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The Double ( or More ?) Life of The Fake Heiress

Chapter 518
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Chapter 518 window frand the Dorary ele eyed the dark brefore s replied. Yeah, never mind. It's antung. | et row at hor ethered a few paychology bucks from the table and hadasonogo watched ther with a of admiration and shot in the pers daies by 1 Plane in jpoco yopppoead ho horagunosho Maglinead over Mirabolic with head willow Outwraut to a ROITE Walua 050308ate with conso by sad f Messenger Chapter 518 art from Curtis you were looking for Mesh, never mend it’s nothing.

fered a few psychology Books from the table and ve to see someone elu a stack of books to top at locations without of dateted her with oadstation and distichannery BI photooft casud currosty She model ” Oblwinds to any undercurevity. Wimalele casualy atten mymahina Cucung he only hand Tiun sem lentes cossion grow more Chapter 518 Mirabella glanced at her phone and promptly hit the end call button. The library was a sanctuary of silence, with everyone engrossed in their books, maintaining a hushed reverence.

After hanging up, Mirabella opened her Messengerand scrolled to James’ chat. She shot him a quick message. [What's up?] James was in his car when he read her message. His fingers danced across the screen. [Heard from Curtis you were looking forthis afternoon?] She hadn’t expected Curtis to pass on her casual inquiry to James. With a shrug, she replied, [Yeah, never mind.

It’s nothing.] James shifted in his seat, resting an arm on the window frame, and he continued to text. You at hor?] [At the Downtown Library.] Mirabella eyed the clock before standing up. She gathered a few psychology books from the table and methodically retumed each to its rightful place on the shelves.

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0000 000 00 00 O000E 00 07 00 000 The librarian, who had noticed Mirabella for her looks, was genuinely surprised. It was rare to see someone retum a stack of books to their exact locations without a hint of confusion, a feat not even the seasoned librarians could always manage. He watched her with a mix of admiration and disbelief in his eyes. What a memory she had.

After putting away the books, Mirabella strolled to the escalator. As she descended, she checked her phone again for James’ reply.

James: [I'm passing by that area. Need a lift?] He offered a ride, so Mirabella didn’t hesitate to accept with a simple, [Sure.] James: [Should be there in ten.] Phone in pocket, she made her way down to the ground floor and slipped into the restroom.

Ten minutes later, in the car.

“So, weren't you supposed to be at a photoshoot today? What brought you back to the library?” James glanced over at Mirabella with casual curiosity.

“Yeah, | had sfree tin the afternoon, so | decided to catch up on some reading and help a classmate with some research,” she said, tracing lazy circles on the car window. James’ gaze deepened, his voice light and nonchalant. “Research for Knox's grandson?” She nodded, “That's right.” There seemed to be a hint of something else in his eyes, perhaps a trace of jealousy. Wyatt, driving, sneakily checked the rearview mirror, James wasn’t usually one to gossip.

Oblivious to any undercurrents, Mirabella casually added, “We were in a competition together once.”

It sounded like a bond forged in fire.

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Wyatt mentally noted the revolutionary camaraderie , then saw James' expression grow more intense. He chimed in, “Yeah, Knox's grandson is quite the catch.

Handschap. Popular at your school, | bet?” James shot Wyatt a flat look.

Mirabella reclined in her seat, replying, “Mayb. | haven't

Wyatt wasn't surprised by her response. After all, she was the epitome of cluelessness, completely devoid of romantic distractions.

Thus, the jealous note in James’ mood was doomed to linger without solace. Clearing his throat, Wyatt deftly changed the subject, “By the way, Ms. Mirabella, what's the brand of the surveillance system you installed at home?