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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2490
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The news of Lucas appearing with Melody caused a sensation online, and social media users never expected that the first tthey would see Lucas' face clearly would be in this kind of entertainment news. 'Shouldn't Lucas only be in the financial news?' thought many people with shock.

[Has Rivera Group's stock price dropped? If I had a wife like Melody, I wouldn't have the focus to go to work at all!] [Hahaha, that shows little you haters know. Sorry to tell you, but Rivera Group's stock price not only didn't drop but actually rose. The eyes of the public are clear. Melody is starring in the blockbuster of the year. Who wouldn't want to see her movie? There are also other big projects in the works, so you'll only make a profit if you invest in Rivera Group right now!] Fans began to take the opportunity to promote Melody. They had becindomitable after weathering through the previous two scandals with Melody.

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As long as others did not attack Melody, her fans would promote her under such sarcastic posts. After all, the box office sales were the best proof of ability. Moreover, Melody would get a cut of the box office revenue as well.

[Haha! But isn't the President of Rivera Group lowering his status by dating someone like Melody? Honestly, I can't help but think that it cheapens their products as well.] Many people secretly liked such comments.

Melody's fans smirked behind their phone screens. Lucas should consider himself lucky to have a fan like Melody. Both of them were so young, so what was wrong with them dating? Why should it be assumed that Melody was the one chasing after him? According to them, Lucas finding a girlfriend like Melody was akin to hitting the jackpot! After all, not just anyone could date Melody.

[Lettell you: it's been a long tsince I've seen such a perfect match! He's a talented man, and she's a beautiful woman! The man is an untouchable president of a company, and the woman is a rising star. There couldn't be a better match, could there? In my opinion, both fans and haters should give them space. The lovebirds are happily in love, so why bother meddling in their affairs? Didn't you see in the video how, despite facing so many reporters' questions, Lucas never let go of Melody's hand, even when his expression was grim? He always kept Melody close to him, he's such a real man! Ahh, I want to buy all the products from his company!] Search the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Indeed, it was difficult for anyone to say anything negative about Lucas given how good-looking he was. Of course, Melody's looks were her secret weapon, too. Their looks put side by side together were truly a sight to behold! Even those who did not Melody could not find a flaw in her face.

[Sweet love like theirs makesbelieve in love again. But I have to ask, do you think Melody would be able to snag a man like Lucas if she wasn't this beautiful?]

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With this comment, the entire thread veered off-topic, and hardly anyone paid attention to the previous heated e debates between fans and haters.

They were all discussing what kind of looks would take to attract a handsguy.

Melody did not have tto pay attention to the online commotion.

As soon as she got home, she m focused on arranging for Helen to be transferred to another hospital, while also managing her own rehearsal schedule. X

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