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The Double ( or More ?) Life of The Fake Heiress

Chapter 505
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Chapter 505 Dane took a few minutes to pore over the diagnostic report. Its conclusion mirrored his own initial assessment.

Owen's health condition couldn’t be more normal.

But that was precisely where the bizarre nature of the situation lay. A healthy individual shouldn't wither away to a skeletal shadow of their former self in just a week’s time. Even with illness, there would be signs, causes, not this baffling clean bill of health.

Normality in this case was the most abnormal sign of all.

Dane had been holed up in the Pharmacists‘ Guild for quite stime. His nose was buried in medical tomes, yet this condition was something he had neither heard of nor seen before.

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“Mr. Dane?” Johnny looked at him imploringly, repeating his query.

Handing back the diagnostic sheet to Johnny, Dane replied with a hint of apologetic frustration, “I'm at a loss, Johnny. | can’t pinpoint the problem just yet.” At Dane’s words, Johnny staggered back a step. The hope he had harbored in Dane now turned into profound disappointment. If even Dane was stumped... was Owen simply to wither away? He was so young, on the cusp of a promising reassignment, but now struck down by this mysterious affliction.

“Mr. Dane, please, you must find a way to save Mr. Owen,” Johnny pleaded. His voice was heavy with concem.

Dane sat pensively for a moment, then turned to Asher. “Asher, rummage through my luggage for a bottle with a blue pattern. Bring it here once you find it.” Asher nodded dutifully. “On it.” He briskly exited the room.

As he watched Asher disappear through the door, panddaze briefly swept over Mirabella then swiftly moved away.

Turning his attention back to Owen, Dane suggested, “I might need to draw a small blood sample from your fingertip.” It was improbable for someone to transform so drastically without a trace of forewarning. If all the organ.

function indicators were normal, it was tto consider the possibility of poisoning.

Had Dane not been a part of the Pharmacists’ Guild, he might not have considered poisoning as a cause. But his experiences with the Guild’s master toxin crafters had completely overturned his understanding of what was possible. Those once thought fictional poisons were very real, simply beyond the reach of ordinary folk.

Despite a slight furrow of his brow, Owen nodded, “Alright.” Just then, Asher returned. “Dane, is this the one?” He handed the porcelain bottle to Dane, who confirmed with a nod.

Johnny, catching a glimpse of the bottle in Dane’s hands, quickly inquired, “Is this one of the Pharmacists’ Guild's miracle cures?” Dane retrieved a pill from the bottle and explained, “Yes, this is one of our Guild's Class B medications.” The Pharmacists’ Guild had a grading system for their concoctions A, B, C, and D, with A being the highest quality and D the most common.

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Johnny had heard of the Guild's exclusive remedies. Hearing that Dane was offering a ClassB potion

sparked excitement in him. “Does this mean Mr. Owen could recover, at least temporarily, if he takest this?” Laypeople were lucky to cby Class D. The rarity and value of a Class B potion were evident.

Respect filled Johnny's gaze towards Dane. He realized the weight of Dane's status within the Pharmacists Guild .If Owen's allment could be cured, he resolved to advise Owen to forge a stronger bond with Dane

Just as Dane was about to respond to Johnny's eager question Nikolaiwho had been silent until now, approached.