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The Divorced Heiress by Arianapeige

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Ariana stood still and waited for Damien to reach them.

"Do you have anything to say to me, Mr Scott?" Ariana asked coldly.

Amanda heard Ariana's voice making her turn and walk towards them.

"You shouldn't believe what this woman tells you," Damien said as he looked at Amanda, disgusted in his eyes.

Hearing his words, Ariana chuckled and stared at him sternly.

"Mr Scott, if I don't believe her should I believe you? Or should I believe this little white lotus who follows you around everywhere?" Ariana asked sarcastically and with a cold smile on her face.

"Miss you don't know how despicable Amanda is. She got close to my granny so that she could marry into our family. Although she eventually got into our family, my brother never looked at her even once despite her seducing him," Eunice said, making Amanda's, Ariana's, and Elsa's eyes turn cold as they looked at her.

“I am sure she is trying to get close to you to get married into your family," she added, making them chuckle as they found it as a joke.

"Miss Anderson, what my sister is saying is true. You better watch your back before she destroys your family," Damien said, backing his sister.

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"Funny how you guys claim that. Letask you something, did I ruin your family?" Amanda asked as she coldly looked at Damien and Eunice waiting for their answer.

"Yes. Not only did you succeed in separating my brother and Marie who love each other so much but also grandma doesn't get along with Damien since you left," Eunice replied angrily.

"Oh, I never knew that they did love each other. After all, when I got married to him, Marie wasn't in the picture. I am shocked that the mistress becomes the legitimate one while the wife becomes the third party." Amanda said with a cold smile on her face.

"If they love each other deeply as you claimed then why haven't they gotten married even after four vaare?" Amanda sekad Funjca se urincit tank the hatter nart of hor 14:27 Wed, 1 May 60% Chapter 58 Up to 30% off "Funny how you guys claim that. Letask you something, did I ruin your family?" Amanda asked as she coldly looked at Damien and Eunice waiting for their answer.

"Yes. Not only did you succeed in separating my brother and Marie who love each other so much but also grandma doesn't get along with Damien since you left," Eunice replied angrily.

"Oh, I never knew that they did love each other. After all, when I got married to him, Marie wasn't in the picture. I am shocked that the mistress becomes the legitimate one while the wife becomes the third party," Amanda said with a cold smile on her face.

't they? *If they love each other deeply as you claimed then why married even after four years?" Amanda asked Eunice as curiosity took the better part of her.

"Grandma is the one who rejected Marie and it's all your fault," Eunice answered.

"Stop talking nonsense here. Your grandmother never loved me! If she did and tookas her granddaughter-in-law, she would have believedwhen I said I never hurt Marie that day. She requested Damien to divorceas a birthday gift yet you stand in front ofsaying she and her grandson don't get along because of me? What a joke!" "If she still rejects Marie then she sees who this woman really is, guess the old woman isn't blind.

at all! Sadly, she is only blind when it comes to me!" Amanda said as sadness washed over her.

"Don't think that if Grandma rejects Marie you will have a chance to cback into our family! Marie is my sister-in-law and the Scotts' daughter-in-law!" Eunice said with a proud look.

"Who said I am interested in your brother? What does he have that I can't find in a man out here?" Amanda asked as she placed her hand on her chin thinking what that could be.

"Of course, my brother is rich and comes from the richest family in the city," Eunice said as to her, no man could be like her brother.

"You said that Amanda is befriendingto get married into our family. If that's the case don't you think that my family is richer than yours? And my brothers are all richer, more handsome, famous, and caring than this man? Amanda can get any man she wants, she doesn't have to go back to your family which will change soon, Ariana said with a smirk on her face.

Amanda looked at her sister with a surprised look.

14:27 Wed, 1 May MD DUX Chapter 58 Up to 30% off caring than this man? Amanda can get any man she wants, she doesn't have to go back to your family which will change soon," Ariana said with a smirk on her face.

Amanda looked at her sister with a surprised look.

Hearing this, Damien's eyes darkened while Marie looked at Amanda with envy and hatred as she wondered why could Amanda get a man richer than Damien even after being defeated and becoming laughingstock in the city.

"Mr Scott, Miss Scott, you should mind your own business. Whether Amanda becomes our family's daughter-in-law that's our problem, not yours," Ariana said coldly.

"Miss Anderson, you seem to misunderstand us. We were just reminding you out of goodwill," Damier said as he forced a smile.

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"Since when did our Anderson family becfriends with your Scott's family? You are our enemy! We don't need enemies pretending to care about us. You should stop pretending cause it is clear you are all jealous that Amanda has the Andersons as her backers. You are afraid and feel bad that she has gotten someone more powerful than you," Ariana said and smirked when she saw Damien clenching h hand into a fist as she knew she had hit a sore spot.

"Miss Anderson, since you don't have any issue with Amanda marrying any of your brothers, does it mean that she is the sister you were talking about? The one who is all defending and causing you fight against our family?" Damien asked, shocking them but they recovered from the shock quickly causing him not to see any change in their expression.

Before any of them said anything, he added, "So you weren't talking about your sister, you were talking about sister-in-law but Miss Anderson, you forgot that she is not yet married into your family." A smile found its way onto Ariana's face.

"No, you are wrong. We were talking about my younger sister. Mr Scott, don't you know that I have a younger sister? Qur last born is a girl. We were never talking about our sister-in-law. Also, how sure are you that Amanda isn't married into our family? Hm?" Ariana asked them. Damien's, Eunice's, and Marie's faces paled upon that and at the stime, they were unwilling to accept the reality.

14:28 Wed 1 May I M Chapter 58 00% Up to 30% off

Before any of them said anything, he added, "So you weren't talking about your sister, you were talking about sister-in-law but Miss Anderson, you forgot that she is not yet married into your The content is on ister; yQu wers talking about novelenglish.net! family." A smile found its way onto Ariana's face.

"No, you are wrong. We were talking about my younger sister. Mr Scott, don't you know that I have a younger sister? Our last bom is a girl. We were never talking about our sister-in-law. Also, how sure are you that Amanda isn't married into our family? Hm?" Ariana asked them. Damien's, Eunice's, and Marie's faces paled upon that and at the stime, they were unwilling to accept the reality.

"Actually, I never knew there was a conflict between you and Amanda. Now that you have informed us doesn't that mean that you the Scotts not only offended my younger sister but also my sister-in-law? That's wonderful. Then we should fight your family stronger than before to avenge them," Ariana added with a mysterious smile on her face.

Damien looked at Amanda coldly and blamed her for everything. He regretted stopping them and talking to them cause now they made things worse than before.

"Mr Scott, don't forget to attend our newly designed clothes launch next week. I will make sure I send sinvitations to your family's mansion so that you all can attend it," Amanda said with a smirk on her face before leaving.