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The Dark Secret of the CEO by Sofia de Orellana

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94
This morning everything is as normal as ever. Except that Gerard, due to the anxiety of not being able to accompany his women
this day, has melted into Luz’s body, making love to her with such different tenderness and delicacy, that it made Luz finish in
three long and tortuous orgasms. Not happy with that, he took her to her shower and there he was in charge of washing her hair,
massaging her shoulders and hugging her a lot. After that, she went to get Charlize ready, who was already dressed and was
just waiting for Luz to do her hair. After finishing the hairstyle, the two walk out of the room hand in hand, being intercepted by
Gerard, who takes Charlize in his arms and climbs down with her. They sit at the breakfast table and make plans for the
afternoon. -Honey, what do you think if we look for Charlize early so that she can accompany us to the ultrasound? – Gerard
asks Luz, who immediately smiles – -I think it’s an excellent idea, maybe now she can be seen. -And if she doesn’t let herself, I’ll
talk to her, I’m sure her older sister will listen to her – the little princess says it with such conviction that she can only laugh-.
Don’t laugh, I’m sure my brothers will pay more attention to me than to you. -Siblings? – asks Gerard – -Of course, don’t tell me
that they will only give me a little brother, I want at least two brothers and a sister, to comb her hair and play with her. -I would
prefer four children, to help me take care of you and scare away the suitors. -Don’t even dream, daddy, that they’re going to
scare Matías, he’s a policeman and he doesn’t get scared by anything. Gerard chokes on the juice and it almost comes out of his
nose, he looks at Luz with a “help me please” face, but she just laughs. Now it seems horrible to think of a six-year-old girl with a
twenty-three-year-old man, it’s abominable from where she sees herself. But it won’t be the same when the princess turns twenty

and he’s thirty-seven, and he’s still single. -Princess, we wanted to talk to you about the honeymoon – Luz tells her sweetly,
Charlize looks at them and smiles – -I’ll stay home with Evangeline, kids don’t go to those things. “Are you sure you’ll be fine
without us?” – Of course – she tells him with a smile – But what Charlize didn’t want to say is that, growing up with an absent
father and without a mother, being without them for a few days wasn’t so terrible. She had learned to live like this, alone, without
the attention of the adults she loved and with the contempt of those who ignored her. Since she was little, she learned to put a
wall in her heart, in case of disappointments, like the one she had suffered when Luz left and left her alone again, with an almost
absent father, because at least she could go to her room and sleep with him. Charlize could bear this time that they went on a
two-week trip to Italy, so that they could enjoy their married life. The three of them get up from the table and prepare for their
tasks for the day. Gerard kisses Charlize on the forehead, along with a big hug. -Have a beautiful day, my beautiful princess. -
And you too, daddy. May you win your case – she gives Gerard a kiss on the cheek and then he stands up to say goodbye to her
Little Light- “I love you from her,” he tells her, pulling her to surround her with her arms. She thinks of me until we meet again. -
Like every day -she stands for her on the tip of her feet and gives her a soft kiss on her lips-, even in the most terrible darkness
of my life, I would never stop thinking about you. I love you, my king, my knight, my savior. She buries herself in Gerard’s chest,
inhaling each other’s aroma, to inject energy for that day, they kiss as if they weren’t going to see each other for an eternity and
leave hand in hand, Gerard gets into his car and Luz with Charlize leaves with George. The way to school is to talk about what

they will do this weekend, Charlize wants to do many things and they all have to do with her little brother. -We must prepare the
room for my little brother, you could leave the one next to mine. -I don’t think so, my princess, because I must be close to him or
her. -But I also want to help take care of him – she tells him with a pout – -You will do it after doing your homework at school and

when you are awake. Will you let me change his diaper? -Do you want to do it? -she asks amused- Charlize thinks for a moment
and then laughs, wrinkling her nose. -I do not believe it. Arriving at school, the two get out and walk hand in hand to the
entrance, the guard tells Luz that the principal wants to talk to her, so the two walk inside, Charlize goes to her classroom and
Luz to the office. When she enters, somewhat nervously, the director stands up and approaches her with a smile. -Good
morning, Miss Mendez. -Good morning, director, they told me that she needed to talk to me. -Yes, take a seat-Luz does as she
says and the woman takes a seat behind her-her desk. I wanted to congratulate her, Charlize is advancing very fast, she tells me
that she studies with you at home and it is very possible that we will pass her level. -Bu-but .., excuse me, that moves me a lot,
really yes-she answers him proudly-. But I’m afraid I should talk it over with Gerard, he’s the father and... -I understand her, but
he was categorical when he enrolled Charlize in this school, that everything she knows referred the little girl, you could decide
without waiting for his approval. Luz is left to nothing for a while, for a long time now she has made decisions, without realizing it,
that have helped the princess. This time she will not be left behind. -Well, then we’ll do the following. I’ll talk to both of them,
because I’m very interested in what Charlize has to say about this, but I’d like the school psychologist to evaluate her and tell us
if she’s recommended. -That’s already done, when we want to propose advancement to a family, it’s after being sure that the
student will be fine, so now it’s just a family decision. Thanks To you, you have a beautiful and very intelligent girl, keep it up. Luz
says goodbye to the woman and leaves the school with a huge smile, her chest puffed out and she wants to prepare something
special for the little princess, which she is almost sure she will accept. – George, to the mall, please. Sure, Luz sits behind
George, just like she always does, and she takes out her phone to look up Matías’s number. Suddenly, she loses concentration
because George honks at a car that is stuck in the road. -What’s happening? -It’s a car that can’t be parked – Luz looks out and
sees that she has enough space and laughs – He looks out the window, to the side there is a street that goes out to the avenue
and he sees a truck coming at high speed -George... that truck...-she manages to say with fear, until she realizes that it will not
turn or stop But everything happens so fast, that Luz only manages to loosen her seat belt with difficulty due to nerves and she
takes the jacket that Charlize left in the car to cover her belly and shrink, just as the truck hits them. A blow to her head and
nothing more.