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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2502
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Melody showed up to her dance practice as scheduled.

"Stop. Melody, wrong move again. What happened to you today? You seem absent-minded. If you are feeling tired, take a day off.

"In fact, you already memorized your moves. We scheduled this practice just so you could familiarize yourself." "I'm sorry," apologized Melody sheepishly, "I'm probably just out of it a little." SEAR*ch the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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"No big deal. Do you want to go back now? Of course, Mister Lucas hasn't cyet..." Melody put on her coat, said goodbye to the choreographer, and prepared to leave. "Don't worry. I'll let him know." There were sthings she needed to clarify with Thalia in person.

Thalia was surprised when he received Melody's call, with a playful smile on her face. "Oh? You cto see me?" "Well, you placed the photo under my pillow that day. Was it not just to makecto you?" she said coldly. "Lucas is not with me, so there is no need for you to pretend now." "Oh, stop jumping to conclusions. That photo is just a reminder to Lucas not to forget my sister. You're the only one with issues, unable to control your temper and yet want to meetin person." She paused. "But I'll comply." Melody was not stupid and told her to meet her at a coffee shop.

"Are you that afraid of me?" Thalia's ego was evident, even through the phone call.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just wary that a repeat of what happened in the bathroom will happen. Of course, I think you wouldn't use the strick twice. That would be dumb." The smile on Thalia's face on the other end of the phone disappeared. She had planned to communicate with Wendy about her actions if Melody cto her place.

Now that they made an appointment at the coffee shop, it seemed that all this could no longer continue. "Okay, I'm up for it. As long as you dare to come, I'll show up." After Melody sent a message to Lucas, she silenced her cell phone.

There were sthings she had to ask Thalia face to face, but she could not bear to tell Lucas what she was worried about.

If he knew about her suspicions, would he choose to believe her or question her? Melody looked out the window, somewhat saddened. Ever since Thalia appeared in their lives, she felt that everything about her had been disrupted. She did not like this feeling of losing control.

It was not long until the destined meeting appened. Thalia had earlier, and there wasPeoglass of water in front of her.

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Melody looked outside the window for a while before she strode in With determination.

"I thought you were just going to stand outside forever." Thalia picked up the water and took a sip gently with a smile on her face as though certain she would win. S Melody was not guaranteed to win. Thalia smiled even wider when she realized this.

She was afraid too.

"Stop being such a narcissist. I just want to ask you a question." Melody's e upper body body leaned forward. "Thalia also looked up at this moment. "Ask away." "How did your sister die?" X