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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2584
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Claudia quickly stopped her father. "It's okay if Thalia doesn't want to eat. I'll make her a sandwich or something if she gets hungry later. She's under a lot of study pressure right now and might not have much of an appetite." Seeing her sister stepping in to stop their father, Thalia figured he would not press the issue further. She left the dining table and headed to her room, but she could still hear Henry nagging.

"Your exam is coming up too, right? I don't see you being as stressed as her. You always finish the meals I prepare for you, unlike her. She's so picky with food." "Alright, Dad, stop nagging. You work so hard to take care of us, so you should eat more yourself," Claudia chimed in.

"If only Thalia were as sensible as you, I wouldn't have to work so hard..." Thalia was going over her books, but she could not focus on a single word. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of Lucas.

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'Lucas. What a beautiful name, just as I'd imagined. Only a nlike that could match his aloof and noble demeanor. Oh, Lucas, how can I see you again? Would you still remember me?' thought Thalia.

The next day was the weekend, and although Claudia did not have any plans, she suddenly changed her clothes and said she needed to go to school for an impromptu rehearsal.

"Thalia, you'll have to heat your own lunch. There's been a sudden issue with the school's rehearsal, so they've asked us to go for an impromptu rehearsal. It might cause major problems on the day of the competition if we don't go," she explained in a rush.

Thalia realized this was her chance and set down her pen.

"Claudia, I've never been to your school. Letcwith you and take a look. I want to see what a prestigious high school is like so that I might be more motivated to study well," said Thalia.

"But I'll be rehearsing all day today, so I might not have tto show you around properly. Are you okay with going alone?" Claudia was a bit worried, considering her school was quite large, and she did not feel comfortable leaving Thalia alone.

"Well, I'll be at the school the whole time, so what's the problem? I won't wander off Besides, I'm all grown up now, and it's not like I'll run into any bad guys at school. You gotta chill a little, Claudia. I really want to see what a good school looks like!" When put that way, Claudia had no choice but to nod. "Alright, then. Change into something suitable, and we'll leave right away." After arriving at the school, Thalia did not express the excitement Claudia had anticipated. Instead, she followed Claudia cautiously around.

Claudia had planned to let her sister roam around the school freely, but she was surprised to see Thalia suddenly becnervous, clutching onto her clothes and staying close behind.

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"Claudia, could you please takewith you to the auditorium? There are so many people here, and I'm feeling a bit scared," said Thalia.

Claudia felt torn. It was not that she did not want to take Thalia with her, but bringing a family member to their rehearsal where many teachers were present made her feel a bit awkward.

"Please, Claudia. I've never asked you for anything, so please don't leavealone here. I'm really scared," pleaded Thalia.

the Claudia, feeling conflicted, finally decided to let Thalia wait outsidet auditorium for her. She promised to quickly check with the teachers if Thalia could join them backstage.

"Wait forhere, okay? Don't wander off. I'll be back soon!" Claudia Snodded instructed firmly thalia nodded repeatedly. "Go ahead, I'll wait here. I promise I won't go anywhere." She was sure Lucas would be in the auditorium too since it was a choir rehearsal.