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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1571
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"Mr. Hoffman, please rest assured. Young Madam Carrie is fine." Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. "What is it, then?" Yasmin halted, her voice growing heavy. "I just received the news that Chairman Logan had sent smen to bring Ms. Zoe back to Savrow from Inalia." "What did you say?!" Ryan's eyes widened in anger. "How did you let this happen? How could you let her return?!" Yasmin felt guilty. "Our men watched her closely without leaving her side. Everything was going fine, but for sreason, Ms. Zoe suddenly went into cardiac arrest! We're afraid she might die, so we immediately rushed her to the hospital!" "That brat is perfectly healthy and doesn't have any heart conditions. Why did she go into cardiac arrest?!" "I was also surprised." Yasmin was angry but helpless. “After that happened, I immediately ordered them to keep the news under wraps, but as soon as Ms. Zoe went into the hospital, Chairman Logan found out about it, as if it were all arranged! Chairman Logan interfered, and Ms. Zoe was sent to the emergency room, so our men couldn't stop it even if they wanted to. Later, I heard that it was due to drug abuse." Drug abuse?! Ryan immediately sensed something off. His eyes turned cold. "Did she meet up with anyone the past two days?" "Besides going to the spa once, she did not go anywhere or meet anyone." Yasmin felt her guilt grow deeper as she spoke, feeling as if her throat was stuffed with cotton. "Mr. Hoffman, I'm sorry. This was my oversight. I'm willing to accept any punishment you deem fit." Ryan waved his hand. “It's not about punishment now! Where is Zoe?" "She has already left Inalia and is on Chairman Logan's private jet now." "Who's with her?" "Your mother and Liam." Upon hearing Liam's name, Ryan's heart sank, his hands tightening into a fist and his knuckles cracking.

"No matter how many precautions I take, I still can't prevent that bastard from colluding with that wretched girl! I'm going to see Grandpa now!" When Ryan rushed to the Hoffman villa, Logan had been waiting for him in the study.

"Grandfather, Zoe..." "It waswho asked your mother and uncle to fetch Zoe back from Inalia." Logan directly interrupted him. "Initially, wanted to personally bring my granddaughter home, but I think you would immediately get the news and rush over to see me. So waited for you here." et Ryan was filled with indignation and struggled to suppress his burning anger. "Grandfather, did you forget what you promised me? Zoe committed such an unforgivable mistake ruined her reputation, and almost brought down our family! How could you let her return? If you don't punish her heavily, that restless girl will continue to cause trouble. How are we going to clean up her mess again? As the family head, how could you go back on your words?!" "Zoe is alone, and she has suffered enough abroad. She has admitted her mistakes and apologized toand her mother!" "That's all an act! Once she returns to Savrow, she will immediately reveal her true colors!" "You are my only grandson, but Zoe is my only granddaughter! I couldn't possibly watch my granddaughter be exiled!" Logan slammed on the table, glaring el at Ryan. "Zoe has been pampered since childhood. When did she ever suffer such humiliation and torment?! Do you know she almost died overseas?! You are her brother, but you don't care about her at all. Instead, you're blamingfor bringing her back. If your father saw this, how heartbroken would he be?!"