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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2481
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As they neared Helen's hospital ward, Melody involuntarily slowed down, and Lucas matched her pace.

"What should I do? I'm a bit afraid to see her," Melody said, head down, her grip on Lucas' hand tight as if drawing strength from him.

"Don't be afraid. I'll be with you every step of the way," Lucas reassured her.

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Melody took a deep breath. She was the one who decided to visit Helen, so how could she give up halfway when she was already standing outside her hospital ward door? Regardless of how Helen was doing, Melody knew she had to see her. After all, her mother had given her life, so how could Melody abandon her when she needed her the most? Besides, no matter what happened in the past, Melody would finally be able to bid farewell to the past after fulfilling her duty as a daughter one last time. With this resolve, Melody knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Helen blinked as she looked towards the door, but the hospital ward was empty. Even if she had heard something, she could not speak.

"Cough, cough—" Melody and Lucas exchanged a glance. "Is there no one inside?" Lucas already had a feeling. There probably was not anyone there to care for Helen. "Let's just go in." Melody had mentally prepared herself for the worst, but when she pushed open the door and saw Helen lying there, unable to move more than her head, with no one to care for her, she could not help but feel a pang of sadness.

'Did she ever imagine she'd end up like this when she treatedthat way in the past?' she wondered.

"You..." Melody lowered her gaze, took a deep breath, and approached Helen.

Lucas thoughtfully closed the door behind her and did not follow inside. He believed it was best to give the mother and daughter sspace, so he sat alone outside the hospital ward quietly waiting for Melody to cout. Search The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. "How are you feeling?" Even though she was seated by Helen's bedside, Melody kept her head lowered. She could not bring herself to look at Helen in her current state.

Despite Helen's past mistreatment toward her, Melody had always yearned for her mother's embrace. She could not quite describe the feelings swirling inside her.

"I... I'm...okay. Y-You?" Helen struggled to answer, using all her strength to utter those few words.

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Melody could not help but look up at her, feeling a pang of sadness in her heart.

"Where's Ethan? And Wendy? Why aren't they here taking care of you? as H Even if the family isn't as rich as the before, they should still be able to hire a caregiver for you, right? Where are they?" After Melody posed this series of questions, she realized that given Helen's current state, she could not possibly answer.

Just by looking at how shabby the hospital ward was, it was evident that it Ethan and Wendy had not put in any effort or expense.

'After all the sacrifice I've given to that family...only to end up like this,' thought Helen. She tried to blink back her tears, but they rolled down her cheeks nonetheless. X