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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2590
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'From the moment she followedto school, I repeatedly reminded her not to wander off. After all, the school was unfamiliar to her. What if she gets lost? Even though she promisedshe wouldn't, she seemed to have forgotten about it the moment we reached my school.' "Gah! Forget it. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding on my part!" said Claudia out loud with a frown.

Just then, her friend sent her a screenshot.

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[Take a look at this. Isn't this your sister? Why is she being discussed in our school forum?] The figure in the photo was not very clear, but Claudia immediately recognized Thalia because she was wearing the soutfit. However, what caught Claudia's attention was the sarcastic title of the post and the person standing beside Thalia-Lucas.

[What's your opinion of a girl from another school confidently confessing her feelings to our school's heartthrob?] Most of the comments below were mocking the girl in the photo, and Claudia felt extremely uncomfortable reading them. Thus, she told her friend that the girl in the photo was not her sister.

'But when did Thalia meet Lucas? If they didn't know each other, how could she be confessing to him like this? Could it be because of this incident that she went into hiding?' Claudia felt a mixed bag of emotions for a brief moment. She still did not understand why Thalia would lie to her and her father.

"Sigh..." Originally, she did not want to dwell on this matter, so she pretended not to have seen the post in the forum. The situation would only escalate if she were to argue with the commenters. Thalia was not even a student at their school to begin with, and Claudia was confident the news would eventually die down, especially with so many people confessing to Lucas. However, no one expected that her other friend would send her a photo of Thalia feasting outside. She zoomed in on the picture, almost unable to believe her eyes.

'Didn't Thalia say she waited forin the library? Then who was this person dining outside?' [Is this your sister? I went to dine at this restaurant after rehearsal. Just checked the photo and realized there's a person who looks a lot like your sister. Weren't you looking for her? Have you found her yet?] Claudia replied with a bitter smile, [I've found her. Thanks for the photo. I appreciate it.] [It's no big deal. I'm just glad you've found her.] As the pieces of evidence piled up one after another, Claudia knew she could no longer turn a blind eye. She took her phone and knocked on Thalia's door.

Thalia stopped rolling around her bed and looked towards the door before calmly tidying herself up and letting Claudia in.

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"Claudia, why are you here at this hour? Don't be mad at Dad. He was just worried about me," Thalia said with a pleasing smile. Her eyes were red, making her look even more pitiful as if she had indeed waited for Claudia at the library all day.

However, her smile only chilled Claudia to the bones. She could not understand what was going on with her sister, why she had to pretend in front of her like this. Just what was she trying to achieve by doing so? "Did you really wait forat the library all day today?" Claudia asked.

Thalia smiled weakly. "Claudia, it sounds like you've already made up your mind not to believe so what's the point othe truth? But it doesn't matter since I'm safely back at home. I promise I won't cause you any more trouble or step foot in your school again

Claudia smiled wryly. "Is that so? Could you really bear tostay away from my school?"

"What?" Thalia asked as if she had not heard clearly, then repeated, "What do you mean by that?" "What do you think it means?" X