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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1544
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Carrie watched until the tail lights were out of sight before turning away.

Yasmin then approached her. "Young Madam.” "Yeah?" Carrie replied, looking at her.

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"Thank you for standing up fortoday. Thank you..." Yasmin's eyes welled up with emotion.

Yasmin had served Ryan since her teenage years, starting as a maid and eventually becoming his secretary and bodyguard. She had undergone harsh training and faced many dangers, making her indifferent and cold to everyone except her boss.

However, Carrie's presence had brought a familial warmth that Yasmin had never experienced before. Yasmin saw Carrie not just as her boss's wife but also as a sister whom she cherished.

"Yasmin, I know how hard you've worked." Carrie held Yasmin's calloused hand, her eyes shining. "I know you care deeply for Ryan. Even if he doesn't see it, I do. Your efforts should not go unnoticed." Yasmin opened her mouth but was at a loss for words. So, she simply held Carrie's hands tightly in gratitude.

* Tonight, Logan decided to host a rare family banquet, summoning all the family members. No one dared to disrespect the head of the family, so despite any underlying tensions, they had to put on a show of unity and courtesy.

Ryan walked confidently into the restaurant, where Logan, Claire, Liam, and Liam's wife were already seated.

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"Sorry for being late, Grandpa," Ryan said with a charming smile, gracefully taking his seat.

Claire, who had not seen her son in a while, was pleasantly surprised by his appearance.

Back then, Ryan was a rebellious troublemaker, causing chaos outside and showing no respect at home. Even at family banquets, he behaved recklessly. Two years ago, during a family feast, he infamously grabbed a lamb's leg and gnawed on it like a caveman. But Ryan had changed completely, exuding the poise and demeanor of a true leader, much like his father.

He had clearly becmore mature.

"Great. It's nice to see the whole family here." Logan nodded at his grandson with apparent satisfaction. “However, try to ca bit earlier next time. It's not good to keep your elders waiting. There's no need to arrive right on the dot, as if you're clocking in for work." Ryan smiled and replied, "Alright, Grandpa. I'll keep that in mind next time." "Oh, Ryan is the pillar of the Hoffman family now. He's a very busy man indeed."Sidelined after losing power, Liam now regarded Ryan with barely concealed envy. "He's the future CEO of the Hoffman Group, so things are different for him now. Dad, don't be too hard on him. Although we're his elders, we're not that strict. Once Ryan takes over, even 1, as his uncle, will rely on him tobring honor to our family name. You wouldn't believe how many friends of mine have been askingabout Ryan, eager to meet the future head of the group. It really feels like the younger generation has surpassed us, and our tis truly over." Liam's expression was a mix of a smile and a frown, making his emotions incomprehensible.

Ryan looked at Liam's scheming face, his phoenix eyes narrowing with a sharp glint. "Uncle Liam, I know all your shady friends. They're all like blind men trying to kick a shuttlecock, one worse than the other. What future do you see hanging out with them all day? Did you even complete the project Grandpa assigned to you?" Liam's expression stiffened. Just as he was about to retort, Ryan did not give him the chance, launching into a fierce tirade. "You can't even handle your own responsibilities. Yet, you're busy pulling strings to bring those leeches closer to the group. Don't take this the wrong way, but aside from sucking the Hoffman Group dry, what benefits do those friends of yours bring us? Now you want to introduce them to me, huh? Do I look like an easy mark to you?" Liam's face turned beet red, his mouth opening. However, Ryan's next words made his blood pressure spike. "Honestly, since we're family, there's no need for all this beating around the bush. Your snide comments make it seem like you've spent the past few months meditating in stemple."