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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2559
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"If I were you, I'd stay far away from Lucas. That crazy b*tch Thalia had no qualms about killing her sister, so what's to say she won't do it to you? Don't think that just because she's now distanced herself from Lucas and stopped being his friend, she's not scheming behind the scenes." Melody coughed a few times before asking, "Is she involved in my kidnapping as well? Did you and Thalia join forces to plot against me? That must be it. Otherwise, how could you cup with such meticulous planning all by yourself?" Wendy theatrically covered her mouth. "Oops, I guess you got me. But so what? It's not like there's anything you can do about it. Yes, I've joined forces with that ruthless woman. Even though we don't know each other that well, we do have a common enemy-you! "Melody, you've stolen my life and Thalia's man. There's no woman in this world more disgusting than you. We both want you to go to hell. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget for crossing me!" "You do know that she's crazy, right? Are you really going to go down that road with her? If you're working with her, why doesn't she show up to kidnapinstead of letting you do it? Don't you find her intentions very suspicious? She's just using you to get rid of me." Melody tried to reason gently to make Wendy cto her senses so that she would see that Thalia was not to be trusted. After all, if Thalia could kill her own sister, there was nothing else in the world she would not dare to do. Thus, Wendy must be out of her mind to choose to join forces with such a woman.

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"Don't think you're the only smart person in the world. So what if she killed her sister? Besides, I don't think you've fully grasped your situation yet, Melody. I don't care about all that anymore. I don't care if I can still make a comeback, or if I can still act. All I want to do now is to destroy you. I want you to taste the spain as I'm feeling! I want you to beg for life but not get it. I want you to experience the taste of losing everything! Hahaha!" Ding! A new message popped up, abruptly halting Wendy's laughter. Her pupils dilated slightly as she read the message on the screen.

"Hahaha! Oh, Melody, today marks the day of your downfall! I was right! Lucas only likes you for your looks yet you kept insisting he loves you as a person. What a joke! Hahaha, take a good look at the message he sent!" UMS She grabbed Melody by the hair and pushed her face towards the phone screen.

[Who cares about love? I don't want her anymore since her face is ruined.] Through this message, Melody could almost hear the cold and indifferent tone in which Lucas must have said those words. Despite believing it was probably a yel.ne calculated move on Lucas' part, her heart still throbbed with pain.

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"How does it feel? I warned you not to be so smug, and now you've been proven wrong! Hahaha. Don't be too sad. You deserve all this! wonder if ! can still squeeze smoney out of Lucas using you as leverage. You guys are married after all. Oh well, let's hope he's still willing to shell out money for you, or I'll be at a loss." s'a'h th' FindNøvél.n't website on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Wendy's tone grew increasingly triumphant, but Melody remained silent as if her heart had been deeply wounded by Lucas.

After a while, she lifted her head and said, "I don't believe it. Someone else must've typed that message. It couldn't possibly be from Lucas." X