I have been like two peas in a pod since we were kids. He’s always

been good to me. He’s handsome, fit, even-tempered, and capable.”

Seth abruptly brushed her hand away, but she just laughed softly and caught his

sleeve again. “So, if there was anything romantic between Issac and me, you

wouldn’t have the change with me. If there was anything to develop, it would’ve

happened long ago.”

Seth tried to pull away, but Cicely held on tight.

“I’m married, Mr. Diaz. If you keep getting jealous, should we take out our

marriage certificate and give it a good look to calm your current mood?”

“The person who needs a good look is you.”

“Alright, alright. We’ll look at it together tonight at home.” She patted his hand

soothingly. “There, there. I’ll come pick you up after work, and we’ll head home


Seth just stared at her, and sighed.


As soon as Cicely left the office, she messaged Issac. [Going shopping.]

[Got it.]

Charlie, noticing Cicely’s departure, quickly got to his feet and greeted her. “Mrs.

Diaz, it hasn’t been an hour yet.”

Cicely gave a nonchalant “Hm” in response. “I’m leaving it to you. It seems like

you’re itching to spend more time with my husband. Didn’t want to keep you


The secretaries nearby couldn’t help but stifle their laughter at the exchange.

Charlie turned beet red. “Mrs. Diaz, it’s really just work.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow, giving him a knowing smile before heading for the


Charlie, under the secretaries’ amused gazes, carried the freshly delivered

paperwork into Seth’s office.

Seth had just returned to his desk when he saw Charlie. He stopped in his

tracks. “You, follow Cicely.”


Stepping out of the office building, Cicely found Issac’s car already waiting for

her. He quickly opened the door and stepped out to greet her. “Miss, which mall

would you like to visit today?”

Cicely paused at the door, looking up at him. “Where do you usually shop for


Issac paused, his expression subdued as he spoke, “If I’m really short on

clothes, I’ll find the nearest small department store to buy some. It’s not the

place for you, Miss.”

Cicely frowned slightly, her gaze landing on Issac’s shoulder. She didn’t have

much of an idea about men’s suits or brands. She saw him every day, decked

out in a suit and leather shoes, impeccably neat and tidy. Yet, she had never

considered that his clothes might actually be so cheap.

Suddenly, she reached out and pinched the collar of Issac’s suit. Issac flinched,

instinctively stepping back.

“Don’t move.” Cicely leaned in closer, examining it carefully. In terms of color,

fabric, and craftsmanship, it was a far cry from any of Seth’s suits.

“It’s certainly not suitable for me.” Cicely let go of his collar and gracefully slid

into the car. “Then we’ll head to the most upscale department store in P City.”



After parking the car in the underground lot, Cicely unbuckled her seatbelt.

“Issac, come with me.”


A warm feeling suddenly washed over Cicely. The words Issac used most often

in her presence were “okay” and “yes.” Regardless of whether her proposals

were right or wrong, he was always like that

They walked into the elevator, and Cicely pressed the button for the men’s

designer floor.

The women’s section was mostly populated by female shoppers, while couples

dominated the men’s section.

Cicely was now the bride-to-be who was the talk of P City, and in this luxurious

place, there was no one who wouldn’t recognize her. Whenever she approached

a counter, the sales associates would surely offer their congratulations. “Ms.

Cicely, are you shopping for Mr. Diaz?”

Cicely just smiled faintly without answering. She casually perused the suits on

display, occasionally pulling one out and having Issac, who