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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 1593
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Chapter 1593 Lilin frowned. "Why should I? I'm not lying. The teachers at school have always taught US to tell the truth!" Melinda was taken aback by that response and did not know what else to say to Lilin.

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Sophia's face turned red with anger, and she wanted nothing more than to slap Lilin. She looked at her father irritatedly and said, "You heard that, didn't you? Aunt Melinda taught Lilin to target me!" Adam frowned, feeling like he was caught between a rock and a hard place. He felt conflicted because Lilin had inadvertently hurt Sophia with the truth after trying to stand up for him.

"Lilin is still young, Sophia. Just treat what she said as a child's rambling. Melinda and | will teach her a lesson later, but not in a public place. Let's make our way to the hotel for now," he suggested.

The whole situation disgusted Sophia, but she had little choice other than to comply with her father's request.

She suppressed her anger and escorted them out of the airport. They then got into a seven-seater car and left for the hotel.

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Adam glanced behind to check on Melinda and Lilin. They were both fast asleep. He then turned to Sophia and said softly, "Enough with the long face, Sophia. | know you're upset, but you need to consider all the challenges I've faced over the years. Melinda has stayed by my side for so long without ever regretting her decision. She's a good person, and so is Lilin." 'A good person?’ Sophia thought to herself. She then remarked in a sarcastic tone, "If you think they're good, and if they think I'm bad, does that mean you think I'm bad, too?" Adam frowned and shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would I think that way? You're my daughter! And besides, Melinda and Lilin don't think that you're a bad person. You might not know this, but Melinda is more concerned for you than | am. She always remindsto take better care of you! Lilin, on the other hand, is just a child. She doesn't think like adults. All she did was speak her mind without realizing the consequences." Sophia grew even unhappier. "So you're saying that J i Lilin said aboutat the airport is true? Do you also think that no one else wants me? Do you believe th achary only stayed withbecause you broke his legs and couldn't leave me?" 1 Adam was heartbroken when he saw his daughter's eroding mental state, but he was not about to beat around the bush and ignore the reality.

"I'm not blaming you, but you of all people should know what happened. You can't lie to yourself and twist the truth about how you got him to remain with you. I care for you a lot, and | didn't want you to suffer with that man, but you didn't listen to anything I said. | had no choice but to compromise so you'll find your happiness." Sophia felt conflicted. She felt a little unsettled when her father exposed her actions for what it was, but she still hoped that he could offer his unconditional support and take the view that she did nothing wrong.

"I... I love him so much, Dad. | can't imagine my life without him..." Adam frowned and sighed. "I know. That's exactly why | didn't stop you from going ahead with your plan. But you need to understand that there's a clear line between right and wrong. What you did all those years ago was wrong. There's no doubt about it. Lilin was telling the truth, so don't hold it against her. She's just a child, anyway."