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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2543
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"You're a stranger. A nobody. Know your place, and stop being nosy," Lucas added.

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He then turned to the instructor and said, "When did a student like her enroll in this dance studio? She and anyone else who can't get along with Melody should just be expelled. I've already acquired this place anyway, and I'd hate for this place to receive fees from people like her." The instructor nodded. There was no reason whatsoever to tolerate someone whose focus was on other things rather than dancing. Moving forward, they needed to scrutinize each prospective student more carefully.

Whispers circulated among the students as they were unaware of when ownership of the dance stuhad quietly changed hands. Even more shocking was the revelation that they had just been unknowingly criticizing the owner's wife.

"You want her to expel me?" Carmen exclaimed with a panic-stricken voice. "Just because I don't like Melody doesn't mean you can expel me! You have no grounds other than your selfish reasons! You don't have the right to do that! I've paid my fees, and I'm a student here!" Lucas snorted coldly, "I am the owner, so it's my right to manage the place as I see fit. Your fees will be refunded in full, so technically, you've been attending classes here for free the entire time. It's quite clear then that you have gotten the better end of the deal here, so the least you can do is to stop causing trouble here." Lucas' penetrating gaze seemed to silence Carmen, bringing her protests to an abrupt halt. "You can't do that..." Carmen whimpered. "Why not?" Lucas retorted. "Melody is my wife. Perhaps you'll be able to retain your status as a student if you apologize to her." Carmen bit her lip at that suggestion. She seemed to be resolute, yet torn at the stime. S~Earch the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Melody interjected and tugged at Lucas' arm, "Let's just forget about this and leave. We have more important things to attend to at home. It's not worth wasting there with them." Melody was not going to return to the stuanyway. Whether Carmen apologized or not mattered little to her.

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However, Lucas remained unmoved and gently grasped Melody's hand. "You're being too soft. You might not hold a grudge against them, but there will always be people who exploit your generosity," Lucas remarked.

He then glanced at Carmen and asked, "So? Aren't you going to offer an apology? Melody is the owner's wife, so she can decide whether you can continue your dance lessons here. You have no right to argue "You were wrong in the first place, and if I were you, I'd apologize to her right away. Who knows you might still be able to salvage the situation. But if a spot in this studoesn't mean much to you, then go ahead and pack your bags. The ball is in your court."

Lucas then took Melody's hand as if om about to leave. The content is on novelenglish.net!

Panicked, Carmen called out Melody's name. "Melody... I mean, Miss Melody! I was wrong. I shouldn't have listened to all the gossip on the istened to all inteand slandered you. I regret what I said. It's all my fault... Could you please show smercy and letcontinue my lessons here? This stumeans a lot to me. I can't afford to go to other dance studios..."

om After all, other dance studios were simply too pricey for those who did not cfrom privileged backgrounds. It was also the reason why the stuwas always full of students every year. After Lucas took over, he invested smoney in its expansion and recruitment, allowing them to accommodate even more students in the future. X