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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2622
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After being examined, Claudia requested to wait outside her father's emergency room. However, upon seeing Thalia sitting in a chair by the door, she hesitated to approach any further. Claudia was not sure if she had the right to be there for her father.

Lucas frowned upon seeing her so hesitant. It was her father after all, so what was she hesitating about? He could not understand why she could not just go in.

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With a firm grip, he pulled Claudia toward the door of her father's emergency room. However, Thalia interpreted it as Claudia showing off yet again after observing their interaction. She knew Claudia was manipulative.

'Even in the hospital, she's still showing off her relationship with Lucas!' thought Thalia.

Thalia glared at them as they stood there holding hands, her eyes practically shooting daggers. She wished she could tear Claudia apart right then and there.

"Thalia... I want to wait for Dad to cout with you..." Claudia's confidence evaporated in front of her younger sister. She even mustered a pitiful smile to appease her aloof sibling.

Thalia did not even spare her a glance. She responded indifferently, "Of course, you can. Who am I to tell you no? If you want to come, then come. We're outside Dad's emergency room, so can't you show sself-respect? Stop fooling around with other boys, or have you forgotten what he said?" Claudia recoiled like a frightened bird. She immediately withdrew her hand, but upon seeing Lucas' puzzled expression, she forced an apologetic smile. "I know. I've never dated anyone. I'm very aware of what my top priority is right now." She was almost ready to swear to her sister.

Lucas could tell her emotions were off, so he did not press further. Instead, he directed his gaze toward Thalia, the instigator of the tension. She seemed familiar to him, but he could not recall if he had met her before.

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After a moment, he said coolly, "Your father is hospitalized, and you and your sister should be supporting each other. Why are you being so harsh to her?" As soon as Lucas finished speaking, Claudia immediately grabbed his hand, and her eyes pleaded for him to stop. "Please, don't say anything more." "How am I being harsh to her?" Thalia could not believe that the boy she had secretly admired for so long would accuse her like this just for Claudia's sake. "Did I say something wrong? All of this is because of her. My father is still lying in there, and I haven't settled the score with her or with you, and yet you turn around and blme!"

Lucas lowered his head sincerely. "I know all of this is because of me. You can blme, but you shouldn't take it out on your sister. She's innocent." "Innocent? My dad's innocent too, yet she's the reason he ended up like this!" Thalia was almost shouting, and Claudia looked up at her with distress. 'Does she hateto this extent?' thought Claudia.

However, the more pitiful Claudia looked, the more Thalia hated her.

Claudia could easily evoke sympathy and forgiveness with her pretty face and pitiful expressions. However, e Thalia was different. Even then, as she faced the possibility of losing her father and lashed out at her sister, it seemed unreasonable to Lucas.

With other patients in the hospital, Thalia's outburst quickly caught the attention of the nurses.