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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2514
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Melody's eyes lit up, but Lucas quickly added, "You can only drink it at home. You're not allowed to drink it elsewhere." "Why not? This wine is sweet and tastes even better than sbeverages," Melody replied after taking a big gulp, then sipping it slowly as if reluctant to finish it too quickly.

"It just seems like it's not strong, but you'll definitely get drunk if you drink too much. Especially for when you're the type that can't really hold your alcohol," Lucas explained.

Melody drank it like it was a soft drink. In no time, she finished the glass. Not wanting to weave through the crowd for a refill, she looked longingly at the red wine in Lucas' hand, which seemed equally delicious.

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"What does yours taste like? Is it sweet?" Melody asked.

"Not too sweet, but it has a fruity aroma. Do you want to try it?" Lucas replied, his eyes following Melody's gaze to the glass of wine in his hand.

Melody nodded. "Yes, please." "Givea kiss first, and I'll give you a sip of this wine," Lucas joked. To his surprise, Melody took two steps toward him and kissed him.

He hesitated for a moment. Seeing her eagerly staring at his glass of red wine without shifting her gaze, he chuckled softly.

"I didn't expect you to get drunk from just a glass of champagne," he teased.

"I'm not drunk!" Melody protested, her elegant brows furrowing. "I'm not drunk at all. This champagne is really good, and I want more." "Alright, alright. You're not drunk, it'swho's drunk and talking nonsense. Do you still want to drink from my glass?" Lucas asked, amused. Melody nodded docilely.

Lucas brought the glass to her lips. "Be good, just take a sip." He did not expect her to have such a low tolerance for alcohol, so he did not dare to let her drink too much. After she took a small sip, he pulled the glass away.

"Uh, this one is so bitter," Melody commented, sticking out her tongue. She preferred the champagne, which was sweet.

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The best red wine should not just be Search The FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

about sweetness. It was about the bittersweet taste followed by a pleasant aftertaste, much like good tea. One should taste the bitter but not astringent blend of alcohol and grapes at the first sip, then a subtle fruity sweetness should emerge after rolling the wine around one's mouth. This was the hallmark of a top-quality red wine.

However, Melody did not appreciate this flavor profile. She and Lucasz both stood in the corner, sipping wine and chatting. Melody's cheeks were flushed, indicating she was feeling a bit tipsy.

All of this did not escape Thalia's notice. She had been watching them closely. She gripped her own wine glass tightly in her hand.

'Does that woman have no shame?

What's she doing trying to seduce Lucas in front of so many people? She should be ashamed of herself! e The Riveras have always maintained a strict family ethos, so how could they allow such a woman into their home?'

Thalia took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down before walking over to where Beatrice was. Once En there, she deliberately shouted. "Ah!"

When Beatrice turned to look at her, Thalia suddenly covered her eyes shyly. Beatrice had never been fond of Thatia, so she planned to ignore her when she saw her acting so fake. X