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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

Annie looked at Corinne with admiration and adulation. “I was right to make you my goddess! You’re

the only person who can bring my uncle down from his ivory tower to experience the wonders of this


The corners of Corinne’s lips twitched as she smiled stiffly.

It was not so much her ability as it was the agreement that existed between them. Since he needed her

to cooperate in being affectionate in front of his grandmother, he had no choice but to be magnanimous

and invite her to a meal.

Jeremy shot Annie a cold look. “Didn’t I tell you to reflect on your mistakes at home? Who said you

could come out?”

Annie pouted and stuck out her tongue. “I don’t want to stay at home and spend my time reflecting on

it! Isn’t it depressing enough for me to get cheated on and have my wedding ruined? How could you

bring yourself to have me lock myself up at home and reflect on it!”

Jeremy ignored her protests and looked at the two people beside her.

Sunny looked at Jeremy respectfully and greeted him. “Hello, Jeremy.”

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Jeremy nodded slightly, as if to acknowledge his greeting. “How did the three of you end up together?

Where have all of you been?”

The curly-haired woman smiled warmly and tucked her hair behind her ears as she came forward.

Sunny and I went shopping and ran into Annie there.”

Jeremy closed his eyes, responded with a soft grunt, and said nothing else.

The curly-haired woman looked at the freshly-served food on the table and said enthusiastically, You

two seem to have just started eating, and we happen to be searching for a place to eat too. May we

join in?”

Rather than answering them, Jeremy looked at Corinne as if to get her opinion.

Corinne was concentrating on her food when she realized that he was looking at her. She immediately

understood what he was trying to imply and said indifferently, “Sure. I don’t mind!”

He was paying, after all, and she was only there to fill her tummy. Whether or not they joined did

not matter to her.

After Corinne made her stance known, Jeremy nodded and said, “Have a seat then.”

The curly-haired woman was startled to see their interaction, and her expression sank right then.

Annie sat down enthusiastically next to Corinne, while the curly-haired woman casually took her seat

next to Jeremy.

Since the table was meant for four, Sunny had to sit on the chair that the waitress brought over.

After ordering some more food, the curly-haired woman greeted Corinne with a smile. “Hi there,

Corinne. My name is Rosie Sutton, and I’ve been friends with Jeremy for many years.”

Corinne drank some water and nodded. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

Annie pestered Corinne like a little girl and asked, “Oh, there’s something I wanted to ask yesterday but

didn’t get a chance to. How are you so good at dice games? Did you learn it before? It’s super


Before Corinne could even say anything, Sunny let out a disdainful snort. “Tch! You’re calling her your

goddess just because she’s good at rolling dice! What sort of admiration is that, Annie?”

Annie frowned unhappily and glared at Sunny, “She is and always will be my queen! Why do you even

care so much about it? If you think you’re better than me, then why don’t you tell me who your goddess


Sunny waggled his eyebrows proudly. “Have you heard of Jade Rabbit, one of the two top hackers in

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the world? She’s my goddess, and I’m going to make her my wife too! She’ll be mine, and I’ll dote on

her to high heaven!”

When Corinne heard that, she choked up and coughed violently, almost to the point where she spat out

the fatty beef slice that she stuffed into my mouth.

Annie panicked. “Are you all right?”

Jeremy, who was having a conversation with Rosie, heard Corinne’s coughing and looked over

suddenly. He frowned, placed a tissue in front of her mouth, and asked her to spit out what was in her

mouth. “Don’t wolf down all the food in such a rush. No one’s going to snatch it from you.”

The man’s tone was harsh, as if he was lecturing his children.

Rosie was taken aback. She had never seen Jeremy caring so much for a woman.

Sunny frowned and had a look of contempt. “She’s just pretending!”

Rosie shot back at him and said, “How can you say that? She’s really choking!”

Sunny downplayed her remark. “What’s there to choke on Asian food? I think she’s just putting on an

act and making a mountain out of a molehill!”

Rosie was helpless. “Hey, don’t be so mean…”

Corinne wiped her mouth, got up, and said, “Excuse me while I go to the bathroom.”

Rosie then stood up and followed her. “I’ll go with you, Corinne!”