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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1971-1980
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Queen of the Night wasn’t a flower you could set your watch by – you knew it

would unfurl under the cloak of darkness, but exactly when remained a mystery,

which was why she didn’t plan on heading home that evening.

Creighton was out of town, and after Cicely had packed her bag and made her

way downstairs, she found Joel already waiting in the living room. A quick word

to the housekeeper, and they were out the door together.

Curiosity tinged Cicely’s voice as she asked, “Do you think the entire acre of

flower will bloom tonight?”

“Yep, that’s what the folks at the conservatory are saying,” Joel replied.

Enter title…

“It’s going to be quite a sight. Did you remember to bring the camera?” she

asked offhandedly.

Joel chuckled and nodded, gesturing towards the trunk of the car, “Wouldn’t

miss it for the world.”d2

Joel was a natural at keeping the conversation flowing, talking about everything

from the cultivation of the rare bloom to the intricacies of photography as if he

was a master of all trades.

Cicely leaned against the car door, half-listening, occasionally murmuring a


The botanical gardens sprawled over acres of land, and it took them about

ninety minutes to reach the site, which was divided into sections with different

plants cordoned off by wrought-iron fences.

Summer was in full swing, and the gardens were a riot of color as far as the eye

could see.

To the north stood a series of vast, grey-white buildings housing greenhouses

for the cultivation of precious plants and the research of new species.

These were the public areas of the gardens, open for visitors to marvel and

photograph – a profitable event for the conservatory each year. There were

already plenty of visitors wandering and snapping pictures, but Joel noticed

Cicely’s listlessness and didn’t stop the car, driving straight ahead instead. Ten

minutes later, they arrived at a secluded mountain spa resort.

“Queen of the Night usually bloom late into the night. You look like you might not

last that long, and we’ve got time to kill. Why don’t you go freshen up with a

quick dip in the hot springs? I’ll have lunch sent up to your room,” Joel


Cicely settled onto a couch in the hotel lobby, feeling the fatigue of the long car

ride. At Joel’s suggestion, she hummed in agreement, then added, “What about

you? What are your plans for lunch?”

Joel handed her a water bottle he’d just fetched from a cooler in the car and

smiled, “Some classmates have planned a lunch meetup.”

Raising an eyebrow, Cicely struggled with the stubborn bottle cap, wincing at

the pain in her hand.

Joel took the bottle back, smoothly twisted off the cap, and handed it back to

her. She took a sip and peered up at him, “You’d make a pretty great boyfriend,

you know.”

Joel was briefly taken aback, “What?”

Setting the bottle on the coffee table, Cicely elaborated, “Tall, wealthy,

handsome, smart, and you’re kind and considerate too. Some girl’s going to be

very lucky to have you.”

He watched her for a moment before letting out a sigh with a wry chuckle, “Is

that so? I haven’t noticed. But I guess it’s different for everyone.”

Cicely paused, prompting him to continue.

Joel inhaled deeply and exhaled with a shade of resignation, “Not everyone has

the patience for people who don’t matter much to them.”

Cicely’s eyes shifted slightly, her expression seemingly inquisitive as she

studied him, Joel even saw traces of concealment and evasion hidden within

her gaze. After a pensive few seconds, Cicely nodded in agreement, “I haven’t

really joined the class for meals either. I think I’ll join in today. It sounds


“Great, the restaurant’s on the top floor. I’ll give you a call when it’s time,” Joel

replied, pleasantly surprised at her decision. Cicely, needing a distraction from

her gloom, would benefit from the company.

After a refreshing shower and a short rest, Joel called her up for lunch. The

weather outside was scorching, but the spa resort and its restaurant were a cool

oasis in the heat, albeit an expensive one.

Some treated the outing as a picnic, bringing their own food to enjoy outdoors,

while others splurged on the resort’s offerings.

The gathering wasn’t limited to classmates; there were families and friends who

got along well with the class. Cicely’s unexpected appearance, especially

alongside Joel, raised eyebrows. After all, before the official announcement of

the Ellis family princess with Seth, they didn’t spare any effort in teasing Cicely

and Joel in the group. Now, seeing them together in person, the group’s

speculation ran wild anew. Wasn’t Cicely supposed to be in the throes of new

love with Seth?

Whispers and rumors spread like wildfire, suggesting trouble in paradise.

Some bold soul, hungry for gossip, couldn’t resist commenting, “Cicely, this is a

rare sight. You skipped our graduation party, but here you are.”

Cicely chose a spot by the window and settled in with a smile, “Your company’s

fine, but it’s no match for Queen of the night.” Cicely laughed heartily, her tone

sounded like a retort, but also like a joke. Being angry would make them seem


“Let’s order, folks. We don’t know how long we’ll be waiting for the blooms

tonight. Make sure you get some rest later so you don’t miss out,” Joel chimed

in, his voice carrying the authority of years as their class leader.

The group quickly turned to teasing, “Underestimate us? We live for the


As Joel tallied up their orders, a few more people joined them, and the afternoon

unfolded into a blend of food, laughter, and the anticipation of the night’s floral


Kane, Ollie, and Rose.

The surprise etched on their faces was evident when they saw Cicely saunter

into the room, none more so than Kane himself. He blinked a couple of times

before leaning in, scrutinizing Cicely with an intensity that lasted a good while.

“Holy smokes, it really is you.”

Cicely glanced back at him, propping her chin in her hand, a ripple of

amusement crossing her features like a gentle wave upon a serene lake,

exuding that elusive, whimsical charm that was unmistakably hers. “Kane, don’t

you think your reaction is a bit over the top?”

Kane’s gaze lingered on her face for a moment longer before he straightened up

and took the seat opposite her. “Well, it’s not every day we see you gracing

these social gatherings. And here you are, not cozying up with Seth, but out

here flying solo. You flouncing around with that pretty face of yours, isn’t Seth


At that, Cicely’s lips curled into a half-smile. “And who could possibly do

anything to me?”

After a moment’s thought, Kane conceded, “Yeah, you’re right. Just the

reputation of the Ellis family’s princess is enough to deter anyone from crossing

the line. Indeed, you’re the perfect match for him – low maintenance.”Cicely’s smile faded

slightly. She fell silent for a while, withdrew her hand from

her chin, and leaned back in her chair, a smile still playing on her lips as she

glanced sideways at a boy sitting next to Kane. “Do you like girlfriends who are

pretty and low-maintenance?”

Caught off-guard by the sudden question, the boy hesitated before nodding his

head. “I suppose.”

Cicely’s lips twitched into a smile as she turned back to Kane, “You too, right?”

Kane crossed his legs and leaned against the back of his chair, replying without

a second thought, “Of course.”

Enter title…

Watching his carefree, almost rakish demeanor, Cicely let out a soft chuckle.

“So, who do you think I’m better suited for? Him or you?”

Kane glanced at the boy who had just been questioned by Cicely and grimaced,

hastily gesturing with his hand to stop her. “Whoa, hold up! I would’ve chased

after you in the past, but now you’re Seth’s girl. Bros before… well, you know.

Don’t make me cross the line.”d2

Cicely remained in the same pose, her expression unchanged, “So, you mean

I’m more suited for him.”

Kane’s forehead twitched, “Please, let’s drop it.” If Seth got wind of this

conversation, there was no telling how dark his mood would become.

“Why?” Cicely asked, her smile playful and innocent. “Actually, it’s not just you

and him. I think most guys like their girlfriends to be good-looking and hasslefree.

Someone they can show off for a bit of prestige, someone who gives them

their absolute freedom. Capable of taking care of themselves, even pampering

their man to no end, not making a fuss, and obedient. If he’s pleased, he might

show some gratitude; if not, it’s better you’re out of sight, at his beck and call.

Um.., what else?”

Her tone was light and airy, seemingly unserious, yet it sent a chill down the

spines of everyone around. Everything she said seemed right, but on second

thought, something felt off.

“When you think about it, Seth’s not really any different from the rest of you.”

Kane felt a cold sweat forming. He sensed he had walked into the line of fire.

There must be something going on between Cicely and Seth. What bad luck

that he had to bring up Seth in front of her at this very moment. He felt he

couldn’t continue this conversation with Cicely; she was a bit too much to


Rose and Ollie came over, each holding a glass of juice. Just as they sat down

next to Kane, he quickly said: “How come you only got some for yourselves?

What about mine? I’m thirsty too.”

Rose glanced at him, “You didn’t say you wanted anything.”

“And who drove you here for over an hour? Have you no conscience?”

Not wanting to bicker, Rose dismissed him, “Go get whatever you want. My


Kane stood up quickly, eager to escape.

Rose took his seat by the floor-to-ceiling window, directly opposite Cicely, with a

vast sea of flowers visible outside.

Ollie followed Kane to snag some ice cream.

Rose was in her usual simple attire: a white T-shirt and blue jeans, her long hair

tied into a neat bun, looking both efficient and fresh. Despite being a lady from

the well-off Davis family of P City, she didn’t carry herself with an air of

entitlement when she was out and about. Her upbringing, however, was evident

in her poised demeanor.

She was famously good friends with the Summers family’s daughter—a girl

known for her chill, almost cold, exterior. It was surprising to see such a warm

friendship between them.

Rose watched Cicely stand up and take a seat beside her. Rose looked at her

warily, “What’s up?”

Cicely propped her face with her hand, smiling carelessly, “Can’t I sit next to you

if there’s nothing up?”

Rose took a sip of her juice, turned to her with a light smile, “When have you

ever had room in your eyes for anyone without a reason?”

Cicely blinked and then laughed. “Sounds like I’m a pretty bad person.”

“Not particularly.”

Cicely looked at her with a nonchalant smile and said no more.

Forget it. That was someone else’s friend.


Joel returned from ordering, carrying a transparent glass bowl and placed it in

front of Cicely. It contained several scoops of ice cream in pink, white, yellow,

green, purple, and brown, all mixed together, drizzled with syrup, and garnished.

“Lunch might take a bit longer, and I wasn’t sure which flavor you’d like, so leave

anything you don’t want to eat.”

Perhaps noticing Cicely hadn’t made a move, Joel added, “I heard sweets can

cheer up girls when they’re down, and ice cream works even better.”

The surrounding crowd started to tease.

“Joel, I’m feeling down today too.”

“Me as well.”

Joel shook his head, ignoring their playful commotion, and said, “Go order. It’s

on me.”

A few girls cheered and happily went to place their orders.

Kane returned with his juice, overhearing a snippet of conversation from a group

of passing girls that stuck with him. “I’m telling you, Joel has a thing for Cicely.

He really knows how to cheer a girl up. If I were her, even if he were just my

boyfriend, I’d find it hard not to fall for him.”

Confused, Kane returned to find Cicely sitting opposite Rose, scooping up ice

cream. He remembered seeing someone walking away with a bowl of ice cream

but hadn’t realized that Cicely would end up being the recipient.

He raised an eyebrow. Things were getting interesting.

As the lunch was served, Joel directed the waitstaff with a cool demeanor,

though Kane noticed a few dishes were deliberately placed in front of Cicely.

Despite the subtle orchestration, Cicely only picked at a few dishes in front of


The pampered princess likely wasn’t used to eating out, her expression initially

showing some resistance. She had tried a bit of everything on the menu, but in

the end, he’d mostly stuck to a few favorites.

After setting down his fork, Kane slouched in the chair across from Cicely, lazily

holding his phone in one hand while scrolling through the barrage of messages

from various contacts. He opened a chat with Seth and snapped a picture of the

spread on their table, sending it off. He then resumed responding to others, but

after a minute, it was as if his message to Seth had sunk to the bottom of the


Kane clicked his tongue in annoyance, muttering under his breath about Seth

being a pain in the neck. His slender fingers tapped on the screen, firing offSeth had

indeed seen the picture Kane initially sent, but it was just a random

shot that he saw no need to pay attention to. Afterwards, when he saw another

message from Kane, he furrowed his brow. Without even giving the picture a

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proper look, Seth finished the document he was working on and then simply

replied: [No idea.]

Kane waited forever just to get that emotionless reply. Glancing at Cicely

munching away across from him, he shook his head with a smirk. [Jeez, you’re

not exactly boyfriend of the year material, are you?]

And Cicely, she was just asking for it, wasn’t she? Out of all people, she had to

fixate on Seth, even blatantly throwing herself at him for everyone to see. Now,

Enter title…

instead of being treasured like a delicate gem, she was treated like just another


Kane’s response made Seth halt his perusal of the next document. He stared at

the message for a few seconds before picking up his phone again to open the

picture. After a while, Kane received another reply from Seth. [Her diet isn’t

anyone’s concern.]

Kane looked at the message for a few seconds, his brow furrowing slightly.

[Dude, you’re kind of a jerk, you know that?]

[Girls, they just want the simple things – food, fun, shopping. Cicely’s not hurting

for cash, and you don’t have to worry about her being materialistic, but if you

think you don’t need to bother about these things, what, are you dating just to kill


Seth, staring at Kane’s barrage of messages, looked cold.

Eventually, Kane sent another message, [What, did you guys date for a few

days and now you’re calling it quits?]

Seth’s brow furrowed even more, his slender fingers tapping out a reply on the

screen. [So what?]

Kane raised an eyebrow, [So you guys are really breaking up?]

Seth didn’t reply.

Kane followed up, [Well, that might be for the best. Cicely has always been

coddled and pampered since birth. She’s meant to be cherished. All the things

you find unnecessary are as vital to her as air. If you can’t even provide that ‘air,’

how’s she supposed to thrive by your side?]

Seth looked at his phone expressionlessly, feeling a vague sense of irritation

coursing through his veins. [Think you’re some kind of love guru after a few

girlfriends? Mind your own business and stay away from her.]

Kane, pulling his gaze back from Cicely to the chat, shook his head at the reply.

[Since she’s been your girlfriend, I wouldn’t dream of going there.]

He wasn’t planning on replying again, but then he saw Joel, leaning in and

asking Cicely in a tender, attentive voice what side dish she’d like, and couldn’t

help but smile and text Seth one more line. [Don’t worry, what you don’t think is

necessary, someone else will.]

With that, he pocketed his phone. He knew Seth well enough to be sure he

wouldn’t reply.

Cicely declined the side dish. The spread was too much for her to handle. “I’m

heading to my room to rest a bit. What time are we heading to the base?”

Joel saw her disinterest and didn’t insist. “Get your rest. You won’t sleep till

tomorrow morning, will you?”

Cicely took a sip of water, set down the glass, and stood up with a faint smile, “I

didn’t ride over an hour to come here and sleep.”

Joel nodded.

Cicely added, “Actually, don’t wait up for me. If you want to head out early, go

ahead. It’s not far from here to the base. I’ll make my own way.”

“No worries, I think most folks would choose a cool air-conditioned room over

the scorching heat outside.”

Cicely’s smile was non-committal as she left the dining area.

At six in the afternoon, with the sun still high, Cicely contacted Joel in advance

and was now waiting for the elevator in the lobby.

“Fancy seeing you here.”

The voice was familiar, and without turning, Cicely saw the reflections of several

figures in the elevator mirror.

Kane, with one hand in his pocket, was followed by two girls. Cicely, fresh from

a nap and still a bit drowsy, simply replied, “Hey.” Her tone was dismissive.

Kane was grateful for even that small courtesy.

As the elevator doors slid open, Cicely stepped in first. Kane followed with Rose

and Ollie.

Standing in the back with Cicely, Kane couldn’t stand the silence. “I didn’t get

the full picture at lunch, didn’t realize you and Seth were on the outs.”

Cicely paused, her usually droopy eyes lifting to meet Kane’s.

Kane continued, “You know, Seth isn’t all that great. Cold, rigid, heartless. Not

really a ladies’ man. He might be cut out for business, but romance? Not so

much. You’re the belle of the ball, no need to settle. The next one could be


Cicely listened quietly until Kane finished with a reassuring smile. She spoke

softly. “Break up?”

Rose, ahead of them, turned to look back at Kane and Cicely.

Kane nodded, “You don’t have to hide it, I know.”

“How do you know?”

“Seth told me.”

Cicely’s eyes froze.

Rose, who had no chance to hold back Kane, really felt like giving him a good

kick, directly in the head.

The elevator stopped, the doors opened, and Cicely finally looked up, her lips

pale but curving into a faint smile. “Is that so? What exactly did he say?”

“Just that…”

“Please, just ignore him,” Rose interrupted, pulling Cicely to her side. “Do you

think Seth has that much free time to discuss his relationship with Kane?”

“Hey, Rose, you…” Kane started to protest but stopped at Rose’s stern look.

As they stepped out of the elevator, Cicely, Rose, and Kane each carried the

weight of their thoughts with them, the air charged with the tension of unsaid

words and unexplored truths.

Kane clamped his mouth shut instinctively, then seemed to realize something

and pressed his lips together even tighter.

Rose took Cicely by the hand and hurried out of the elevator.

Cicely’s face was a bit pale, and Rose noticed.

“Are you okay?” Rose asked, furrowing her brows.

Cicely blinked, her lashes fluttering, then she lifted her lips in a weak smile.

“Weren’t you the one saying he was full of it? I think you’ve got a point.” Her

smile seemed carefree, almost heartless, but it wasn’t hard to see the bravado

behind it.

Rose was silent for a moment, then pulled Cicely towards the hotel’s exit. “Let’s

not dwell on this for now,” Rose said as they stepped outside, pausing to stand

firm,” have you ever thought about the future, that you two might actually break


Cicely blinked and smiled, “Never thought about it.”

Rose turned to look at her,”Well, you need to think about it.”

Cicely watched as Kane drove up in his car. “When I started dating him, I was in

it for the long haul. All I’ve ever pictured is the two of us together, never apart.”

“But…” Cicely watched Kane pull up in his sleek blue sports car, the smile never

leaving her face,” whether it’s the beginning or the end of our love, it seems like

the decision was never really in my hands.”

Rose looked at her and suddenly realized that this proud, arrogant, and

seemingly frivolous princess of P City was just a myth. Everyone thought being

born into the Ellis family made you a winner in life, with everything at your beck

and call, leaving no room for others’ pity, but now, it was clear that wasn’t the

case. She was just like everyone else.

After a few seconds of silence, Cicely added, “It will definitely hurt, but that’s just

how it is, I guess. It’s not like I’m going to die over it.”

How deep the hurt would go, she didn’t know. Just the thought made her heart

feel as if it were being squeezed by a tightening wire mesh, pain closing in from

all sides.

The casual way she spoke of her heartache was part of the pride and dignity of

being the Ellis family’s darling. She could be hurt, but she couldn’t let others see

the Ellis family scorned.

Raised in the lap of luxury, she was like a carefully tended flower, expected to

bloom bright and beautiful, living up to her grandfather, her father, and the entire

Ellis legacy.

another message to Seth.

[Just curious, out of this whole spread, can you guess which dishes are Cicely’s

favorites?]Even with her veil of pretense, Rose saw right through her.

Rose cracked a smile, “The truth is, you’re the envy of most people. You know

what you want, you go after it boldly, and you’ve succeeded. Better to have

loved and lost. You’re right, let’s worry about the future later.”

Cicely turned to look at her for a few seconds, her lips curving slightly in a small,

meaningful smile. “I did have a bit of a tiff with Seth. I came here to clear my

head and ran into you. I really did want to chat. But now, it seems you’ve got

more on your plate than I do.”

Rose cocked her head, “This afternoon…” As the words left her mouth, she was

already certain of her own resolve and paused before adding, “Why me?”

Enter title…

Cicely pondered for a moment, then shook her head, “I don’t know. But I’m

pretty sure not just anyone would do.”

Rose raised an eyebrow.d2

Kane honked the horn, signaling it was time to move on. Rose looked back at

Ollie and caught a glimpse of Joel hustling out of the hotel lobby. “We should get

going,” she gestured towards the back.

Cicely glanced over and gave a brief nod, smiling.

Joel approached with a grin, “Ever been to a night market? There’s a little resort

village about fifteen minutes up the road, with a whole street turned into a night

market. Wanna check it out?”

“I haven’t,” Cicely said honestly.

“Feel like taking a stroll through it?”

It seemed that Joel hadn’t planned dinner yet, and she guessed that the night

market was his idea of where to eat. She nodded, “Sure.”


As dusk settled, the stalls were already buzzing with activity, swarming with

people almost shoulder to shoulder, most clutching boxes of food, eating,

talking, and walking.

The air was heavy with the scent of a festival, a fusion of grilled, fried, sautéed,

and baked delicacies filling the atmosphere. The potpourri of aromas wove

through the dense crowd, leaving Cicely feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

When Joel returned with two small boxes in hand, he handed one to her. Taking

it, Cicely remembered seeing many others with similar boxes. “Everyone seems

to love this, give it a try.”

Cicely had genuinely never seen such things before. She felt a mix of curiosity,

a slight resistance, and a burgeoning desire to give it a try. The look of innocent

perplexity didn’t escape Joel’s notice. He subtly stepped back, creating some

space between them without making a sound.

Cicely finally picked up a fork and took a bite, while Joel watched her reaction

closely. “How is it?”

Cicely paused, “It’s alright…” After speaking, she went for another bite.

To Joel, her response was a tad disappointing, but seeing her take a second

bite lifted his spirits a bit.

He had observed her eating habits. If she didn’t like something, she wouldn’t go

for a second taste.

Joel continued to guide Cicely through the food street, buying her almost every

popular snack available.

Initially resistant, Cicely soon let go of her inhibitions. Whatever Joel offered,

she ate, sometimes even stepping forward to buy something herself. Of course,

there were tastes that didn’t agree with her, and after one bite, she’d hand it

back to Joel. If he liked it, he’d eat more; if not, he’d discard it.

Cicely seemed to have unlocked a new world of flavors, eating her way through

the street until her feet were tired, the end still nowhere in sight.

By the time they decided to leave, night had already fallen. They’d been

wandering for over two hours.

Joel hailed a couple of rickshaws to take them back to the entrance of the alley.

Cicely still clutched a portion of fried chicken nuggets, her mood noticeably

brighter and more lively than usual. “I did a lot of things today I’ve never done or

even thought about before. I had a great time, thanks.”

She slipped the photo into her pocket.

Joel smiled, “I was worried you might not enjoy it. I’m glad you did. This is just a

tiny bit of what the world has to offer. There’s so much more you haven’t seen.”

Cicely took another bite of her chicken. Her gaze lowered, a faint but ambiguous

smile graced her lips. “Indeed.”


They got back to the base around 8:30 PM. The temperature in the suburbs

fluctuated greatly between day and night, and it had already cooled down

considerably. The rest of the crew had finished their rounds and, seeing them

arrive so late, couldn’t hide their knowing smirks.

Kane was close to losing his patience. He regretted bringing two girls to such a

place, waiting so long just for a fleeting glimpse of a blooming flower.

Cicely arrived still holding a half-bag of fried chicken nuggets. Kane stood up

and snatched the bag from her hand, “Hmm, these are really good. Where’d you

get them? Why didn’t you buy more?”

Having filled up on snacks, Cicely didn’t mind and teasingly said:

“Don’t you know? There’s a resort ahead with a whole street turned into a night

market, full of delicious stuff. This is nothing.”

Suddenly, the chicken nugget in Kane’s mouth lost its appeal. “What? A night

market? You mean that famous night market?”

Seeing his clueless yet longing expression, Cicely’s playful side emerged. She

pulled out her phone and showed Kane a few pictures she had taken at the

night market. The endless street was lined with colorful food stalls, and some

pictures even showed Cicely posing with her snacks.

“Damn!” Kane tossed the phone back to Cicely in frustration, “Why didn’t you

say something sooner?”

“How was I supposed to know you didn’t know?”

Kane stood up, holding the chicken bag, “No way, I’ve got to check this out


Ollie jumped to her feet, “Me too.”

“Let’s go!”

Kane took off with Ollie, who pulled Rose along.

Joel found a quiet spot with a good view for Cicely. She sat on a wooden bench,

watching Joel set up the camera, adjusting the angle and focus.

“Cicely, could you come here for a second?” Joel suddenly called out to her, and

she got up, walking over.

Joel smiled at her, “Cicely.”

Cicely offered a faint smile and approached the camera, “Where should I stand?

Is here okay?”

Joel snapped out of his reverie, leaned slightly to peek at the camera’s

viewfinder, “Just take two steps back. Perfect, right there.”


It was Kane’s first encounter with the legendary night market, and his

excitement was palpable. Ollie was even more thrilled, bossily instructing Kane

to grab some grub while she was busy snapping pics and shooting videos to

post on her social media.

Kane was all in on the excitement, though his stamina was another story. Barely

an hour had passed since they’d left, and they returned with arms full of


Kane collapsed into a chair, exhausted. “This is more draining than a shopping

marathon with a girlfriend.”

Buying wasn’t the only task. The lines were a killer.

The ladies were too busy savoring the treats to pay him any mind. But Kane’s

presence didn’t go unnoticed. It had already caught the eye of many a girl.

Handsome and wealthy, especially with that carefree, bad-boy vibe, he was

irresistibly attractive to them.

A few girls gathered around, inviting Joel and Kane to hang out after enjoying

the night-blooming cereus show.

Joel glanced at Cicely before declining the invitation. Kane, slouched on a

bench with an arm draped over the backrest, lazily surveyed the group of girls

before happily accepting.


At 1 a.m., the crowd was thick but silent, punctuated only by the occasional

yawn and whispers of boredom and fatigue.

The temperature dropped. Cicely, dressed lightly, curled up on the bench, her

face sickly pale in the dim light of the Shadow Studio.

When Joel returned from the camera, he draped his jacket over her shoulders

and asked in a low voice, “You don’t look so good. Are you feeling alright?”

She was indeed feeling cold, so she didn’t refuse. She wrapped her clothes

tightly, shook her head, and asked in a low voice. “I’m fine, just a bit chilly. How’s

it going? Will it be much longer?”

“Not long now, though we may still have to wait. You sure you’re okay? I can

take you back to the hotel first.”

Cicely shook her head again, stood up, and walked over to Joel’s set-up

camera, bending over to check the view. “Don’t forget the close-up shots. These

need to be treasured for a lifetime to make up for all the waiting tonight.”

“Yeah, this is a one-time deal.”

Kane, out of boredom, had already taken a nap, only to be shaken awake by

Rose. He shrugged off his jacket to cover Ollie, who had fallen asleep in Rose’s


Without his jacket, Kane lost all sleepiness and started scrolling through social

media on his phone. Seeing Ollie’s updates, he clicked his tongue, lifted his

phone, and took a random photo. The poor lighting and the shaky quality made

the image blur.

He posted it without any edits, captioning—

[Been there, done that. Never again.]

Another hour or so passed before someone finally shouted, “It’s happening.

They’re blooming!”

Instantly, everyone sprang into action, rushing toward the fields.

Kane leaped up, not out of eagerness to witness the grandeur of the nightblooming cereus

but rather to get it over with, follow the procedure, and get out

of there as soon as possible.

The sight under the lights, petals unfurling visibly to the naked eye, was

undeniably stunning, especially the process of blooming. Flowers opened in

silence, yet the moment felt loud.

Admiration filled the air. Cicely suddenly thought that, all in all, it was quite

interesting. The long drive, the heat, the cold, the drowsiness, all endured for

this moment, seemed worth it.

After all, the journey began with this goal in mind, and now it was accomplished.

A beginning and an end, a cause and a result.


As the crowd gradually dispersed, Cicely’s group also started to leave. Kane

went ahead to fetch the car, while Joel was on the phone with the driver.

Cicely walked alongside Rose in a slow pace. Rose kept glancing back at her.

The streetlights were bright, casting an unnatural pallor on everyone’s face.

After the third glance, Rose halted, stepped toward Cicely, who suddenly

grasped her wrist.

Then, with a smile and a hand clutching her stomach, Cicely’s face turned

alarmingly pale. “I hate to be a buzzkill, but I’m sorry, I…” Before she could

finish, she slumped to the ground.

Rose, startled, tried to catch her, but was unprepared and fell to the ground with


A gasp went through the onlookers. Hearing the commotion, Joel turned and

rushed over. Just as he bent down to lift Cicely, a strong force gripped hisJoel, landed hard

on the ground, taken by surprise. When Joel’s vision cleared,

he saw someone holding Cicely in their arms, striding away swiftly. That tall,

cold silhouette was oddly familiar to him.

Rose got to her feet and jogged after him, but she couldn’t catch up to the man.

Kane pulled up in his car, only managing to catch a glimpse of Seth’s license

plate as he sped away. He honked his horn but got no response, just watched

as the car became a fleeting shadow melting into the night. Lowering the

window, he looked over at Rose, confused, “Was that Seth just now?”

Rose glanced at him and climbed into the car with Ollie. “Let’s head to the

nearest hospital.”

Enter title…

Kane frowned, “What’s wrong? You feeling ill?”

It was Cicely’s sudden collapse that had scared Ollie, and the appearance of

that particularly terrifying man had her still shaken. “It’s Cicely. She just passed


Kane blinked, turning to see a disheveled Joel running out. “Damn!” he cursed

under his breath, “She was fine just a moment ago. How could she faint?”

Ollie nestled into Rose’s arms, “That man just now, he looked so scary.”

Kane revved the engine and took off. “That son of a gun, can he predict the

future or something? He drove all this way in the dead of night, and he arrives

the minute Cicely faints?”

At this, Rose raised an eyebrow, “How did he know Cicely was here?”

“How would I know?” Kane was puzzled himself. He’d only chatted with Seth for

a bit at noon and never mentioned Cicely’s whereabouts.

Though Kane was driving fast, he couldn’t catch up to Seth’s car. He followed

and, sure enough, ended up at the nearest hospital. Joel was right behind him.

When they arrived, Cicely had already been taken into emergency. Seth was

standing outside the emergency room, his expression grim and fearsome.

Having known Seth for years, Kane had never seen this side of him. Seth,

usually so detached and impassive, was now emanating a strange and fierce


“How’s Cicely?”

Seth stood at the door to the emergency room, seemingly calm, but everyone

present could feel the barely contained storm under that composure.

Seth slowly lifted his eyes, his gaze icy and unfeeling, looking past Kane and

straight at Joel, who had just caught up.

At that look, Joel stopped in his tracks. His eyes fell on the emergency room

door behind Seth. Was it just his imagination, or did Seth seem like an

insurmountable barrier, denying anyone else access?

The aura emanating from Seth at that moment stunned him.

Outside the emergency room door, their corner of space was still and silent,

without a word spoken, yet there was an indescribable tension in the air.

After what felt like an eternity, the emergency room door opened, and a doctor

stepped out. Seth turned to look at him calmly.

“Acute gastroenteritis. She has already received intravenous fluids. Just keep

an eye on her.”

The tone suggested it wasn’t serious. Joel breathed a sigh of relief, but he was

filled with regret. The acute gastroenteritis was probably the result of their night

market adventure earlier.

As the doctor finished speaking, the emergency room doors opened again, and

two nurses wheeled Cicely out.

Cicely, originally with a delicate complexion, now had an almost translucent pale

face. Her brow was tightly furrowed, eyes shut, lips pale, and a fine layer of

sweat adorned her forehead and the tip of her nose.

Seth’s brows furrowed slightly, and he reached out to hold the handle of the

transport bed.

The nurses looked at him, puzzled, but he asked, “Did you give her something

for the pain?”

They nodded, “Yes, we did.”

Seth shot them a cold glance, “Does she look like she’s relieved of pain to you?”

The nurses shifted their gaze to the doctor nearby.

“We’ve administered the pain relief. We don’t recommend using more potent

drugs, as they can be harmful to the body. She should feel better soon.”

Seth looked down at Cicely for a moment before releasing the handle of the

transport bed.

Kane stood against the wall, glancing at Cicely, her slender body devoid of its

usual vitality, her pallid beauty still evident despite her condition.

As the transport bed passed Joel, he hurried forward, gripping its rail, leaning in

with a face full of concern and guilt. “I’m sorry, Cicely. This is all my fault.”

Seth’s brow twitched violently.

Joel followed the transport bed, his apology cut short as his collar was suddenly

gripped tightly, and he was dragged almost helplessly toward the hospital exit.

Kane watched as Seth, without saying a word, forcefully dragged Joel away. A

loud alarm bell rang in his mind, and amidst his astonishment, he muttered a

curse under his breath, quickly following suit. “Damn, Seth, what the hell are you


Had he lost his mind?

Joel was the sole heir to a prominent family in P City, a family deeply intertwined

in the construction business. Even if they had no business dealings, if Joel was

hurt, his family wouldn’t easily let it go.

Seth was not known for physical confrontation; his methods were usually more

cerebral and effective, with the added benefit of leaving no loose ends. To

physically assault someone was to invite a host of troubles. It was hard to

believe that someone like Seth would actually go out of his way to bring about

such a petty trouble to himself.

Kane’s words fell on deaf ears. As he caught up with them, Seth had already

landed a heavy punch that sent Joel tumbling down the hospital steps.

Joel staggered to the ground, looking utterly disgraced, but Seth was already

upon him, his hand again seizing Joel’s collar, lifting him off the ground. “You

take her out from the Ellis house in the morning just fine, and by evening, she’s

in emergency.”

Joel felt a searing pain at the corner of his lips and glared coldly at Seth, “Yeah,

I’m sorry for landing her in the hospital. It’s my fault, and I should apologize. But

this is between Cicely and me.”

Before he could finish, Seth’s brows furrowed deeply, and Joel was abruptly cut

off by another solid punch from Seth.

“Damn it, Seth, have you lost your mind?” Kane hadn’t expected Seth to hit Joel

again. Shocked, he rushed forward, trying to pull Joel away from Seth’s grip.

Seth just wasn’t letting go. Even with all his strength, Kane couldn’t pry Joel

from Seth’s grasp.

Frustrated and baffled, Kane turned to Seth, but just one look at Seth’s face,

and Kane was taken aback. Seth’s visage was dark and foreboding, his shirt

sleeves had ridden up from the scuffle, revealing tensed forearms with veins

standing out like road maps, the fabric stretched to its limit, looking like it might

tear at any moment.

Seth looked like a man ready to kill.

Ignoring Kane’s interference, Seth yanked Joel in front of him, his eyes sharp as

ice-edged blades, voice as deep and cold as a subglacial current. “You think

you can step into someone else’s territory without weighing your own weight,


It was only then that Joel realized what Seth’s ungentlemanly punches were

really about. With a painful smirk that aggravated the cut on his lip, Joel

retorted, “Even if I did want to step into someone’s territory, it’s because they’ve

left the door wide open. My weight doesn’t matter. If I can show her just a

fraction more care than someone else, then my chances double.”

Joel didn’t beat around the bush any further, stating bluntly, “So, please,

continue to ignore her or neglect her deliberately. I don’t believe her heart is an

impregnable fortress—impenetrable to you, inaccessible to me.”

Seth’s expression faltered, his narrow eyes suddenly narrowing further. He lifted

his hand, and with a swift, fierce motion, Joel was sent sprawling onto the

concrete several meters away.

Kane was also thrown to the side by the force, stumbling a few steps before

steadying himself. He watched helplessly as Joel added fuel to the fire just now,

and hurriedly, Kane went forward to restrain Seth, who was about to approach

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


“Enough, have you freaking had enough? Seth, where’s your brain? Ever think

about how you’re going to explain this to Cicely when she wakes up?”

Seth halted and looked down at Kane, “Explain?”

Kane bit his tongue, knowing any further words might earn him the next punch.

“Indeed, there should be an explanation. He took her out with good intentions to

cheer her up, and no matter what, the initial motive was pure. Everyone knows

the hospital visit was unexpected. Do you think Cicely will blame him?” The

voice came from Rose, standing on the steps with an indifferent tone, “Rather

than resent someone who genuinely wanted to make her happy, I think the real

unforgivable culprit is the one who made her unhappy.”

Seth shoved Kane aside and turned to face Rose, his gaze icy.

Rose, unfazed, sneered, “The victim is still unconscious in the hospital, and

here you two are, the ‘direct culprit’ and ‘indirect culprit,’ bickering endlessly.

What’s the point? If you’re still unsatisfied, then finish him off. But when your

mind clears, go back and stay by her side.”

As Kane let out a sigh of relief, Rose withdrew her gaze and stepped towards

him. “This has nothing to do with you. Dawn is breaking, and you need to take

us back to the hotel to rest.”

Kane had no intention of sticking around with Seth in his current, unhinged


Joel’s family driver had already helped him off the ground and into the hospital

for a check-up. Joel, battered and bruised, his face a mess and his body dustcovered,

seemed to have sustained more than a few knocks.

Ollie made a wide detour to avoid Seth and approached Kane, taking his arm

with a hint of fear. Rose watched Joel enter the hospital and then turned to Seth.

“Actually, what Joel said at the end wasn’t wrong either.” She ushered Kane and

the rest towards their car.

As the chaos subsided, Seth stood in place, fists still clenched.

What Joel said was right? That he wanted to enter Cicely’s heart?

Leaning against the hospital’s outer pillar, Seth pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and

watched the smoke drift away in the dim light.

Joel wanted to enter Cicely’s heart?


Kane cursed all the way to the hotel. Even after stepping inside, he was still


“Damn it, wasn’t he talking about breaking up? Now he’s nearly killed a man

over jealousy. I almost got dragged into it too, that maniac…”

Rose was always calm, “Are you sure he said they were breaking up? If not,

Kane, you definitely deserved it.”

Kane clenched his teeth and handed his phone to Rose, “As if I’d make up


Cicely briefly scanned the chat history between him and Seth. Kane said they

were breaking up, and Seth hadn’t denied it, but he hadn’t confirmed it either.

She furrowed her brows, “I didn’t expect Seth to be so indecisive and


Kane thought he’d misheard, “What?”

Rose smiled, noticing notifications for likes and comments on Kane’s social

media feed, and she casually clicked in.

“He’s uncertain about whether he likes her or not, and the breakup seems to be

something he’s hesitant to admit. What’s his deal? Is he caught in the middle,

torn between two sides?”

Kane had plenty of rowdy friends, a flurry of ‘likes’ and comments on his feed.

Rose opened the photo he had posted, which, despite its abstract, blurry quality

—typical of a clueless guy’s photography—clearly showed two figures almost

leaning on each other under the dim streetlights. Cicely was wrapped in a man’s

jacket, their proximity unavoidable as they posed for the camera.

Raising an eyebrow, she handed the phone back to Kane. “I can’t decide

whether to hit you or praise you.”

Kane was confused by her comment, looking down at the phone. The photo

Rose had opened was still there. He glanced at it and muttered, “Huh?” then

brought the phone closer, inspecting it carefully. After a moment, he exclaimed,

“Holy crap, when did I capture them together?”

Rose pinched the bridge of her nose. She was at a loss for words with this guy.

He was the cause of both the problem and the solution.

Kane clicked his tongue in frustration, “Figures why he popped up out of the

blue. It’s because of this. But it doesn’t add up. Didn’t he want to break it off?

What’s gotten into him? Damn, I can’t make heads or tails of the guy. Total nut


Rose remained silent. Who could really tell? But with Seth carrying on like this,

he wasn’t just acting crazy. He was practically asking for a one-way ticket to the



Seth sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze lingering on Cicely, who lay quietly,

her usually rosy cheeks now a sickly pallor.

Creighton had always pampered her, and the worst pain Seth had ever seen her

endure was the time she got a blister from her first pair of stilettos. Her face had

turned ghostly pale then, as if she’d suffered the greatest injustice in the world.

Now, he wondered what she’d look like when she woke up.

Gently, he brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek. The distress that had

marred her features when she was wheeled out of the ER was gone, replaced

by a peaceful slumber.

The restlessness that a cigarette couldn’t quell seemed to dissolve at the sight

of her tranquil face. He was used to her drama; the slightest bump or scrape

would set her off as if it were life-threatening. Now, paradoxically, he found

himself wishing she’d throw one of her notorious tantrums, just to show how

much she was really hurting, how much she felt wronged.

shoulder and flung him aside

The midday sun was already climbing high when Cicely’s eyelids fluttered open. She was

greeted by a blur of light that made her instinctively turn her head away, a frown creasing

her forehead. Something warm pressed against her eyes, and she stirred, rejecting the

unexpected touch. “Don’t move,” came a deep, slightly hoarse voice near her ear. It was

different from the usual crisp tones she was accustomed to, but Cicely recognized it and

lay still. The outline of her eyes moved beneath the palm, a sensation that was all too

distinct. Seth relaxed his grip slightly and instructed, “Open your eyes now.” Enter title…

As the sound of his voice faded, Cicely lifted her eyelids, her long lashes fluttering against

his palm. Seth slowly pulled his hand away. Cicely blinked a few times, her gaze skipping

past the room’s decor to land on the man sitting by the bed. Dark eyes, light, deep-set

brows, sharp, thin lips, and a perfectly chiseled nose —every feature seemed tailored to

captivate her heart. She wasn’t entirely amnesiac, but she couldn’t quite piece together

where she was or why. “Where am I? Why are you here? Aren’t you busy?” she asked, her

tone even and devoid of emotion.d2 “Going out on a spree and not coming home,

unreachable by phone—your dad was worried sick. The entire Ellis family probably spent

the whole night up,” Seth responded, sidestepping her questions, yet somehow answering

them all. She was probably still in the suburbs because her phone had been out of reach,

and her father, concerned, had tracked her to Seth’s place. As her nominal boyfriend,

finding her seemed both his duty and obligation. Her father and the Ellis family were

worried, but he wasn’t. Turning her head away, she had no desire to continue the

conversation. Her mind was occupied with the “breakup” Kane had mentioned the day

before. If she broached the subject and Seth confirmed it in front of her, she had no idea

how she would handle it. After a moment of silence, Cicely moved slightly, noticing a fully

charged phone on the nightstand. She remembered the battery had died, but now it was

clearly recharged. Just as she was about to call Creighton, Seth’s voice interrupted her

thoughts. “I’ve already spoken to your father about your condition. I downplayed it,

thinking you wouldn’t want him overly worried.” Cicely paused, exiting the contacts

interface. She opened the social media app instead, only to find it empty. Surprisingly,

there wasn’t even one greeting message. Her chat box with Joel was also empty. She was

hospitalized, yet Joel seemed to have no reaction at all. After a moment, she looked up at

Seth. “What’s my diagnosis?” “Acute gastritis,” Seth replied, his gaze indifferent. Cicely

furrowed her brow, attempting to sit up, but a sharp pain in her stomach made her face,

which had just recovered some color from a night’s rest, instantly drain of its hue. Seth’s

expression darkened. “What’s the point of asking me if you don’t heed the answer?”

Clinging to her stomach and biting her lip, Cicely looked at Seth, her eyes red and teary.

“Why does it hurt so much?” she complained, her voice a mix of grievance and anger. She

had never suffered from acute gastritis before, and the pain felt unbearable. Seth scoffed.

“Keep eating junk food and frequenting hospitals, and maybe then you’ll understand the

cause.” Cicely bit her lip harder and glared at him fiercely. At that moment, a knock came

at the door, and Seth responded in a low voice. As the door opened, Cicely recognized

Seth’s assistant walking in with a food container. Seth took it from him. The container

opened, releasing the fragrant aroma of chicken soup. Cicely pursed her lips, abandoning

the attempt to sit up, and dialed Joel’s number on her phone instead. The call connected

quickly, but it wasn’t Joel on the other end. “I’m sorry, Ms. Cicely, Mr. Joel is still resting

and can’t come to the phone.” Something felt off to Cicely. Even if Joel had been out late,

it was strange that his driver would answer his phone. She didn’t recall Joel and his driver

sharing a room. “Where is he?” she pressed. The driver took a deep breath and said. “He’s

in the hospital.” Cicely’s brow furrowed even deeper. “You said he was resting. How can he

be in the hospital?” Seth paused in the middle of pouring the soup. He turned his head,

giving Cicely a cold look, and then glanced at the phone pressed against her ear. “He got

injured yesterday.” Cicely’s tone grew firmer. “What happened?” The driver found it hard

to continue and sighed. The more Cicely heard, the more she sensed something was

amiss. She demanded, “Which room is he in?” After the driver provided the room number,

Cicely hung up, about to rise from the bed when Seth swiftly pulled the covers from her.

He lifted her up, propping her against the headboard, then tucked the blanket around her

once more before sitting down beside the bed with a bowl in hand. Stirring the chicken

soup, Seth’s deliberate, icy voice commanded, “Eat.” Cicely’s frown persisted as she

looked into Seth’s handsome, indifferent face and spoke up. “Do you know why Joel’s

hospitalized?” Seth stopped stirring, lifting his gaze to meet hers. “Do you think you’re in

any position to worry about someone else right now?” “Why wouldn’t I be? He kindly took

me out to clear my head, and now he’s the one injured and in the hospital. No one has

more right to worry than I do.” A dark cloud seemed to pass over Seth’s expression at her

words. Cicely continued, challenging him with her gaze, “What, in your eyes, I’m

completely devoid of redeeming qualities? Have I sunk so low in your estimation that you

see me as ungrateful?” Seth glanced at the bowl in his hand. “Whether you’re ungrateful

or not, I’m not sure. But I’m curious, who gave you the confidence to think that your

presence would be more effective than the hospital’s doctors?” Cicely was taken aback.

Seth continued to mix the soup, his voice cold and methodical. “Not talking now, eh?” He

slowly lifted his gaze, placed the bowl on the bedside table, and his cool hand gently

cupped her chin. Leaning in slightly, his attractive and aloof face appeared in Cicely’s

eyes. His gaze swept over her pale face, finally locking onto her eyes as he whispered. “It

seems you had quite a delightful time with him yesterday. In just one day, you’ve become

the woman most entitled to worry about him.” Cicely tilted her head back and brushed his

hand away, “Compared to the past few days, yesterday was indeed a joy.”Seth’s eyes

narrowed. “And weren’t we talking about breaking up? This sudden, baseless jealousy is a

bit puzzling, don’t you think?” Despite the part of her that was flattered by Seth’s

apparent jealousy, she couldn’t erase the sting of their previous encounters. The harsh

words from their last argument and bitter departure, the long days without a single call or

text, and the time he’d confessed to Kane that he was considering breaking up with her,

all lingered in her mind. How could his present, sulky jealousy possibly wipe away all these

emotionally draining memories? Enter title… The room fell silent for a few seconds before

Seth’s crisp voice slowly filled the space, “So, you’re planning to break up?” Cicely

chuckled. “Me? Break up? Seth, you’re really trying to toss the blame in my court now?

I’ve thrown away the dignity of the Ellis family, let all of P City gossip about how I’m

throwing myself at you, and now you’re acting like your brains got chewed up by a

zombie, or maybe you’ve gone deaf? I’ve been all over you, declaring my like and love

every other sentence. Or are you implying I’m so easy and loose that I’d break up with you

after not even a week?” Those were probably the harshest words Cicely had ever thrown

at Seth. She was fiercely loyal, never allowing anyone to bad-mouth Seth, not even

herself. Perhaps he had never heard such words before in his life.d2 This time, she was

truly infuriated. Yes, she was pampered and delicate, hardly ever in a hospital. Now here

she was, stomach aching, sitting on a hospital bed dredging up the past, and dealing with

the very man she loved and hated—the instigator of her current state. Did he really think

she was that good-natured? While Seth was certainly not used to being cursed out so

thoroughly, his previously furrowed brows seemed to clear a bit. “Who told you I wanted to

break up? I never said that to anyone.” Seth picked up the bowl he had set down earlier.

The warmth in his palm had dissipated a bit, and he brought a spoonful of soup to Cicely’s

lips. “Eat it first.” Cicely was a bit slow to react. In a daze, she lowered her head and took

a spoonful of soup. It was only then that she belatedly remembered why she had been

arguing with Seth in the first place. “I said I wanted to go see Joel.” “Cicely.” Seth’s tone

cooled again, “All discussions can wait until after you finish your soup. You’re not leaving

this room until then, got it?” Cicely frowned, her eyes rolling slightly before she settled

back against the headboard, eyeing the man with an unfavorable expression and said,

“Continue.” She meant to continue feeding her soup. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t feed

herself, but she played along, relishing the rare patience Seth was showing. Without

saying much, Seth patiently fed her the entire bowl of soup. The warm soup settled in her

stomach, and Cicely felt much better. “Want more?” Cicely wavered, “Yes.” Seth stared at

her for a moment, then put the bowl down. “What’s wrong? I said I wanted more.” “If you

want more, serve yourself.” Cicely pouted, not really intending to eat, but she did say she

wanted more— only if Seth would continue to feed her. “Rest a bit. We’ll check out soon.”

Seth pulled out a tissue, wiping his hands with deliberate slowness, then stood, towering

over her with a calm gaze. “Cicely, do you even know why Joel’s in the hospital?” “What

do you think?!” she retorted. She’d woken up here, and the only person she’d seen was

him. Without his word, how could she possibly know? Seth’s lips quirked up slightly, “I put

him there.” Cicely’s eyes trembled. “Why?” As the question left her lips, Cicely felt a

strange emotion surging within her. She had an inkling of the reason, but some things

couldn’t always be assumed. “Why?” Seth echoed, his dark eyes fixed on her expressive

face, considering her succinct question. “Isn’t putting you in the hospital and leaving you

in this state reason enough?” Cicely felt a pang of disappointment. It was indeed the most

convincing reason, but apart from that, there seemed to be no other. She didn’t

understand what she was hoping for, and a wave of irritation washed over her. “It wasn’t

his fault. He was just trying to help.” “Did you forget how you just cursed me out?” Cicely

frowned, “What do you mean?” “Some things you said were right, so I’ll let them slide.”

Still puzzled, Cicely watched as Seth straightened the slightly wrinkled cuffs of his shirt,

then moved to the foot of the bed to grab his coat, slipping into it with ease. “Don’t speak

for him in front of me again. Anyone who lands my woman