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The Divorced Heiress by Arianapeige

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122 "Why are you still here even after your grandpa has summoned you?" Amanda asked with a frown on face after walking downstairs and finding Gregory still present.

Hearing her voice, Gregory lifted his head and looked in that direction in anticipation.

Amanda saw him looking at him and wondered whether he had done something wrong.

The man was as cold as her older brother and most twhen she saw how he stared at her sternly, she would always think that she had done something wrong and was about to be reprimanded.

"You know why I haven't gone yet!" Gregory answered coldly making Amanda confused as the two of then had been getting close and she had thought that she was able to break the ice but now, she wondere whether she had been confused or had she had been wrong from the start.

"Hei, what have I done? I am a good child and a small angel," Amanda said in a soft voice making Gregory snort as he went back to his work.

Amanda was left speechless as she didn't know what wrong thing she had done to receive such attention. Nonetheless, since she was her family's lastborn and had always been pampered, she didn't know how to be soft, try to make things better, and also spoil someone.

Thus when she saw that Gregory was behaving like a spoilt brat in front of her, she sighed as she went ahead and did her things ignoring him too.

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'Since he has decided to ignore me, I will also ignore him! I will show him that I also know the meaning of ignore! Amanda stubbornly said inwardly.

If Gregory had heard her words, he would have choked on what he had been drinking and thought she wa: such a mannerless young girl.

"Call your grandfather and tell her that you are fine." He broke the silence after sminutes, and when he noted that Amanda was also ignoring him.

He was so frustrated as he didn't know what to do and at the stime, didn't want to her nagging and spoiling her. To him, that wasn't his word but her brothers.

FM, 3 May Qupter 122 Up to 30% off AllMoja Slpptu wilal 300 vaɔ uuinig diu IVONEU AL THIT WUNUCHING WHAL YA WILLg murauanu my ne nau been so interested in her stuff.

She averted her eyes and continued doing her work. Gregory caught all this and he massaged his temple as he thought that Amanda had cto torture him.

"Have you heard me?” he asked in an angry tone making Amanda frown as she didn't know where the had thought that he had rights over her.

Commanding and talking to her the way he wanted. To her, she was the one who was supposed to do that and not Gregory as she felt that he was still inferior to her. It wasn't that she was looking down at him but his character was making Amanda think that he wasn't suitable to be her close friend. Due to this, Amanda decided to be cold to him just the way he was was trying her.

"Who are you to commandon what to do? Even my family has never commandedto do so! I ar one who does what I want. Well, except for Grandpa and Grandma," she said coldly.

"Then since you know that, you should inform him that you are still alone,” he said in a cold tone making Amanda shake her head in pity.

Amanda looked at him.

"It seems that you can't understand what I am telling you! I said no one can orderaround and you still are! Who do you think you are?" she asked coldly shocking Gregory as he had not expected her be angry for him insisting she inform her old man.

He studied her and sighed. 'It is my fault for forgetting that she can also be cold.

Amanda released a superior aura which was even greater than him making him hold his breath as it was so great and it had been oppressing him.

"Your grandfather is worried about you," he said in a low tone hoping that she would stop releasing such an oppressing aura.

"Worried? Of course, I know that he feels more guilty than worried! Also, I won't inform him. I will go straight to them. Not informing him won't kill him!" Amanda said making Gregory shake his head as he pitied himself and the old man.

Seeing that Amanda wasn't going to stop emitting the aura, Gregory breathed in fear and hurriedly as he felt that it was better if he left-before he was killed by her auras.

273 12:37 Fri, 3 May MM ti Chapter 122 59% Up to 30% off He hurriedly stood up and walked out of the room without telling her..

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Seeing him departing in haste, Amanda let out a smile as she knew what had happened. She felt proud of herself for getting rid of him as she saw him as a bother. She took out her phone and started going through the trending news and reading the comments.

One trend caught her eye making her click on it.

'IS AMANDA ANDERSON DEAD OR ALIVE?' Amanda quickly understood that speople had started oubting the news of her death and even thought that she was the one behind Myers's failure.

Sfelt shiver down their spine as they thought of what would ever happen if they wronged her even slightly.

Gregory got out and wondered where he would go as he still didn't feel like going to work. He didn't know why but he just lacked the will to go the company. He wanted to stay indoors as he did his

things but after sminutes, he remembered that he wouldn't be able to achieve that if he failed to go to his grandfather and convince him that Amanda wasn't dead as they all thought.

He felt uneasy if he didn't tell him as he knew his grandfather's temper. He can even decide out of anger which he would later regret when he comes down.

After sminutes, he arrived at his grandfather's mansion as he had something to talk to him.

Sadly, luck wasn't on his side as immediately he opened the door, he was welcomed by a cup being thrown at him.