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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2533
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"Con, Grandpa. I know you might not have much of an appetite right now, but Grandma will need someone to take care of her when she wakes up. Just eat a little," Melody said gently. "And Lucas, you too. Don't just sit there. Cand eat something. Now is the tGrandma needs us the most, so we can't afford to fall sick too! Only when we're healthy can we have the energy to take care of Grandma." Melody flashed a faint smile. One might think she had regained her composure if it were not for her swollen eyelids and red eyes.

"Melody's right. Lucas. Don't just stand there. Your grandmother is out of danger now. It's just a matter of tbefore she wakes up. Cand have a little something to eat," said Cedric.

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Melody knew it was a bit of a stretch for everyone as none of them had much of an appetite. She herself could not taste anything. However, it had been such a long tsince they had eaten properly. She and Lucas might manage, but Cedric would not be able to withstand it. He would lose even more appetite if the other two did not join in eating a little.

After they finished eating, Melody coaxed Cedric into resting on the bed for a while. They had already prepared a single room for Grandma on the top floor of the hospital. Melody had stayed on that floor when she was sick before.

There were plenty of other rooms; Cedric definitely needed a good rest. He was getting older, and even if he wanted to wait for Beatrice to wake up, his energy would not allow it.

"The two of you should get srest too. After all, both of you still need to work tomorrow. You can cback to check on your grandmother after you get off work tomorrow night." After instructing the two of them, Cedric fell into a deep sleep. Being older, he could not endure staying awake all night, even if he wanted to accompany them.

Melody gently closed the door behind her and took Lucas to the corridor to talk.

"Is there work waiting for you at the company? I need to go to the dance studio. I've already memorized all the moves from the previous classes, but I need to get my costumes from there. I'll practice at hfor the tbeing so I can spend more tat the hospital with Grandpa and Grandma." Lucas looked at her and hugged her. "I'm glad you're with me," he said softly.

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Melody chuckled softly in his arms. "Of course. Where else would I be if not here? You always look so handsome. The way I like."

Lucas nuzzled against Melody's neck affectionately. Melody blushed, but twas of the essence for them. She gently pulled away from Lucas, appearing remarkably composed.

"Last night's accident was something none of us wanted to happen. But now that it has, we'll face it together. Grandpa is getting older and such accidents bit him the hardest. Even if he appears calm, he's deeply affected. This is why we need to spend more twith him during this period. As for Grandma, we'll take turns to be with her. What do you think of this arrangement?" asked Melody.

Lucas felt a warmth in his heart at the way Melody was planning for his family. They had already recognized ver each other as their significant other. Melody had always cared for Beatrice and Cedric as if they were her own grandparents. Search the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.