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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2610
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"Hehehe. I knew it was the right choice but follow you, Boss! We'll never have to worry about money ever again. We can eat and drink the finest after this!" Previously, in the next room, they had collected the first ransom. Each of them would be getting tens of thousands! This was something they could not have imagined back when they were working normal jobs.

Thinking about the possibility of even more money to come, each of them worshiped Stan. Originally, they did not want to go back to this line of work after finally getting out of prison. After all, they had spent so many years inside, and they wanted to start fresh and turn over a new leaf when they got out.

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However, they just could not resist the temptation. This line of work brought money in so quickly compared to doing odd jobs. Moreover, they were looked down upon, and after a year of hard work, they would not even save much. It would be even more difficult to send money back hto their families for them to buy new clothes. Kidnapping was different. This was just the first ransom, and they had earned so much already. Not to mention they had demanded more money from Cedric and Beatrice to ransom back Lucas. Just thinking about it felt so satisfying to the kidnappers.

The other three men, completely drunk, helped Stan to the next room to sleep. Only two men remained, and they walked up to Lucas, Henry, and Claudia with an iron rod in their hands to give them a good beating.

"I warned you three, tonight it's just the two of us on duty. Don't even think about escaping. It's not like you'll get far with your injuries. So you better behave if you want to keep your sorry lives! Got it?" Henry curled up and nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes. We got it." "At least you have ssense." He stood up and said to his companion, "Let's go, it's freezing in here. We shouldn't stay here." Although their voices sounded sober, Lucas and the others could all smell the strong scent of alcohol on him. It was not a scent one could pick up just from being around it for a while.

The two guards did not stay in the sroom as them. Instead, they stayed outside and started a fire. The room was chilly, with the door open and only a layer of wire mesh at the back. All three of them were freezing with the chilly wind blowing through the door.

"It's so cold..." Claudia muttered quietly.

Henry moved closer to her. "Cover here. It'll be warmer if the three of us huddle together." They would surely get sick the next day if they spent the whole nightdike this. Falling ill would just make things worse since they were injured. Escaping would seem like an impossible dream if they fall sick.

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The three of them huddled in a corner, doing their best to avoid the draft. The kidnappers outside noticed and shared a smile.

"Hey, you think they're scared to death?" "They better be. We didn't go through all this trouble just for schump change." Each of the kidnappers had received tens of thousands of dollars, so they were all in good spirits. One of them, feeling generous, grabbed two scraps of cloth he found lying. somewhere and tossed them to the captives.

"Here, cover yourselves up with these. We don't want you freezing to death. There aren't any designer brands for you to use right now, so make do with these."

The cloth had a smell to it, but as they said, how could they complain at a tlike this? tuckily, the cloth-though unpleasant-had sthickness to it.

Henry used his teeth to layer the two scraps over themselves Iimmediately felt much warmer. "Feeling warmer now?" The man outside chuckled while utside tending to the fire, "You're not

bothered by the smell, huh? These were used as dog bedding before, so it's soaked with dog pee. I can't believe you used your teeth to grab it. Hahaha!"