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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1573
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"All your family are with Chairman Thompson..." "So? Do I have to join in the fun? Will I get more assets if I squeeze in?" Drew tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. Justin stared at his cocky expression and smiled faintly.

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No matter how stubborn Drew was, his slightly reddened eyes still reveal his concern for Chairman Thompson.

"Drew!" An anxious voice called out. Declan, still in his military uniform, had finally rushed back from Dawnford overnight. "Declan!" Drew's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly walked toward him.

"Dad... How is he?" Declan's eyes were bloodshot from exhaustion. He was ruthless and decisive in the military, but at this moment, he seemed timid and cautious.

Drew's face had a rare gentleness, and he patted Declan's shoulder badges. "Don't worry. Wyatt has woken up." "Great, that's great... I'll go in and see Dad." Declan's tightened heart finally eased, and he was about to walk into the ward when he saw Justin's lean figure standing at the side. His face darkened.

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"Why is he here?" Justin's throat dried up, his eyelashes fluttering slightly.

Drew scratched his head and flashed a toothy grin. "Hey, who else would be here if not him? He's following his wife." "Following his wife?" Declan's tone was cold and hard. "Did you get bought off by him so easily?" "Declan, I..." "No matter how hard he tried to make amends now, it was all futile. The things he did to Bella weren't just harm in my eyes, but unforgivable crimes!" Chapter 1573 1 After that, Declan entered the ward and slammed the door behind him.

Justin stood rooted to the spot in a daze, his thin lips slightly parted, feeling a thousand emotions stuck in his throat, and his eyes seemed ready to shed blood.

"Bro, are you possessed?" Drew snapped his fingers in front of Justin. Justin's pupils constricted, and he lowered his head.

"Sorry." "Sorry, my ass! Look at you now-spineless and pathetic! I really feel like giving you a few good punches!" Drew disappointedly punched Justin's chest, not too lightly, but the man did not move an inch. "If I were you, the more he looked down on me, the more I'd cling to Bella, like a ghost haunting her forever. I'll force him to accept me! Are you backing down because someone scolded you? Where's that shameless persistence of yours?" Justin's throat bobbed. "I'm sticking around, aren't I? Don't worry. For Bella, I could be more shameless than Christopher." Drew nodded in satisfaction, looking as if Justin had a bright future.

"I just..." "It's all in the past.” Drew cut him off in a serious tone, shaking his head. "As her brothers, we are only responsible for protecting her, not to judge who she fell in love with or whether she is happy. If she has let it go we have no right to interfere. Declan has always stuck to his rigid logic since childhood. He's stubborn and doesn't listen to anyone. Me, Asher, Axel, and Ralph combined could not sway him. "Justin, you must be mentally prepared that he might never forgive you. Not everything can be perfect. As long as Wyatt and Asher are accepting you slowly, consider it a great achievement." Justin looked deep into Drew's vibrant eyes, feeling a surge of warmth in his heart.