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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183

Lilliana laughed and said, “Don’t use your father to threaten me! Do you think I’m scared of telling you

the truth? Who cares if I cheated on him? What’s it to you if he isn’t Sherlyn’s father? Do you think your

father will believe you if you tell him without any proof? Don’t you know how much your father loves us?

He believes everything we say, and even if he gets angry at us, he’ll be fine after we butter him up a bit!

If you tell him something without providing any evidence, he’ll only think you’re trying to drive a wedge

between us! Save yourself the trouble!”

“Oh? Is that so?” Corinne smiled, turned her head, and shouted toward the door, “Did you hear that,

Dad? Aunt Lilliana just admitted she cheated on you!”

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Both Lilliana and Sherlyn were taken aback by Corinne’s remark and looked at the door in shock.

The door of the house was kicked open, and Marvin walked in with a long face as he roared and

cursed, “F*cking shameless b*tch!”

When Sherlyn saw what had happened, she hurried over to try to persuade her father, safe in the

knowledge that he loved her most. “Dad! Don’t get angry! What Mom said earlier isn’t true…”

Marvin, however, pushed her viciously to the ground and cursed in disgust. “Get the f*ck away from

me! You’re probably not even my daughter! You kept talking about having a father-daughter

relationship with your godfather, right? Go live with him, then! Don’t call me ‘Dad’!”

Sherlyn panicked, “But Dad, I…”

Marvin stopped talking to Sherlyn and rushed briskly toward Lilliana before giving her a tight slap. ”

F*cking b*tch! I fed you and gave you money, but you still cheated on me!”

Lilliana fell miserably to the ground, and by the time she came back to her senses, she cried and shook

her head. “No… I didn’t! Marvin, I swear I didn’t cheat on you! I only said that out of anger! It was

Corinne who made me lose my cool!”

Marvin no longer believed her and scoffed in disdain. “Anger, you say? Are you going to tell me that

you and Goran weren’t lovers in the past?”

Lilliana immediately tried to formulate a response. She knew it would not be convincing if she did not

admit it, so she put on an aggrieved look and confessed tearfully, “We were. I admit that we were, but

that was long before I met you! There’s nothing going on between us now!”

“So you say, but why would he recognize Sherlyn as his goddaughter for no reason? I think Sherlyn is

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actually his daughter!”

“She’s not! I swear I only said that to Corinne out of spite. Sherlyn is your daughter! If you don’t believe

me, we can go to the hospital for a paternity test! Corinne is just jealous that you’re being so nice to me

and Sherlyn, so she’s trying to drive a wedge between us! Marvin, if you don’t believe me, I’d rather just

kill myself right now!”

As she said that, Lilliana suddenly got up, rushed to the wall of the house, and hit her head hard before

falling to the ground.

Marvin was taken aback and immediately ran over to check on her situation. “Lilliana, you…”

Blood oozed out of the wound on Lilliana’s head as she said weakly, “Marvin, you have to trust me. I

didn’t cheat on you. Sherlyn is your child…”

When Marvin saw her willingness to use death as a means of proving her innocence, he could not help

but feel a little shaken. “Would you dare to ask Sherlyn to take a paternity test?”