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The Dark Secret of the CEO by Sofia de Orellana

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77
-Light... – Gerard’s voice is barely audible, as he stands up – Little Light.
-That mask... It was you – she tells him walking towards the mask, but stops halfway – You... It was you!
– Love, sit down, we have to talk... -Talk?! And what time did I discover you?! She puts her head in her hands, feels short of
breath and sways, but Dan holds her. I can’t believe it, I was all this time living, sleeping... Damn! I let you make love to me
every night!!
– My love, please – she says, joining her trembling hands, with fear portrayed on her face and in her voice -, many things
happened that night, I need you to sit down, I have to explain many things to you.
– Luz, listen to Gerard, this is very serious – she looks at Dan with a frown and brushes him aside –
– Of course it’s serious! Don’t you realize how fucked up this is? I told him, I told him everything and he promised to lock up the
unhappy man who raped me, every time I asked him how everything was going, he told me not to worry, that everything was
fine... And that was why!
-No, love, that is not so. I was investigating something else, I... – Gerard can’t speak anymore because the tears are stuck in his
throat -. I love you, I fell in love with you before knowing the truth...
-And even so, you didn’t tell me anything, you know that I hate lies, that they hide things from me. And you...-she approaches
him dangerously and slaps him-. You hid from me that you were the unhappy one that night!
-Luz, please, listen to Gerard... – Dan tells her, while Gerard keeps his eyes closed, the pain he feels in his heart is a thousand
times worse than that slap —
-Don’t mess around!! This is between this liar and me – she looks at him again, with red eyes from the tears that she didn’t know

ran down her cheeks and from anger – Listen to me well, I could forgive you that night, because you yourself took care of
erasing it – a sobbing makes her hiccup and raises her index finger -. But I can’t forgive you for hiding the truth from me!
– Please, calm down, think about our baby, my love, please... – Luz recoils as if she had been slapped and begins to
hyperventilate –

-My son... – she whispers frightened by that truth in front of her -, he’s yours... you’re the father – she puts her hands to her belly
and yells at him -. You are the father!! Don’t you think I deserved the truth?! At least... at least to be sure that my son didn’t have
a wretch for a father...
-I am what you want, my love, but please, listen to me... there are many things I need to tell you, let me explain...
-No, I don’t want anything from you, no excuses, no promises, nothing... – she wipes her tears angrily and looks at the two of
them -. They’re a couple of sick, cynical people, they call themselves the best lawyers, but they’re the biggest liars in town.” She
looks at the mask one last time and feels her body tremble. “I’m leaving .
– No... – Gerard says, letting out all the air he had –
-I can’t stay here, with an unscrupulous lying rapist... you’re twisted, you knew you forced me my first time, and you slept with
me without a shred of remorse the rest of the time.
– Because you asked me to erase it – he says approaching her, with a broken voice -. Because you begged me to do it, I did it
for both of us, out of love, because I would do justice.
– LOL! Justice – she looks at him contemptuously and walks to the door-. That word is too small in your mouth, you have no idea
what justice really is.
-Luz, please don’t go – he tells her, throwing himself on the floor -. Forgive me, that night was not me, I was not in my five
senses, I never... never hurt anyone.
-You’re wrong – he says with a cold face, with a deep and tight voice -, The first one you hurt was your daughter, ignoring her all
these years... and then you hurt me.

-Lucecita ...
-Lucecita has just died – she opens the door and finds Rafael about to knock -. get me out of
– Did something happen? Are you okay? – he asks worriedly.
-No, just get me out of here – she begs -, just like that night, take me away from here, please.
Rafael sees Gerard, who is walking towards them with tears in his eyes and fleetingly sees the

-Curse! – Take Luz in her arms and run with her to the exit-Everything is fine my girl, everything is fine, I’m with you.
Once outside, he rushes her into his car and only hears Gerard’s cry of pain coming from the driveway.
-iiiLUZ !!!
But now is not the time to face him, to break his face, now is the time to rescue his girl, even if she is no longer the love of his
life, she is still important to him and there is nothing he would not do for her.
– To my house? -he asks taking a seat in front of the wheel-
-No, it will be the first place where he goes for me – he sobs and cries again -. And I don’t want him to ever find me.
-Then... it will be my mother’s house.
They leave the Finnick mansion unhindered for Baltimore, to the place that Rafael left long ago, but he is willing to return there to
hide Luz and protect her.
She cries quietly, thinking about how happy she was these months, but it was all over in less than a minute.
He can’t believe that everything happened like this, in such a grotesque, dark way. How is it possible that we realized that Gerard
was the man of that night, that everything that changed his life was because of him.
– It hurts so much... – she whispers looking out the window, curled up in the passenger seat -, but I’ll go out again, I promise,
just let me go to the dark for a while.
Rafael stops at a gas station to refuel, buy coffee and something to eat on the way, he takes a blanket out of the trunk and
covers Luz with it.
As she closes her eyes and allows herself to be carried away by that pain that invades her, after all, she