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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1885
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Serana bit her lip, hands clenched so tight her knuckles were white. “I never did

anything to her. Why does she hate me so much?”

Boyd shut his eyes, a heavy sigh escaping him. “There’s no reason. She never

thinks about ‘why’. She does not need reasons to do things.”

And if there was a reason, it was all in her head.

Serana shook her head.

“I don’t know, but I can’t believe she doesn’t have a reason to hate me. Maybe…


Enter title…

Boyd looked up, watching her struggle to find the words, then paused. “Maybe


Serana finally found her voice, though it was tangled up with her anxiety.

“Maybe it’s because of you.”

Boyd was taken aback for a moment, and Serana quickly shook her head, “I…

I’m not blaming you, I mean…”

She stopped, taking a deep breath, “Boyd, are you… are you really upset about

Yasmine leaving? You two were the closest at the orphanage. You used to hang

out all the time, and then there was me, always causing trouble that you had to

fix. You even said some harsh things to Yasmine because of me.”

Boyd’s body stiffened, surprise written all over his face.

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Serana was a bit scared by his reaction, “Yasmine only had you as a friend.

Maybe that’s why she resented you looking after me so much.”

Boyd’s expression grew serious, “So she’s holding a grudge against me.”

Serana pressed her lips together, not saying another word. That was probably it.

Boyd stood up, silently grabbing a shovel and replanted the young sprout that

had been uprooted.

Serana watched him, “Maybe when the flowers bloom, we can tell Yasmine to

come back and see.”

Boyd didn’t respond.

After transferring to a new school, Yasmine was still a loner.

Life droned on uneventfully, and the orphanage seemed to have become an

insignificant part of her past that she never mentioned.

When Bryson decided to take Yasmine out of the orphanage, he nearly drained

his savings to make the down payment on a house.

A little over two months after Yasmine left the orphanage, Bryson’s company

managed to sign a good deal for the time and got a little well off.

On a Friday night over dinner, Yasmine suddenly said she wanted to visit

Angel’s Haven Orphanage.

Bryson was taken aback. “Is there something you need to do there?”

Yasmine put down her fork, “I need to see Ava. Now that I have some money, I

want to get my stuff back. I just feel like something bad will happen if she keeps


Not knowing that Yasmine had given Ava her bracelets, Bryson asked, “What


Yasmine hopped off her chair and stayed silent. She didn’t remember much

from her past. Bryson had filled in some blanks. She only knew her background

was complicated, and she was sternly instructed never to take out those

bracelets, let alone give them away.

Those bracelets were worth a fortune. She had given them to Ava out of

necessity, to help with family troubles, and it had been weighing on her mind

ever since. Now that she had some money, it was time to reclaim them.

Returning to the orphanage, the kids seemed surprisingly happy to see her, as if

the cold and intimidating Yasmine they knew was just an illusion.

Standing by the garden bed she used to tend, the garlic sprouts were long gone,

replaced by what looked like spinach.

Yasmine couldn’t help but chuckle, “Really turned this place into a vegetable

patch, huh?”

She glanced at the nearby lilies, noticing they were flourishing, buds ready to

bloom any day.

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Impressive, considering they were for Serana, and it made sense he’d put in the


“I thought you’d never step foot here again.”

Two months hadn’t changed his voice much. It was unmistakably Boyd’s.

Yasmine turned slightly to see him standing there, watching her. She raised an

eyebrow, “You really have a lot of prejudice against me, huh? What, you think

I’m so heartless that I wouldn’t feel a thing for the orphanage that took me in?”

Boyd just looked at her, saying nothing.

After a pause, Yasmine shrugged, “Alright, I admit I can be heartless. I came to

see Ava. Stopping by here was just a side trip. Happy?”

Boyd wasn’t sure how to react. He saw right through her, yet his mood soured

with her blunt honesty.

Just a side trip… He scoffed to himself.

“Cool off yet?” Boyd asked.

“I’m mad? Mad at who?”


Yasmine turned fully toward him, her gaze serious. “Did you grow taller?”

Boyd let out a laugh, “You noticed I got taller after just a couple of months? But

yeah, I’ve been eating well and getting plenty of sleep, so growing a bit makes


Yasmine nodded, “That’s it, then. You’re doing well here, so why should I be

sulking alone for two months? I’ve been carefree on the outside, living happily.

Being angry is bad for your health, and I plan on living to a ripe old age.”