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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2536
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'Even now, Wendy can't stand to seelive a peaceful life even for a moment. She still wants to publicly spread those things aboutonline. I've long cut ties with the Sanders, so how could she still be so shameless?!' thought Melody.

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Out loud, she said, "Sorry, but Wendy isn't my sister. You've got the wrong person." Melody felt there was no need to explain Carmen anymore as it seemed like she was determined to use the online rumors to ostracize her. Besides, she would not be coming back to the dance stuanyway. "Hey, what's with your attitude? So others aren't even allowed to point out your mistakes? No wonder your parents don't even like you. I don't understand how someone like Mister Lucas could fancy you. What tricks did you use?" While Carmen had a domineering personality and many students in the dance stualso disliked her, her words still struck a chord with everyone. What made Melody better than them? Why would such an outstanding man like Lucas Rivera of Rivera Group be interested in her? Melody was indeed slightly prettier than them, but she did not seem particularly special. She did not exude the elegance of a wealthy young lady. Why would Lucas be interested in such a woman? Did the Riveras not care about social status? Everyone was pondering over this matter.

They would not even entertain such thoughts had Melody cfrom a wealthy background and there was a significant gap between them. However, once that gap narrowed, even the most ordinary person would fantasize about the possibility of having a chance like hers.

'If Melody can marry into a wealthy family, then maybe I can, too.....' All this talk ultimately stemmed from their jealousy that Lucas was Melody's husband.

Melody smiled faintly. "I was wondering who you were standing up for. I was also pondering over what I did to offend you all. In the end, it's just jealousy of my relationship with my husband, isn't it? Unfortunately, no matter how jealous you are, it won't change anything." Carmen's scheming was exposed, leaving her feeling embarrassed. Her face flushed red as she pointed at Melody and stuttered, "Why you... you...!" "What's the matter? I'm just speaking the truth. Or do you wantto tell you that my relationship with my husband is bad, and he'd fall for you if he knew you? Don't you find that hypocritical? Or perhaps you're hoping I'd use these hypocritical words to appease you?" Carmen thought Melody was an easy target. After all, despite being subjected to numerous instances of online slander, Melody never publicly responded. The most she did was send legal notices through her lawyers. Search The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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When they encountered each other in the dance studio, Melody greeted her politely without displaying any dominance like other female celebrities might. Carmen believed she had found someone she could bully.

Moreover, with so much negative news about Melody circulating online, Carmen could not imagine her being a good person in real life. With this in real l conviction, Carmen initially tested the waters by striking up a conversation with Melody, telling her that she was a big fan of hers. Carmen did not expect Melody to genuinely believe that she wanted to be friends. She found that amusing.

When the news broke about Beatrice's accident, even though the students did not talk with each other, the looks they exchanged conveyed a sense of malicious enjoyment.

Melody not only possessed outstanding talent but also had her husband picking her up every day after training, which was enviable to e everyone who saw it. It was nothing short of impressive for a busy company president like Lucas to arrive early and quietly wait for her to get off class every day. Despite this, the other students had never heard a single complaint coming from him. X