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The Double ( or More ?) Life of The Fake Heiress

Chapter 548
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Chapter 547 side, Arden was practically buzzing with excitement, a grin apreading across his face at the thought of his upcoming birthday. It was like he was a kid on Chumstmas Eve, hardly able to wall for the morning to murive.

Mandy, catching the look on her son's face, was puzzled as to why he'll want to invite his foster sister to his birthday bash. But she said, Vibon it by her when I upe bei nost" Aiden gave a nod, his mind already skipping ahead to Monday when he'd make another trip to Parkside High School. He knew that Mirabella hadthe temper. Asking her to retums to the Qilbert family was a gamble - she might not take the bait.

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after, Alden retrated to his room, leaving just Colton and Mandy in the living room, Collon, usually a man of few words, cast a curious glance at his wife. I thought you've never been fond of that girl? Her sudden change of heart when Aiden mentioned inviting Kirabella to his party was odd Mandy hadn't mentioned anything to her husband about the Davis family business things were still up in the alt and she was trying to get a clearer picture Cleaning her throat and narrowing her eyes slightly, she replied, "It's not that I dislike her. She's been part of our household for over a decade. In spite of everything, I may have saffections." Though Cotton sensed Mandy was keeping something from him, he let it be. Why waste thoughts on someone who didn't matter when there were more pressing matters, like the upcoming bid for a new contract? Across town at the Davis household...

Mirabella amived hto find Delilah had just finished cooking dinner and was calling her to wash up.

She dropped her bag next to Zach's briefcase and raised an eyebrow. Had Zach dared to chtoday? After washing up, she entered the dining room to find only her mother and father at the table. As she pulled out a chair, she asked, "Where's Zach? Didn't he chomx" At the mention of Zach, Shawn's face clouded over with a dark expression. Delilah placed a slice of meatloaf on her daughter's plate, her tone calm and steady, "Oh, he's popped over to the neighbors' home" Mirabella's eyes widened a fraction. "How long ago did he leave?" Mirabella's voice was soft as she picked up her fork.

"Just a few minutes before you got home," Delilah replied, pausing for a moment before adding, "But he mentioned the neighbor... isn't that your tutor?" At this, Shawn looked up, genuinely surprised. "What? The neighbor is your tutor?" Mirabella pinched the bridge of her nose, exasperated. Great, Zach had dug himself another hole.

Shawn's gaze fixed on Mirabella. "Is the person next door really your tutor?" A forced smile was on her lips. What else could she do but nod? "Yeah..." Shawn slammed his fork down. "Zach never mentioned such an important detail. He's really asking for it." As he stood up from the table, Mirabella felt a headache coming on, along with a sense of impending doom. "Dad, what are you planning to do?" "I'm going over there," Shawn announced, pushing his chair back.

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She had a bad feeling about this. "Dad, please don't make a scene, Mirabella said, putting putting down her fork with a serious look.

Shawn paused. The fatherly concem was apparent. Tve been meaning to meet this tutor of yours"

"He's busy," Mirabella gestured for sit her father to sit back down, adding, "And he doesn't like being disturbed." Shawn did sit down, though he still looked at his daughter skeptically. He wasn't convinced.