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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2496
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"Well, take care," said Lucas casually.

Thalia's eyes stung with tears. She knew that Lucas had always cared about her, but because of Melody, he could not show it in front of others. For so many years, he prioritized her above all. She believed tha even Melody's presence could not change this fact.

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"I will, don't worry, Lucas. I'll take care of myself even if you're not around." Melody continued to eat the food Lucas served for her, pretending she did not hear what Thalia said.

After Thalia finished eating, Lucas invited her to sit in the living room first.

Before she left the table, Thalia gave her signal to Quinn. The two of them acted separately as they had agreed.

"Mister Lucas, how did you and Miss Melody meet? I find you a wonderful pair. One is a powerful CEO of a company, and the other is an influential emerging actress of the new generation," asked Quinn quickly, her eyes flashing. She was indeed somewhat interested.

The two of them looked at each other, and Melody blushed a little.

Lucas merely answered, "Fate brought us together." "Is that so? If I hadn't met you then, we wouldn't be together now." Melody stared straight at Lucas. She also wanted to know. If he had not turned his head back then, would they still be together? However, Lucas was very sure that even if he missed Melody at that time, they would find their way to each other. After all, Melody was his perfect match, and their meeting was written in the stars.

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"Why are you so sure? Maybe I'd have met someone else..." Melody raised her eyebrows as if challenging him. Lucas' expression turned solemn slightly. "Even if you had, I'd take you away from that person. You know I can." "Haha! You didn't have such a good impression ofat first. You wantedto stay as far away from you as possible." Melody rolled her eyes at Lucas. SEAR*ch the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Lucas suddenly could not resist the itch to pinch Melody's earlobe quickly. "No matter what you say, you'll still be mine." Quinn, who sat opposite them, rolled her eyes, wondering why she had been given this difficult task.

This was not her asking about the nature of their relationship. Rather, she seemed to be shoved in her face with their affection. She felt full even before finishing her food. S She thought that the two were purely a business marriage or a joint promotion. After all, this was common. Both of them needed sbuzz, except that Lucas seemed to not really gain much Ifrom the marriage.

However, it seemed that they were both so in love, especially Lucas, who was far from the image of a cold and aloof CEO he typically showed GEOR himself with. Was this love? Quinn, on the other hand, was playful in nature. To her, men were dispensable. She had never been sincere and did not understand why they were such a sweet couple.

"Mister Lucas, Miss Melody, I'd like to ask you a very presumptuous question, How can you be sure that will spey you will spend the rest of your lives with each other? Will you feel foolish if you're separated eventually?"

Quinn had always been straightforward. Melody knew that she cback from Mglomia and had a much bolder personality than others, so she did not take it to heart. Melody did not think that Quinn was intentionally offending them. She looked genuinely curious. X