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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2594
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"B*tch," Thalia spat.

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Claudia turned around in disbelief. "What did you just call me?" "I called you a b*tch." "I dare you to say that again!" Claudia never thought that her sister would curse at her like that. She had never scolded or laid a finger on Thalia, yet Thalia had no qualms about using such derogatory terms to address her! "Are you mentally ill? You like being called a b*tch, do you? You're a b*tch, and that's a fact! You toldto stop thinking about Lucas all the tbecause you secretly like him too, right? You just didn't conside who your rivals are. That's how you've always been. Whenever I like something, you just have to try your best to take it away. Lucas is different though. I won't let you have him." Claudia could see Thalia's mouth moving, but she did not pay attention to everything that cout of Thalia's mouth. The only thing that filled her mind was that her sister had called her a b*tch. "Don't pretend like you're a good person in front offrom now on. It disgusts me. Now, please get out of my room." Thalia pointed at the door, leaving Claudia still in shock.

"You calleda b*tch just because of him? We're sisters, you know. People see us as having a strong bond, but that boy is enough to change all that-hmph. I never thought that my sister would one day point her finger atand calla b*tch." Claudia turned and left. As soon as the door closed, tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. It had never crossed her mind that her sister would say something so.

vicious She thought that Thet was just playing skind of joke on her that day, yet she was forced to face the fact that her sister harbored such deep resentment for her and genuinely hated her.

Claudia was mentally and physically exhausted after walking around the school several times in the afternoon. That, and the slap from her father when she got home, bectoo much for her and her emotions finally collapsed.

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Henry soon realized that he had acted rashly. Claudia had always been a sensible girl, and it would be rather out- of-character for her to deliberately leave Thalia in school. He regretted his actions deeply. After washing the dishes, he found Claudia crying silently outside Thalia's room. He felt even more heartbroken and pulled her into his room.

"I'm sorry for what I did, Claudia. I shouldn't have slapped you today. You were right. I'm getting older, and my emotions sometimes get the better of me. I'm really sorry. I' make sure to control myself in the future. Don't be sad, okay?" Henry's grey hair triggered another surge of emotion from Claudia. She threw herself into Henry's and cried loudly. "Everything that happened today isn't what you think it is..."

That was not to say that she could explain what happened if she was asked to. The entire incident N had beem beyond her expectations, and it I was no longer something a teenager could resolve. "Tellwhat happened. Didn't we

already agree we'll always share our problems? won't be able to help you if you don't tell me.' me. Henry was m extremely Worried, especially for his eldest daughter. She was a smart, pretty girl who would have had plenty of suitors at school.

Claudia, being the well-behaved and mature girl that she was, knew better than to deal with all those people. Since she would never accept all those confessions, there was a possibility that she could have been bullied. X