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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2554
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Wendy slammed the car door smugly. "Does that really matter? Just remember to take a few photos of yourself with her along with a video. As we've discussed, you're free to do whatever you want with her." The thug, who had spent his days indulging in online fantasies of love with Melody, found himself tongue-tied in her presence. "I... I only did it to get off. I never expected you to bring her to me! Who are you? And how did you manage all this?" A flicker of awkwardness appeared across Wendy's face as she realized she was nothing more than just a minor celebrity with no nfor herself-a nobody. That man knew Melody rather than her, and she steeled herself with determination to see everything through to completion instead of failing like the last taround. Search the Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"My identity doesn't matter. Bring her in, but don't lay a finger on her until I say so," Wendy instructed.

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The man chuckled in exhilaration at the unexpected turn of events. As he carried Melody inside, he could not resist stroking her face and marveling at how flawless her skin was. "I never thought this day would come," he muttered in disbelief, feeling as though he was extremely lucky.

From that day on, he would have bragging rights among all his friends. The privilege of ravishing a celebrity like her was something no other person had ever experienced.

Once inside, Wendy hastily tied Melody's hands and feet with hemp rope. She was so rough with Melody that the thug protested and urged her to be gentler.

Wendy, however, sneered and dismissed his concerns. "Do you see her as your girlfriend or something?" "You said you'll hand her over tolater, so is it wrong forto want you to be gentle with her?" Wendy looked at the man from head to toe. His dye job seemed botched, with patches of yellow looking particularly uneven. The clothes he wore were skin-tight, and he even had a garish necklace hanging by his neck.

The man projected an air of degeneracy, which repulsed Wendy tremendously. However, the thought that he might taint Melody's body cas a delight to Wendy, who was already imagining what sort of reaction Melody might have.

Things were just heating up, and she was anticipating the moment that Melody would kneel before her and beg to be freed. She wanted Melody to believe that there was hope, only for that hope to be crushed later.

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As the gangster was escorted to another room, Wendy was left alone with Melody.

Wendy's figure had grown much thinner as she spaced out at hso often that she did not even feel any sense of hunger. For thetin a long time, she felt her stomach growl and decided to cook sinstant mac-and-cheese for herself. She gobbled up the food like a hungry wolf, completely disregarding any etiquette. Content

Melody was soon woken up by the noise. "Where am I?" she asked,attempting to get up but finding" herself unable to do so. The feeling was so familiar that she was left a little traumatized. "Hey, awake already?" Wendy greeted her nonchalantly and cover with the bowl of mac-and-cheese. "Wendy? What are you doing?"

Wendy smirked. "Isn't it obvious? You've already been through this before. You can't possibly think that I'm playing pretend with you, right?"

Melody's frown deepened. She thought that meeting Wendy in the In the hospital was sheer coincidence, but in hindsight, everything had been been premeditated. "What do you want? Money? Just nit." X