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The Dark Secret of the CEO by Sofia de Orellana

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89
That voice knows her and takes him out of her delirium, when he turns his eyes he sees her, with a frown and her arms crossed
over that beautiful little belly.
He stands up immediately and walks towards the fence that separates them.
-Little light... you’re back.
-So it seems. I miss a few weeks and you screw up to the bottom.
-My love...
– You are an unconscious brute! – she yells at him, without controlling her tears – Don’t you remember that you have a
daughter? You left her alone!
-She’s not alone, legally it’s your responsibility now-that surprises Luz, she and she will ask about it-, and I know that with you
she will be safer than ever.
-But you are her father, the one who has been for her since he was born.
-It’s not like that, I had her abandoned, I hurt her since she came into this world, do you remember that you told me?
“Look, Finnick,” she says, raising her index finger, “don’t come and do what he did to me as a fool for my brother and use my
own words against me.” She adores you and we want you back home, in our home.
-I’m not going to leave here without paying... did you say “our home”?
“Yes,” she says, biting her lower lip. If you forgive me for not listening to you, I forgive you everything else.
-What made you change your opinion? The frown makes her notice the dark circles under her eyes. She takes a good look at
him and she realizes that, physically, he’s not the Gerard she fell in love with... and that’s why she loves him more-
“Dan told me things from your perspective.” She runs one of her hands over her cell and strokes her cheek with that stubble. You
are as innocent as I was that night, you just needed to vent, I guess-she shrugs-
-Light, you can’t justify me, it’s not right...

-Shhh, I’m not justifying you. I’m just saying, it’s horrible what happened to both of us. We were victims of a desperate friend and
an unhappy rapist. Only that.
-Lucecita, forgive me, please her – Gerard rests his forehead on her bar and looks at her with his sad little eyes-. I love you. -I
know, my love... I love you too. Luz stands on the balls of her feet and forces him to kiss her. They cannot go deeper because of
the obstacle of the cold steel, but it is enough for the two broken hearts since that night to finally rebuild themselves and begin to

live in peace.
“The truth will set you free...”
And that is precisely what happens to these two souls in love.
-That night – says Luz without taking her eyes off him -, when I saw you with the mask, I thought you had lied to me when you
swore to me to do justice. But Dan told me that from the first minute this was your intention and that, thanks to that, you
discovered many more things. .
“I cannot find a better man to give my heart to. Our son cannot have a better father than you, my love.
Gerard lowers his hands to Luz’s belly, caresses it with pleasure, feeling that the forces are gradually reaching him and suddenly,
the two look surprised.
-I know...
-Yes, it’s moving – Gerard says to Luz with a smile bigger than Alicia’s cat –
Memories of when Charlize moved in Margaret’s womb come to mind, they both enjoyed feeling those little kicks, the way she
moved and deformed her wife’s belly. -It’s the first time, right? – She nods and Gerard just wants to get out of there to hug her -. I
didn’t miss it... thank you, my love.
-Well, you two are already fixed, so I think it’s time to get you out of here – Dan arrives accompanied by an officer and they open
the cell. As soon as Gerard is free, he throws himself towards Luz and gives her a huge kiss-And there’s no kiss for me? Dan
-I’ll give you a couple of blows, for telling my wife the truth... thank you. ,
Dan helps him out, because it’s clear that Gerard won’t get out of there on his own. He is very weak from lack of food these

-There are no journalists outside, right?
-No, I took care of getting rid of them for a while – says the police officer -.
As they reach the door, Matías arrives and runs to hug Luz. He pulls away from her looking at her belly, which is more noticeable
than last time, and smiles.
-My little nephew is growing very well, it seems – he looks at Gerard and makes a gesture with his head in greeting-.
-Everything’s fine?
-Yes, we had to advance the operation, because he realized that they were following him. But he is already in a maximum
security place...

-Mendez! -the police officer calls him from his office and says goodbye to everyone-.
They get out of there as fast as they can, so as not to attract the attention of any reporter who is waiting for news. Gerard sits in
the back and pulls Luz to go with him, he doesn’t let go of her all the way and doesn’t stop stroking her belly.
-Now we can know the sex, do you want? Luz asks him and Gerard nods like a child who is asked if he wants a piece of candy.
I’ll make an appointment soon.
-Remember, his name will be Ethan.
“Yeah, just like his father.” She kisses him and Dan clears his throat.
-Wait to be alone.
To the
coming home everything is happiness, Charlize screams with excitement because Luz brought her daddy back, but Evangeline
is worried. I’m sorry Eve. We can’t do anything until we prove that she has nothing to do with drug trafficking.
“But I know how to make Rickon talk,” Gerard says, looking at Dan. Just give me a few days to recover and I’ll get the
information out of him again.

– How what again? – Light tells him -.
-There are still things you and I need to talk about.
-Princess, do you want to go with me to the ice cream shop? – Dan catches up with Charlize, who is grinning from ear to ear –
-Of course, uncle. Evangeline leaves with them and Luz climbs under Gerard’s protective arm, but more so because she’s afraid
she’ll pass out at any moment and roll down the stairs.
When they enter the room, Luz notices the support where an IV bag hangs, while Gerard takes off his sweater and shirt,
revealing that his body has deteriorated a bit, but he still maintains that muscular build that makes us sigh. .
-I’ll go to the shower- she says to Luz, who is taking off her jacket and unbuttoning her blouse-
-I’m going with you, I don’t want you to end up lying there. They only dedicate themselves to cleaning and hugging each other,
for those days of agony. As they leave, they dry each other off. Luz looks for one of Gerard’s shirts and puts it on, covering it up
to her thigh. She throws on some cotton pants and climbs on the bed, to feel that warmth that she lacked for those three weeks.
“I love you,” says Gerard, stroking his hair,
-And I you.
She knows that she is weak, but she can’t stand it. It’s been a lot of emotions so far and withdrawal doesn’t help, she needs to
take it out on someone.
She straddles Gerard and kisses him, inviting him to run over the bare skin of his legs. A moan escapes from both of them as
she begins a dance on top of him.
– You don’t move – she warns him – I can perfectly do this for both of us.
-I wouldn’t dare to think otherwise, my Little Light. And so, after many days of drought, the two let themselves be carried away by
that love that has passed the first great test.
Let’s see if they pass the next one..