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The Divorcee and Her Three Chaotic Children

Chapter 510
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Chapter 510 You Didn't Have to Do All This "You...!" "You wouldn't dare," Irwin countered Cedric easily.

"Bring her back!" Cedric practically hissed each word through gritted teeth.

However, the only response was the abrupt beep of the call ending.

Irwin had hung up.

The tension in the study, already palpable, reached an unbearable peak. Despite puffing on several cigarettes in quick succession, Cedric couldn't quell the storm raging within him.

Lucas was standing nearby, and he sensed the brewing storm.

"What now?" he asked hesitantly.

The quietness of the study made even the faint sounds from the phone call audible.

If it was about how the relationship between them had fallen apart, it had happened a long tago.

But this time... it was completely shattered.

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Whether it was about the documents or the individual involved, everything had ccrashing down between them.

Rubbing his throbbing temples, Cedric muttered, "We must find Natalie as soon as possible." The tone in his voice was tinged with regret. He had never intended to involve Natalie, but circumstances had ensnared her, driven by her resentment towards him! "Yes, sir." Lucas nodded, understanding the urgency.

They had mobilized every possible resource to locate Natalie, but there hadn't been a single piece of information about Irwin, adding to the mounting concerns.

Once Lucas left, Cedric was left alone in the study. His gaze drifted, consumed by the weight of his emotions.

Why had Natalie been dragged into this? Undoubtedly, it was due to her deep-seated resentment toward him.

And this resentment... was a bitterness that left him feeling utterly helpless! Despite the tumultuous events in both Simeria and Wexford, Natalie appeared outwardly +15 BONUS Chapter 510 You Didn't Have to Do All This "You...!" "You wouldn't dare," Irwin countered Cedric easily.

"Bring her back!" Cedric practically hissed each word through gritted teeth.

However, the only response was the abrupt beep of the call ending.

Irwin had hung up.

The tension in the study, already palpable, reached an unbearable peak. Despite puffing on several cigarettes in quick succession, Cedric couldn't quell the storm raging within him.

Lucas was standing nearby, and he sensed the brewing storm.

"What now?" he asked hesitantly.

The quietness of the study made even the faint sounds from the phone call audible.

If it was about how the relationship between them had fallen apart, it had happened a long tago.

But this time... it was completely shattered.

Whether it was about the documents or the individual involved, everything had ccrashing down between them.

Rubbing his throbbing temples, Cedric muttered, "We must find Natalie as soon as possible." The tone in his voice was tinged with regret. He had never intended to involve Natalie, but circumstances had ensnared her, driven by her resentment towards him! "Yes, sir." Lucas nodded, understanding the urgency.

They had mobilized every possible resource to locate Natalie, but there hadn't been a single piece of information about Irwin, adding to the mounting concerns.

1 Once Lucas left, Cedric was left alone in the study. His gaze drifted, consumed by the weight of his emotions.

Why had Natalie been dragged into this? Undoubtedly, it was due to her deep-seated resentment toward him.

And this resentment... was a bitterness that left him feeling utterly helpless! Despite the tumultuous events in both Simeria and Wexford, Natalie appeared outwardly 12 +15 BONUS The region was chilly, but irwin had ensured Natalie was well-protected. His attentive demeanor and gentle eyes revealed a tenderness that could melt any woman's heart.

Yet, Natalie remained cold and aloof. She simply allowed Irwin's ministrations without much reaction.

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"Alright, we can go now," Irwin finally said, satisfied after inspecting her thoroughly.

"You really didn't have to go through all this trouble,” Natalie replied icily.

He was treating her as if she were an invalid.

It was merely putting on sextra layers! "It's too cold here in Mount Elven. I'm worried you might get frostbite," Irwin said.

That was why Irwin meticulously inspected even the gloves before Natalie wore them.

Natalie gave him a flat look in response.

Before setting out, Irwin had someone prepare a bowl of ginger tea for her, ensuring she wouldn't feel the biting cold immediately upon stepping outside.

During her there, Natalie had been indoors most of the time, unaware of the true extent of Mount Elven's cold. Moreover, with the continuous snowfall in recent days, there was hardly a reason for her to venture outside.

Yet now, as she stepped out, a chilling sensation swept over Natalie.

Irwin was holding her hand. Even through his thick gloves, he felt her body tremble slightly.

"Are you cold?" He turned to look at her. His eyes were gentle and reminiscent of the warmth of sunlight in the sky.

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