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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2580
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Lucas was just waiting for his driver and happened to see Thalia, whom he had mistaken for Claudia, who was in the sclass as him.

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He saw her standing alone and crying pitifully, so he thought of giving her the handkerchief. He had a good impression of Claudia, who was diligent and ambitious, and it had been a while since he had such patience.

"You have to work hard if you want to be excellent. But if you don't have the capability or don't want to, then it's okay too. You shouldn't care so much and just live your life for yourself. No need to worry too much about what the others are thinking." "Yeah, you're right. I should just live life for myself," muttered Thalia dazedly.

At that moment, the driver pulled up nearby, and Lucas nodded briefly at her. "I'm off now. You should head htoo." Thalia watched Lucas leave with reluctance. At that moment, Lucas himself had no idea how much of an impact his moment of kindness would have on her life.

Thalia's heart raced wildly as he disappeared from her view. 'Is this what it feels like to be in love?' She held the handkerchief tightly to her chest. She hurriedly took a few steps forward to chase after him, but the car vanished before her eyes, and she did not even have a chance to see the license plate. Lucas' appearance felt like a dream, yet after hearing his words that day, Thalia's life underwent a profound transformation.

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'If I want to be better than Claudia, then I just need to give it my all. And if I don't want to make the effort, I just have to stop caring what others think about me.' As she sat down at the bus stop, Thalia kept replaying what Lucas said in her mind until Claudia hurriedly ran over with her friends.

"Thalia, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Chwith me. Don't be so stubborn next time. Dad was so upset that he kept sulking on the couch!" Thalia remained calm. She first thanked Thalia's friends, "I'm really sorry for making you worry like that. Would you like scoffee? My treat." Thalia exchanged a glance with her friends. Similar incidents had occurred in their household before, but Thalia had never thanked her friends like this. Instead, she would often wear a scowl on her face, making it clear she found them disagreeable.

'What's up with her today? Did getting slapped bring out a whole new persona in her?' thought Claudia's friends. Her friends, a bit spooked, waved their hands. "It's nothing. I had sfree time, so thought I'd help out. You don't need to treatto anything. We're just glad we found you. It's dangerous for a girl to be out alone. Cback with us, so that your sister and father can stop worrying about you." Thalia nodded. "I understand. I promise I won't run off like this again." She then turned to Claudia. "Let's go home, Claudia. I promise you I won't make you and Dad worry anymore."

After that, she walked ahead without waiting for them, leaving Claudia and her friends in a state of confusion. Back at home, Thalia trembled slightly. She felt a mix of fear and guilt when she saw her father still clearly upset. It was Claudia who first took her

hand and led her to Henry, saying, "Dad, I brought Thalia back. Shewants to apologize to you. Let's put this incident behind us, so that we can go back to the happy family we are, okay?"

Claudia gave Thalia an encouraging look, and Thalia nodded. "I'm sorry, Dad, for being so stubborn But you can be sure that I've thought about a lot of things while I was out today." Sa *h the Find Nøvel."@t website on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. X