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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2512
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"Since that's how you feel, there's nothing more to be said. But you better remember the lesson from last tand stop flirting with taken men. The people here aren't people you can afford to cross," said Thalia. Search the FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

After greeting important guests, Lucas approached Cedric and whispered, "Grandma and Melody have been upstairs for a while. I'll go up and check on them. Grandpa, remember not to drink anymore. I'll have someone bring you swater instead." Upon hearing the first half of what Lucas said, Cedric nodded. However, his expression darkened when Lucas moved to confiscate his drink. It was the rare chance he could drink, especially since Beatrice was not around, yet even this little privilege was being taken away by his grandson.

Ignoring Cedric's resentful glare, Lucas insisted that he should be more careful at his age. Lucas ascended the stairs in a few strides and gently pushed open the door to find Melody delicately massaging Beatrice's head.

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"Shh..." Melody immediately gestured for him to lower his voice when she saw Lucas entering the room. It seemed that Beatrice was indeed feeling the weight of her age. Just engaging in a conversation downstairs had left her exhausted.

The thought saddened Lucas, which was evident from his frown. His grandparents were growing older with each passing day, and time's passage was something he could not stop. He sat quietly beside Melody, his gaze filled with concern as he looked at the strands of white hair riddling Beatrice's head.

Once they confirmed that Beatrice had fallen asleep, Melody quietly covered her with a thin blanket and then led Lucas to the balcony.

"Tspares no one. Their health is deteriorating..." Melody had never seen such a melancholic emotion in Lucas' eyes before. He looked disheartened, furrowing his brow to conceal his emotions. However, Melody could still sense the sadness surrounding him and she embraced his head gently.

No words could comfort Lucas at that moment, so she chose to convey her reassurance through her actions, telling him silently, "Don't worry too much, I'm here. No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side." UMS Twas relentless, and their grandparents aged quietly and imperceptibly.

"All we can do is to spend what little tthey have with them. Don't be so sad. If Grandpa and Grandma nel saw us like this, they'd feel sad too." Melody whispered these words softly into Lucas' ear as if speaking to herself. "Grandma even said, she'll wait forto finish filming and cback to spend twith her. My promotional events are scheduled for next week, and I plan to move back here after they're over. We'll spend more twith them, so they won't feel so lonely." Content No matter how upset he was, Lucas could not stop time. All he could do was to spend more twith his grandparents while they were still alive, ensuring that their lives were free of regrets.

Lucas calmed down after a while.

Melody remained silently by his side, her hands gently stroking his hair, providing him with a sense of comfort. It was reminiscent of the times when Lucas had been there on? for her.

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After a while, Lucas felt a bit embarrassed and gently pulled away from her embrace! He straightened up, and Melody's gaze followed his movements. "Feeling better?" asked Melody.

Lucas lowered his head to meet Melody's gaze. After a moment, he smiled. The two of them rested their foreheads together, sharing a look full of smiles. "Yeah," Lucas responded. "That's good," Melody said softly.

They guessed that Beatrice would wake up soon, so they returned to the room together. X