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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1560
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The two happy couples had dinner at Nigel's house. The evening was filled with laughter and joy.

After dinner, the servants cleared the table. In front of the most important witnesses, Ryan instructed Yasmin to take out a thick stack of documents from a briefcase and lay them one by one in front of Nigel.

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The table was covered with red-tinted documents, resembling a giant red tablecloth! Yet, these were just the tip of the iceberg. Despite being accustomed to grandeur, the thickness of the domestic property deeds alone made Bella exclaim in wonder.

"Don't be envious," Justin said, squinting his eyes and firmly interlocking his fingers with hers under the table, his voice low and soft. "What he has, I have too. Mine is no less than his." "Hmph. Even if you two combine what you have, it's not even a tenth of my dad's wealth. What's there to be envious of?" Bella retorted. Her eyes betrayed her joy, brimming with sweetness. "It's just the first tI've seen someone lay it all out like they're setting up a stall." Justin gazed at the stunning expression on Bella's face, frowning with a bitter smile. He immediately wanted to kick himself for showing off in front of the daughter of Hatchbay's richest man. He must have lost his mind.

"Ryan, what's this for?" Nigel blinked, feigning ignorance.

Ryan smiled with joy while holding Carrie's hand. "Grandpa Nigel, these are the betrothal gifts I've prepared for Carrie, but this is just what I have domestically. I also have sproperties overseas, but I haven't had tto sort them out. I will do my best to organize them for your review." Carrie's face turned redder than the property deeds on the table, her delicate hands drenched in sweat from Ryan's grip, and happiness was evident in her eyes and smile.

Nigel was not a cold-hearted magnate selling his granddaughter. He had already prepared a generous dowry for her. He did not need these gifts, but seeing Ryan's earnest preparation made him smile from ear to ear. "Your devotion to Carrie means more than anything." "Grandpa Nigel, having devotion alone isn't enough," Ryan said, looking into Carrie's eyes with a focus that seemed to pierce her soul. "Haven't you heard the saying? The measure of how much you love a woman is how much you're willing to spend on her." Bella and Justin exclaimed, "So cheesy!" Nigel nodded in agreement, feeling he had found a kindred spirit. When his wife was alive, he, too, spent extravagantly to pamper her.

"I wish I could give Carrie everything I own. I want to give her the grandest wedding of the century, so the whole world can witness our happiness." Ryan was eager, wishing he could marry Carrie immediately.

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"No need to be so extravagant! Just something simple with family and friends is enough," Carrie said, anxious and embarrassed by Ryan's lavishness.

Ryan smiled reassuringly. “Carrie, you don't understand. The people in the Hoffman family are extremely snobbish. If I don't make it a grand and glorious event, they'll gossip about you behind your back and look down on you." Justin took a sip of tea. "You seem to have a pretty good understanding of your family's situation." Ryan raised his eyebrows arrogantly. "Of course, when it comes to self-awareness, I'm always a step ahead of you, brother." "Ahem..." Justin immediately choked, almost spilling his tea.

Justin thought, 'Was this kid thinking his marriage to Carrie was a done deal and he didn't need to be polite anymore?! Hmph!' Nigel and Bella laughed.

et "Grandpa Nigel, the appointment for the CEO of the Hoffman Group will be finalized soon. After the board meeting, Carrie and I will hold our engagement ceremony," Ryan said, a hint of inferiority flashing inhis proud eyes. "Previously, I was always a marginal figure in the Hoffman family, only having the title of 'Young Master Hoffman', while the real power was in the hands of my grandfather and uncle. Carrie has giventremendous motivation and rekindled my ambition for power. So, I want to officially becthe CEO of the Hoffman Group and match Carrie's status before I propose to her properly. After all, it's just around the corner."