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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2619
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"Quick, Grandma. We gotta go save Mister Henry!" Lucas only stayed in Beatrice's embrace for a few seconds before lifting his head. "We gotta hurry! The fact that this kidnapper found us probably means Mister Henry might be in danger!" Claudia snapped out of her shock upon hearing what Lucas said. She quickly grabbed the arm of a police officer. "Officer, please save my dad! My dad is still there. He might be in danger!" Beatrice patted Lucas' back before turning to Claudia. "Child, we've split into two teams. One team has gone to find your father. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about him." Unfortunately, no amount of reassurance could ease Claudia's distress. She looked dazed, prompting Beatrice to have her assisted into the car. "Get her swater to drink. Let's go, Lucas. Get in the car." As for Manny, even though he was caught by the police, he continued to struggle. He tried to escape so that he could return and inform Stan about the newcomers. Unfortunately, they were facing well-equipped police officers.

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Jimmy, especially after learning the kidnappers' identities, dared not take them lightly. Everyone was fully equipped to apprehend the suspects, so how could they let such a big fish slip through their net? Jimmy stood firm in front of Manny. "Looks like we're old acquaintances, huh? How many of you are there?" Manny glanced at Jimmy but remained silent. His solitary, stubborn nature had made him unsociable, but somehow, he had clicked with Stan in prison. Since then, he had faithfully followed him. Stan also had great trust in Manny; he considered him his right-hand man.

The police officers had thought they were in for a tough fight. They had not expected to apprehend a major criminal right away, and this boosted Jimmy's confidence. There was no tto waste. He led everyone toward the yard, hoping for a favorable outcthere too.

When they arrived, they found the place in a mess. However, the outcsurprised everyone-all the kidnappers were apprehended. Unfortunately, Henry was in poor condition, barely clinging to O consciousness.

Claudia rushed over to her father the moment she found him. She did not know where to touch him since his whole body was covered in injuries. "Dad, don't scare me. What's the matter with you? Get up quickly. We're safe now. We need to go home!" Thalia, who arrived a moment later, stumbled and knelt beside Henry. "Dad, wake up! Why won't you open your eyes and look at me?" Tears streamed down her face and onto the ground when she saw her father's severe injuries and Claudia's pretense. She was so angry that she slapped Claudia right then and there.

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"This is all your fault! If it weren't for you, Dad wouldn't be like this now. Yet, you still dare to pretend to be pitiful. It's all because of you! Giveback my father!" Claudia did not fight back when she was slapped; she just silently cried. 'Thalia's right. If it weren't for me, Dad wouldn't be injured like this.' The nearby officers were startled to see the sisters fighting and quickly pulled Thalia aside.

Thalia, still furious, wanted to hit Claudia again, but Lucas immediately stepped in to shield her. "What are you doing? You think she hasn't suffered enough?"

Although he did not say more, his gaze conveyed his condemnation. "Enough! If you want to hit or scold someone, do it to me. I'm the reason for all of this happening!"

Thalia was already in great pain, but Lucas' gaze made her even more heartbroken. It was claudia's fault, so why was he looking at her with such blaming eyes? Where had she gone wrong?